Chapter five

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The same scent that I felt in the hallway earlier is clearly coming from this office because when I close the door behind me it is the only thing I can smell. I remember this office. One way glass walls and dark leather interior.
I plaster a professional smile on my face but when I look up, my smile falls. He looks at me and steals my breath away- because whatever else can be the explanation to why I can breathe? Is it the short stubble of strong, dark hair shaping his face, making his sharp jawline more visible? Or is it how big he's built with arms bigger than my legs but in a normal way because his body is big, wrapped around in muscle or how he is towering over me, over a head taller than me even if I'm in stiletto heels? No, why would that be?

I clear my throat and force myself to look into is eyes but then regret it because of his intense stare, his dark eyes hypnotizing my own. I nearly loose my balance and swoon but snap out of it right in time. Jesus, get a grip "Hi, I'm..." Your name woman. Get a grip. "Trinity Carlton. Nice to meet you." I say, I offering him the same professional smile I had on when I first came in and take a step towards him and extend my hand to shake his. His grip is tight and firm, heavy. And his hands are warm, gentle against my soft skin. It feels like the handshake lasts only a beat longer than it's supposed to and I pull away first, clearing my throat again.

"Marshal Crew, the pleasure is all mine." He says, his voice a rich tone; smooth and deep. My eyes drop to his lips where the corners are curving up ever so slightly. But it's so little that I think I'm imagining it. "Do you know why I want to talk to you?" He says, making me snap my eyes back to his eyes.

"No, sir." I say and notice his mouth twitch in a hint of a smirk.

"I think everyone knows about the girl who took on the Romano case. Lauren was her name, I believe. Poor girl- but.." my muscles tense at his words. Is he about to tell me that it's my fault? That I should be the one dead instead because- newsflash; I already know. I should also have been the one who won that case because it was mine and her death should be my death- not hers. And now I'm left with a crazy stalker with intensions have no idea of. The taste in my mouth turns sour. "I have reason to believe that the case she won...wasn't hers to win." My eyes widen at his words. Wait a hot second.

"I don't understand.." I begin, my eyes feeling as they're about to pop out of their sockets.

"Then let me clarify. I have read the cases she has both won, and lost. She is a good lawyer but her skills only went that far. That closing argument she gave sounded nothing like something she would say- neither did any of her other arguments. Now there is a very simple explanation to this and another that makes less sense. Either she changed her whole style of speech or someone else wrote that manuscript for her." My heart is beating so loudly in my chest I can barely hear him through my heart echoing in my head. "I did some digging, turns out there is one lawyer at the bureau that never had a case. So tell me, Mrs Carlton, what do you think happened?"

"I-" I can barely make out the words. "I think.." I try again but fail miserably. I'm still in shock and somehow that is the cause of my tongue being tied. But he doesn't rush me, he waits for me to finally come to my senses and find the ability to speak. "I think you're right."


"I did the research on the case, sir. It was going to be my first case and I had read so many files about his previous trials. He told me I had two hours- I did the whole thing in two hours and then she just...he gave her the case and she won with my research, my arguments- my everything." I rant on but I can't stop. I'm getting more worked up and I need to tell someone so badly. "And then she dies a-and.." it should have been me. I don't say the last part out loud.

"Is it Henry you're talking about?" His voice startles me a little, like I almost forgot I'm not alone in here. I look up at him and nod. Yes, yes- Henry and Lauren. "If you did all that in two hours it makes me wonder what you can do in a real amount of time. It's incredible, Miss Carlton, what you've done. I have no other word for it." I can't help the tiny blush creeping up my cheeks at the praise coming from him. And it makes me feel like I'm a little girl again, getting praise from my teachers in school. I don't know why but it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside like when you've done something really good and someone tells you that you did good. It just rubs me differently, in a good way.

"Thank you, sir." I say and fight the grin threatening to shape my lips.

"I have another question for you." He begins and I look up at him, listening. "Now that Lauren's desk is empty, would you like to move up from that basement?" I open my mouth to tell him yes but then stop, reconsidering.

"I would love to but, everyone already dislikes me for some... reason. And taking her place will make them hate me even more. It's a kind offer, really. But I can't accept it." I offer him a small smile to assure him that it's fine but still, his brows furrow.

"Alright then, that's all. Feel free to knock if you need anything." He mutters, his voice signaling the end of the conversation and he dismisses me. When I exit his office I can't help but feel like I disappointed him somehow. We started of strong but then... I don't know. I make my way back to the elevator and only notice the coffee I forgot to give him when I open the door to my office. I shrug and take a sip but nearly choke when I see what's on my desk.
A new case.

Releasing two chapters bc this was kinda boooooring. :^^ Luv ya guys, thanks for reading pookies 🤭

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