Chapter nine

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I blink in confusion, slowly coming back to my senses. I look around me, hugging the bedsheets closer to my body when I feel a shiver run down my spine. Why is it so damn cold? I glance towards my bedroom window and frown in confusion when I notice it being slightly ajar. Because I don't really remember opening it before I went to bed.
My phone rings, startling me out of my thoughts and I look down at the number as my phone lights up from the bedside table. My breath catches halfway down my throat.
It's him. Is it him?

It feels like the longer I debate on wether to pick up or not the ringing becomes louder and louder, echoing in my brain. My phone whirls aggressively, the vibrations making it move closer and closer to the edge of the nightstand and I just look at it. My body is tense, my muscles twitching. What if it's him? Just as the phone is about to drop from the edge I make a half second decision to catch it and answer. I take a sharp breath and hold the phone against my ear.

"Hello?" I say, my voice shaky and barely above a whisper. There's only silence on the other line, then some noice that sounds very much like like an old man talking- or rather arguing.

"Trin? Is that you?" An overly relieved voice beams and I release a breath I knew very well I was holding when I was thinking of the worst. "Trin seriously, I need to know if this man scammed me or not. I literally just paid by flashing him." The familiar voice of my best friend fills my ear, and the more she talks the more I feel the tensions in my muscles ease up. But the relief is very short lived when my mind comprehends what she's talking about.

"What?" I say, my eyes go wide. "You flashed who?" I ask, my voice filled with disbelief. I honestly don't know why I always bother being surprised when she always does things like this, always ends up in weird situations and always ends up doing the most random stuff.

Like when she decided it would be a good idea to take a late night swim in another man's pool and we both nearly got arrested. In our defense, we were both very drunk and very depressed that day. Still, that doesn't change the fact that we did it. Or like right now, if what she's saying is the truth.

"So it is you, phew." A breath of relief from the other line of the phone is heard before she speaks again. "Why aren't you sleeping? It's like two in the morning. Anyways, it's good that you aren't. I need your help." I turn the bedside lamp on and sit up, leaning my back against the bedpost.

"Sasha who did you flash? And why?" I ask, three seconds away from having a brain fart. I swear, this girl really challenges my brain capacity. A sigh is heard from the other line before she decides to answer. Knowing Sasha, she's probably thinking of a way to formulate her answer without making it sound like she's high on drugs. Although I know very well that she wouldn't even touch drugs with a five foot pole for even a million dollars.

"Funny story, I was actually on my way through the security control at the airport and I had to pee so I asked this nice woman who stood next to a nice family, whom I thought was her family at the time, to hold my bag while I went to the bathroom. When I came back she had left so I went to the nice family to ask where she went. Fun fact, she wasn't a part of that family and now my hand bag and my phone and all my money is gone. Luckily I had my passport and my ticket in my back pocket but still." I'm stunned for a moment, my eyes wide as saucers. "I feel like a four thousand dollars weight has been lifted off my wrist, because it has, Trinity. That was Chanel." Although I can feel the pain and heartbreak she must go through from that one, I know we have a bigger problem here.

"Who's phone are you calling from?" I ask, rubbing my tired eyes to focus.

"Some guy's I met at the airport.. hey, can you come pick me up? I'm outside the airport right now." Sasha asks, and I can hear it in her voice that she's tired. I feel bad for her. I get up from the bed and shiver a little when my bare feet touch the cold floor. Damn that window.

"Of course, I'm on my way." I say and walk over to the window in my room, making sure to close and lock it this time. A sigh of relief is heard from my phone and I smile a bit.

"Thank you Trin, I love you, seriously babe." She says before hanging up. We've known each other for years and she's closer to me than my own family. I know I'm the same for her. We both kind of got close over trauma bonding once in a bar and now we're tighter than I've ever been with anyone else. We both come from shitty pasts and we both are kind of like each others escape. Even though she does some questionable things sometimes, I love her.


"..and I didn't have any money so he told me I could pay in another way. So I showed him my boobs. He was actually kinda nice- and look, I got to keep the phone." Sasha smiles after explaining how she ended up with a strangers phone. She wiggles the phone out in front of me from the passenger seat as I pull into my parking space. I don't know if I should laugh or be concerned. So I do a bit of both.

"Sash, you flashed a guy to get his phone?" I ask in slight concerned but I chuckle a little too. Sasha only answers with a nod as I park the car and open my door to get out. Loosing her bag means that she also lost her keys to her home, meaning she has no way of getting into her house. We'll officially make a report later in the morning but for now she'll stay at my place. We both make our way up the stairs in the apartment complex and I pull out my key to open my door. As soon as I pull my door open, cold wind blows in our direction and I shiver. What the hell?

Sasha steps into the hallway and I follow after her, following in confusion. Where did all that wind come from? "Damn Trin, you forgot to close a window or something? I'm freezing my ass off-" She exclaims and wraps her arms around herself, glancing back at me. "Is this some kind of meditation thing you're doing again? Trin I swear to god, you'll die of hypothermia if you don't stop this-" I cut her off with a glare which she only responds to with a shrug of her shoulders. That meditation thing was something I did a few years ago to calm my stress. And I used to sit in a cool room and meditate to keep my mind out of family problems. But it wasn't this cold when I meditated. And I dropped that a long time ago.

I step inside the hallway and close the door behind me, not bothering to take my shoes off as I walk further into my apartment. Sasha is giving me one of those are-you-on-crack looks but I ignore it and walk past my living room, towards my bedroom and it only gets colder and colder. I shiver, suddenly feeling a bit lightheaded. I push my bedroom door open. And then it finally hits me. That smell. That scent. Mint. Cool, spicy musk and mint.

"Trinity?" Sasha calls from the hallway but I don't listen. My breaths shake and I'm convinced my heart is about to leave my chest. My window is cracked wide open and cold wind is blowing into my room. But I'm to focused on something else to notice.

I walk closer to my bed, my knees feeling like they're about to give out any minute. And then I see it. A small note, a piece of paper on my bed next to my pillow. I pick it up, my fingers trembling with the adrenaline and fear and the only thing on my mind is my stalker. He was here. My vision is blurry, and I blink through it to read the note.

Missed me, Malyshka?

THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR READING THIS STORY! It means very much to me when I see y'all's comments and istg they make me giggle all the time. I post chapters every Friday but the time difference between every country might mean that the chapters will post sooner or later in your country. Thank you for reading babes, I'll try to update more regularly<3

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