Chapter ten

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Be ware, this chapter contains mature, sexual content that may be upsetting for some readers. You have been informed of the trigger warnings in the beginning of the story. Please, enjoy.


"Hey Trinity, are you alright?" Sasha appears in the doorway and I fist my hand and hide it behind my back, feeling the paper crumple against my palm. I don't want her to see, because I don't want to tell her. I don't want to tell her that I have a stalker and that he pays me visits some nights and messages me. I don't want her to know that he takes pictures of me and creeps me the fuck out, to the point where I sleep with a knife under my pillow. I don't want her to be worried about me.

So I force a smile onto my face and shake my head. "I'm all good, just realized I forgot to close the window in my room."
I say and glance toward the window in my bedroom that's still wide open. Sasha gives me a look that tells me she's not fully convinced I'm telling the truth— but she decides not to push the subject. What if he comes by tonight again? While Sasha is here, what if he comes back? No, he never comes two times in one night. Am I putting her in danger?

"Well, why are you just standing there?" She huffs out a breath and stalks over to the window, shutting and locking it and her curly dark hair moves behind her as she does. When she looks back at me, the moonlight from outside illuminates her dark skin and makes it look almost shiny.

"You can take the bed if you want, I don't mind the couch." I mumble and move towards my wardrobe, pushing the piece of paper in the back pocket of my jeans. But what if he comes looking for me in my bedroom and finds Sasha? Will he hurt her? Will he touch her? The thought makes my stomach turn. I open my mouth to tell her that the couch is better for her but she beats me to it.

"No way I'm taking the Igloo. I love you babe but I'm not freezing my ass off." She grins and walks past me, back out the door and I feel a breath of relief rush through me. I smile.

"Hey, wait. Let me get the couch ready for you."


The room smells of mint. A warm sensation touches my shoulder and my body immediately responds with a shiver. I try to open my eyes but I am only met with darkness. What the hell? I blink a few times and I can feel my eyelashes fluttering against something, a light pressure around my head. And that is when I realize that I'm blindfolded.
The panic is quick to penetrate my mind and body, causing me to go into hyperventilation. I try to raise my hands to move away whatever is covering my eyes, only to be met with another surprise. My hands are tied.

My mouth opens and I gasp for air, getting ready to scream but something warm and big covers my mouth before I get the chance. I don't know if it's a fucking dream or not but it doesn't feel like it. I feel like I'm about to die. I can't breathe, I can't think and I can't-

" don't want your friend to hear you now, do you?" The deep voice is smooth enough to calm me for only a split second before it causes my whole body to freeze. Because I know that voice. With the hint of Russian dripping from his tongue. He's back. My chest is rising and falling with every breath at an alarming speed, but his hand stays on my mouth until he decides I'm trusted enough to stay quiet. Bad choice, asshole.

As soon as his hand slips from my mouth I inhale a sharp breath, preparing with my whole chest to yell for help. He has me silenced again in a matter of split seconds with something cold and heavy against my chin. I don't have to be a fucking genius to figure out what that is. He brought a gun. My whole body freezes all over and a new sense of dread settles low in my stomach. Along with heat.

"Mm, you know what that this is, Malyshka?" He murmurs, the barrel slipping from my cheek and down my neck, causing me to arch my neck not to touch it. He snickers, as if that was the exact reaction he was expecting and I just hold my breath. "Don't worry your pretty little head about it too much, I'm not going to shoot you tonight." His voice is smooth, and somehow, through all this panic, his voice is soothing in a way that rubs me right. My lip wobbles and I pull the traitorous lip between my teeth.

"Then why do you have it?" I somehow find my voice but it's impossible not to notice how terrified I am from the way my words shake when I speak them. The cool metal of his weapon slips down my shoulder and under the strap of my camisole. I bite down harder on my lip.

"Think of it as collateral," he muses and I can tell by his tone that he's amused I spoke.

"Collateral? F-for what?" I ask. The barrel of his gun hooks under the strap of my top and he slides it down my shoulder. My breathing catches in my throat.

"For you, baby, for your silence. If you scream, or as much as make a loud noise I won't hesitate to use it." His words cause a shiver to run down my spine and tears rim my eyelids. There's a silence filled with unspoken words. He's not going to use the gun on me, he's going to use it on Sasha. My hands pull against the strains binding them to the bedpost behind my head. "Shh..." he hushes me, his breath now hot against my ear, causing my body to shudder.

The cool metal of his gun hooks into my cami and before I can protest he has pulled one side of it down, exposing my left breast to the cool air and to his eyes. My mouth opens in a gasp. He takes a sharp breath that sounds almost like a low growl, before rubbing the tip of his gun against my hardened nipple.

"Please d-don't-" I wince and the fabric of something bites into my wrists when I struggle again. He's sick, so fucking sick yet my body is reacting to his every touch. Tears pool in my eyes like the heat does between my legs and I try to keep both of them from showing, hating my body's betrayal.

"Don't worry. I'm not touching you tonight." My relief is short lived when I hear the amusement on his voice. I feel exposed, vulnerable and the feeling is making my skin crawl. His gun keeps rubbing against my nub while he mutters a few words in a foreign language I assume is Russian. My breathing changes and my body trembles.

"Stop it- p-please-" I beg. He has taken away all of my control. I can't see and I can't move. I feel like a broken doll. The gun is removed from my skin and leaves a trail of goosebumps in its wake. But then there is silence, followed my my shaky breathing. "Please-" The sheets are pulled from my body before I can finish my pointless demands. I gasp, goosebumps prickling my skin.

"Have you ever touched yourself?" The smooth, dark voice cuts through the silence like a butter knife and my body tenses at his question. I don't answer for a few seconds and suddenly I hear the floorboards creaking in my room and it scares the living shit out of me.

"Yes- yes I have.." I mumble nervously, pinching my eyebrows together. I did think about lying but there would be no point. This man feels like he could force the truth out of me with just a flick of his fingers. He hums in approval and the floorboards creak again before I feel warm hands fumble with the fabric holding my wrists together. In a matter of seconds my right hand is released and I whimper.

"Then you won't need any assistance." It takes several seconds for his words to process and when they do I feel my body heat.

Heyyy guys, I'll be traveling next week so I won't be able to answer your questions or read your comments for a while but dw, next chapter will be posted next Friday as usual. X

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