Chapiter twelve

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My lungs contract and I gasp for breath, sitting up so fast I nearly fall right back down. Cold sweat tickles down my spine and forehead, and the room is quiet except for my heavy gasps of air. It was just a dream. Just a nightmare. He isn't here.

I place a hand on my chest to keep my heart from escaping in case it breaks out with the speed it's currently beating at. I don't know what is more fucked up— the fact that I had a sexy dream about my stalker or the fact that my underwear now is soaked. There's an undeniable throbbing between my legs. But I refuse to admit that it came from a dream about him. It doesn't feel like a dream. It feels like it was real. The room even smells like him. But for the life of me I can't decide wether it was a dream or not. The things he said in my dream...the things about Lauren. If that wasn't really a dream then that must mean he was the one to kill her. No, it can't be. I refuse to believe that I was acting like that in real life.

I clench my thighs together and breathe heavily, only then noticing the sticky tears on my cheeks. "Fuck.." I mouth and fall back down on my bed, sighing. Fuck indeed.


The next morning when I wake up, it's with a surprise headache. I didn't sleep much after that dream about my stalker, or not-dream, and it shows on the way my dark hair is standing in every direction possible— and in the way the redness in my eyes make me look high on some substance. I step out to the kitchen in my pajamas, where Sasha is standing by a sizzling frying pan. When I come into view, I notice the look she gives me; weary and filled with suspicion. "Morning." I mumble, pulling my hair up in a bun and plopping down by the table that's already filled with scrambled eggs and coffee. My mouth waters at the heavenly smell of caffein fills my nostrils.

"Sleep well?" she asks and flips the egg in her frying pan. I glance up at her, shrugging. Lying to my best friend never ends well. She's like a mind reader, I swear. And it doesn't help my case that she studies Phycology and notices every change of breath or twitch of nerves when I lie. I open my mouth to answer but she beats me to it. "You were talking in your sleep, Trin. You were all like 'please don't' and then you were moaning. Or actually had someone over?" Sasha's eyes go from suspicion to intrigued and I watch as her deep green irises fill with light.

My cheeks heat. She heard me.. "I-I wasn't having anyone over." I mumble, rubbing my eyes tiredly in an attempt to act unbothered. Meanwhile, my insides are burning up with embarrassment. "I'm going in to work later today so I can take you to the police station. If you remember the face of that woman who left with your bag maybe they'll be able to make a sketch and catch her." I say, changing the subject in a way I know will get Sasha's attention on something else. And just as I assumed, her eyes fill with a bit of fire and frustration.

"Right! That little bitch- I mean, women are supposed to stand up for each other, right? What happened to girls support girls?" She huffs and then turns off the stove, placing her egg on a plate. "Dig in, I made enough for both of us." She smiles, her previous mood forgotten and I chuckle a little. Sash has the temper of a hothead but her ability to change from hot to cold in a second is truly impressive. That's only if, she's not actually angry. If she is then I feel sorry for the person on the other end of the receiving line.

"Thank you, you didn't have to." I smile but chew on a piece of egg and let out an appreciative hum at the taste. Sasha sits down in front of me and begins eating too, and if she's still thinking about the sounds she heard coming from my room yesterday she doesn't let it show.


I sigh as I enter my office with heavy steps and a coffee in my hand. I just left Sasha at the police station and she told me she'd call me when she had gotten everything right with her home. That's nice.

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