Chapter six

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Damien Romano (after the trial -chapter one from his perspective-)

"Boss... my proigrali delo." Javier says in Russian, looking anywhere but at me. I know we lost the case. I was there, in the crowd. This plan was solid, we made sure of that. They didn't have evidence for shit. I am never caught on camera, nobody even knows how I look. How Damien Romano looks, at least. Except for the people I choose to show it to. I run a hand down the slight stubble of my jaw and clench my teeth together. Still, somehow they managed to win. And George took the fall.
{we lost the case}

"Ya znayu," I mutter in Russian and glance around the room at the other men next to him. Neither of them willing to look me in the eyes. They're not that dumb, most of them. "And what do you want me to do, hm?"
{I know}

"Gorge said he wants the money transferred to his family instead of him. He won't have much use of it in jail." Iván says and I lean back in my chair, bringing the glass of whiskey to my lips. I am acting calm but my insides are clawing at my skin, hitting and screaming at them and me. They know that, that's why they're trying not to be too noticeable.

"Tell him we will give him the money because he's not going to jail. Did you find the lawyer like I told you?" Iván nods once and I wait as the liquid burns down my throat, but the pain is barely noticeable with the roaring noises coming from inside my head. "Then what are we waiting for? Skazhi Starkovu, chtoby vse bylo gotovo."
{Tell Starkov to get everything ready}

"Da Boss, Speshite vse! ty slyshal chelovek? Speshite, speshite!"  Javier and Iván begin shooing everyone out of the room to get ready. Even though I doubt what I have in mind will take more then one man it's never bad to be careful.
{Hurry up everyone! did you hear the man?}

"Iván y Mirko, vy dvoye so mnoy." They both stay back like they're told while the rest of them empty the room. Gorge is going to see his family again, why is everyone being so dramatic? It's not like I forced him to pretend to be me at court, he practically begged me for it. More or less for the money. "Skazhi mne imya etoy suka."
{Iván and Mirko you two are with me.}
{tell me the name of that bitch}


We walk the silent street of Chicago and and I turn left and right, making sure no one except for us is lurking in the shadows. A young girl in her mid twenties, about 5'11 and she's the lawyer I'm looking for. My men told me they had lured her to them in a bar and gotten her so drunk. She was ready to talk. I walk into an abandoned building and close the door behind me. Then I see her, Lauren. Ah, she's a pretty thing. I look to the two men pinning her down to the chair and nod for them to let her go. She looks absolutely terrified and it makes my lips curl upwards.

"Wh-what's this?" She cries and I feed out of it. Her fear makes me smile. "I-I won't tell anyone if you let me go-" she is lying. I can see it on her face. And she is so bad at hiding it too. Her eyes always dart to the right when she lies.

"Hello, Lauren. A pretty name." My lips curl up in an almost smirk and I begin walking towards her. She yelps and shuts her eyes tightly. "I'm Damien Romano," my voice becomes lower and darker and I see the color drain from her face. That's the usual reaction I get. "Ringing any bells?" I ask and her body visibly tenses.

"N-no- that's not you. Romano- I-I saw him in the courthouse...he- he's in jail! No- you're lying!" She cries and sobs and it isn't funny anymore. My face hardens and I grip her throat to shut her up.

"Stop crying." I warn and give her throat a squeeze in an attempt to scare her to shut up. Her eyes widen and her whole body shakes. I like women crying and begging and being scared. Some of them, at least. Not this one. This one is just annoying.

"It wasn't me!" She pleads, her voice hoarse from all the crying or maybe from the grip around her throat. Either way, I don't care. " wasn't me! Trinity! I-it was Trinity! C-Carlton-" she begs but I ignore her uninteresting whining. I squeeze her throat tighter. Her eyes widen like a squeaky toy that you squeeze and it makes a sound. How convenient. The corner of my lips nearly quirks at the irony. "I stole her case! She wrote it- e-everything! I just said it.." she cries and whimpers, sobbing and sniffing. My eyes narrow and I let go of her throat.

"Who?" I say but she begins coughing and gagging, unable to answer. I sigh and wait for her. But she won't stop. I grab her hair and pull her head back with a force that makes her choke on air. "Talk." I warn and her eyes widen. Up close like this she looks like a mess. Her cheeks are stained with mascara and her make up has mostly ran off but the rest of it is smudged. It's my fault, and I reach for a handkerchief from my pocket and gently wipe the underside of her eyes, although that doesn't do much to help. I only manage to smudge it more. I frown a bit in disappointment and pull away, sighing.

"Trinity Carlton-" she sniffs. "S-she works at the same law firm as me.." she begins crying and sobbing again and she looks like she's about to throw up. I look at her with disgust. Not because why she looks like she she looks like she's could get casted in the next alien movie but because she stole another persons work and then proceeded to take credit for the whole thing. Also because if she throws up I'll be damned if any of it even comes near me.

"That's just sad." I sigh, some of my Russian accent slipping off my tongue. I've managed to hide it pretty well but sometimes it still comes through. "I was going to congratulate you on your win. Now I guess I'll just kill you instead." I mutter and her eyes widen. Her lips begin trembling and I bring my gun out, pointing it towards her forehead. I'm not a good man and I never claimed to be. I kill and I torture and I do what I want without consequences. Because for people with power, there are no consequences. I play by the rules, but by my own rules. Maybe I am fucked up, but those details won't make any difference to Lauren's fate right now. Or maybe it will, who cares?

A loud sound echoes through the streets and Lauren falls to the ground, her eyes wide. But it wasn't my gun that fired..I glance at the man behind me and my eyes narrow as I see his gun out. He is staring at her with hate in his eyes and he looks livid. But that is nothing compared to what I'm feeling.

"Troy." I say, my voice cold and calm. His eyes snap to me and a flash of fear twinkles inside them before disappearing and I am three seconds away from pulling the trigger on him. "Did I tell you to shoot her." It isn't a question cause I don't need the answer. Motherfucker answers anyway.

"No..but you said you were going to so I-I just.." he trails off and looks down at the ground. I was going to ask her where this Trinity lived, I was going to kill her after I asked everything necessary to find Trinity. But this guy killed her. He is as good as dead. This isn't his first slip, he has done this before. Many times.

"Just take care of the body." I say, my voice calm but cool as ice and my Russian accent slips again. "Mirko, come with me and look up Trinity Carlton." My eyes are on Troy as I speak and he looks like he's about to pee his pants.

"Yessir." Mirko answers and moves towards the car, not even sparkling Troy a glance. Troy is a dead man walking, and he knows it, too.


An hour later we pull up in front of an apartment complex and I step out of the car and stand in front of the building. She lives on the fourth floor. I finish wiping the rest of the blood off my gun with my handkerchief before tucking the gun back in the waistband of my pants. I glance at her bedroom window. It doesn't take long for me to make my way into her apartment through the door and then find her in her bed, softly snoring. My heart skips a beat as I watch her. What do we have here..

Literally giggling n kicking my feet when I read y'all's comments, love them. 😍🫶

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