Chapter seventeen

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It's quiet and the temperature inside the hallway supposed to be leading up to the club seems to have an even lower temperature than outside. The cold air makes me shiver and I wrap my arms tighter around myself to prevent the cold air from slipping beneath my clothes as I walk with Sasha. We have been walking for thirty seconds. And every ten seconds we pass a new guard. With guns. This place is heavily guarded and I can't help but wonder why. I thought this was a usual restaurant but apparently, as Sasha explained, it's a restaurant upstairs and a Club downstairs. And that is where we're going right now. The club is open after twelve am and closes after twelve pm. With the restaurant it's the opposite.

There's a big door in front of us and we stop as we approach it. And I see Sasha shiver. But I think it's because of the two muscular men guarding the door, and not because of the door itself. Just a guess though. One of the men holds out a hand to us. "Name?" His accent is something of the eastern side, almost like Russian.

And while the memory of what happened to the last Russian that I met replays in my head, Sasha tells our name to the guards and one of them gives us a curt nod. He motions for the other to open the door, and we're immediately enveloped in the sounds of low music and conversations, glass clinking and people laughing.

Sasha moves to enter, but when I move to follow, the Russian guard stops me. "You're not on the list." He grumbles, glaring at me and I frown in confusion, meeting Sasha's eyes. But she looks just as confused as me.

"But I'm on the list, and you're allowed to bring a plus one. She's my plus one." Sasha explains while the guard glares as me.

"Not her." He points at me. "List says not her." He says and I blink in confusion. What list? Am I on a list that says I'm not allowed to come in? What kind of bull crap is tha-

"Call Iván. He knows me. He'll let me in." Sasha argues and I watch as the guards exchange skeptical looks. And while I have no idea who Iván is or why Sasha knows a man that causes two six feet two men with guns hesitate, I do know that I need to get into that club. I have a gut-feeling. I don't know...but something is telling me I need to get into that club. My last gut-feeling ended in chaos, yes I know. It made me kiss my boss. But this time it's different, it's...I don't know. It just feels right to be in there.

One of the guards, the one that hasn't spoken before, nutters something into the Bluetooth earpiece in his left ear and then there's a heavy silence. Whatever he had said, it wasn't in English. Russian. Maybe. And my body involuntarily shivers at another memory.
We wait a full five minutes in silence before the door suddenly opens from inside and a man comes into view. He looks like he just stepped out of a magazine for fuck boys, and I'm saying that in the nicest way possible. Thick black hair with those teasing strands hanging in front of his forehead. A big nose but not wide. And his energy is the one that makes me look away. It feels so inviting yet threatening. I know it is threatening. And as soon as his eyes come into view they flicker to Sasha's. His eyes.. A crossover between blue and gray. Like sirens luring you in to the ocean to keep as their own plaything.

I glance at Sasha to see if she feels the same but her eyes are unmoving, set on his. And the tension is as obvious as the thousands of unsaid words traveling between them. What the hell is going on? Sasha eventually blinks and pulls her head back a bit but she doesn't look away. Yet the sudden change in her body language is an indication that she knows she's lost the staring battle. And that Iván-guy's lips quirk up like he knows it, too.

"Tell your guards to let my friend inside." She speaks and the amusement is suddenly gone from Iván's face.

"If your friend isn't allowed in it's for a reason. He doesn't just blacklist people for a reason, sweetheart. You know that." His voice is deep and smooth as he speaks. Venom wrapped in silk. And I can imagine I have the same face expression as the two guards, taking in the scene unfolding in front of us, in confusion. Sasha's eye twitches in annoyance at the pet name. And I've known her long enough to know that it's not a good sign.

"She can't be blacklisted. She's never even been here." She points out and then points at me and Iván doesn't skip a beat as his eyes flicker to mine and then widen in what I assume is surprise and then amusement. And then he looks back at my friend like he knows a secret no one else knows. And then he's opening the door again like he's about to leave, but stops, leaving it ajar.

"I don't make the rules sweetheart. But I am willing to pull a few strings if you really want to. Like last time." I tune both of them out while my heart pounds. The sound drumming in my ears and drowning everything else out.

Because I'm looking through the slit of the door and my eyes are on him. He's there. He's walking with a few other men into a closed of hallway and all of those men look like they're full of power. And intimidating. But not even half as much as him. He looks so different. Yet, he's wearing the same suit he wore just a few hours ago when I saw him. When I kissed him. Marshal crew, what are you doing here?


A/N: Thank you guys for being patient with the chapters. I'll post another one right now!! I just wanna say that your comments are my motivation so please don't stop writing them- I literally read all of them on repeat. 😭😭

Outside your window (18+)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang