Chapter twenty two

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Damien Romano pov:

I enter her apartment quietly, my shoes not making a single sound as I walk across her living room, purposefully avoiding the creaky floorboards. I've memorized all of them. Cool, calm and collected is what I am as I make my way over to her room. But as soon as I hear her cry out an alarm is triggered in my brain and I'm kicking her door open before I can even thing. I swear to god if she's hurt-... Black edges my vision as I scan the room for her, and when I finally see her it takes a moment for me to calm down and realize what she's doing. She's sitting against the wall, her cheeks hot and her eyes wide yet hazy with heat and bliss. She's holding her knees to her chest and when she spots me she immediately stands up, her body tensing with her defensive posture.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She grits out, but I'm not even paying attention to what she's saying. Her hands are almost hidden behind her thighs, like there's something she doesn't want me to see. And curiosity sparks a knowing flame of life in my eyes.

"What were you doing before I got here?" I ask and she pauses, thinking I won't notice the way her eyes widen at the fact that she's been caught. I take a step closer and she takes one back, glaring at me with the same appreciation she'd have for a mosquito flying around in her room in the middle of the night. Absolutely slim to none.

"None of your business." She mumbles, her chest visibly shaking when she realizes I've caught on to her little secret. And I don't miss the way she swallows when I come closer. She's still scared of me. Something downstairs twitches in excitement against the front of my pants, and memories of how I was inside her and didn't cum makes my face harden to try and refrain from pushing her against the wall and taking her once again.

"It doesn't matter. You should go before I report you. I know your name and what you look like, there's no way for you to hide anymore." Her voice isn't as steady as she'd like to think as she speaks, quivering slightly after every word. I walk closer to her, my lips twitching upwards in amusement when her back touches the wall behind her, and I put my hands on each side of her, caging her in.

"I have a good lawyer." I mumble, watching as fire ignites beneath her pretty little eyes.

"I am a good lawyer." She snaps back, clearly annoyed by my retort. I arch a brow, watching her with intense eyes as I study her. Study every little twitch and furrow of her brows. Every little tremble of those pouty lips.

"Is that why I've never seen you in court?" Her chest deflates, and I know I've hit a nerve. The way her eyes flicker away from me briefly shouldn't affect me as much as it does, yet that twisting feeling in my stomach makes me frown. She is a good lawyer. Hearing me tell her that I doubt her abilities is a hit taken to her pride, and I know that. I shouldn't have said that, it was cruel of me.

The only reason she hasn't been allowed to prosecute is because of that bitch of a boss she has. Henry. I should've killed him when I had the chance. But the way she was begging for me not to made it impossible to say no. Yet hearing her beg me to spare some other man's life makes me angry. She wouldn't give a shit if I was on my deathbed. I bet she would even be happy and celebrate. So why would she beg for Henry? Is he better than me? He's a waste of space an air, someone who shouldn't be allowed to be in the same presence as her. My little Malyshka doesn't know how much power she has over me.

I stare at her for a moment, sighing softly when I see her look away as that crease between her brows form in hurt. I reach out, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "I'm-"

"Fuck off." She cuts me off, her eyes wide and scared as she watched me, but still filled with so much hatred. I'm not even surprised. Annoyance flares to life beneath my cold eyes and I become more serious. She has every right to be angry, but if she keeps up that attitude I'll have no choice but to make sure she thinks before speaking like that next time.

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