Chapter seven

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I am in desperate need for a drink. Alcohol, something to calm me down. The stalker guy hasn't texted me back for more than a week now and it is messing with my head more than it would if he had just kept on threatening me over text. Because now, I don't know what he is thinking about. What is he planning? Has he visited me again? I have no way of telling anything. And it is messing with my head, making it hard for me to concentrate on the new case I have gotten. And it doesn't help that I sleep with a damn kitchen knife under my pillow in hopes to defend myself whenever he shows up.

Marshal Crew. He is the only one that is nice to me now, except for Margret. Everyone else have made it their goal to make my life a living hell. Every time I grab a coffee someone accidentally knocks it over, or every time I try to talk to Marshal they hurry up to him and begin rambling about their day. Of course- those times Marshal does notice me and excuses himself to talk to me those girls go livid. Hate. There is so much hate in their eyes and all for what?

Marshal and I keep it professional but there are times that I catch myself staring at him and times when I catch him smiling because he knows. God I need a break from everything. And one way to get closer to that goal is to be able to feel safe in my own home. That's why I set up security cameras in every corner of my rooms, on the ceiling. It's creepy because I always feel like I'm being watched, but I hope the next time the stalker comes I'll have video proof and the police will help me catch him and take him down. I want to know who he is so badly that it's starting to become an obsession.

A soft knock is heard from my door and I snap back into reality and turn towards the door. "Come in!" I say and plaster on a professional smile. Marshal Crew opens the door and takes a step inside, looking around in the room. I think this is the first time he had actually been here...why is he here?

"Ah, Miss Carlton. Are you aware of the time?" He asks me and raises an eyebrow, waiting for my answer as he leans against the doorway and my heart flutters a little. I don't know why.

"Uh.." I look to the clock on the wall. "Six forty five." I tell him and offer him a smile before my eyes widen with realization. My work ended forty five minutes ago.

"So you know what I mean then." He says, his voice deep and sharp but with a hint of amusement. "Have you had your lunch yet? Margret said she didn't see you go on your lunch break today." He asks and I glance up at him. He asked Margret about me?

" I must've forgotten.. I guess I just took a coffee when I felt hungry." I admit and my cheeks heat a little with embarrassment. "It's just- this case is so interesting. The one that you gave me." My eyes light up as I think about it. But then I quickly clear my throat. "I mean, it's not good. A husband getting suspected for muring his wife...but he didn't have any motive. A-and the wife's body has not been found. I mean, that can mean anything." I ramble but then catch myself, looking up at him with an apologetic smile. "Sorry, you were saying?"

He chuckles and my eyes grow round as I hear him. "No worries. I was just going to ask if you wanted to grab lunch with me, since you haven't eaten any today. Well, dinner is more fitting since it's already so late. What do you say?" He says with a small smile and it takes a while for me to realize what he is asking and I glance at the clock. I am pretty hungry.

"Sure, why not." I answer with a smile and get up from my seat, grabbing my bag. His face calms down and he smiled and it's hard to describe but he looks like he's at peace? He holds the door open for me as I walk out but he takes up the whole space of the doorway and I accidentally brush my chest against his on my way out. I pretend not to notice and keep walking but my face feels hot and my nipples are tightening against the fabric of my shirt. Of all days this really has to happen when I'm not wearing a bra? I feel him walk close behind me, his scent of citrus-mint and expensive cologne wrapping around me like a choking hand as we make our way to the lobby, past Margret. I give her a small smile in acknowledgment and her eyes light up as she sees me with Marshal.

"Oh! Mr. Crew, sir, are you two leaving?" Margret chimes, failing to hide her excitement. She's basically jumping in her seat and I smile at the image.

"Yes, I managed to convince her to go to Lunch with me." Marshal says from behind me, his voice deep and low, sending shivers down my spine. I straighten my back because I need to get a grip- because I can't remember a single time a man's voice had made me shiver like this.. except for my crazy-ass stalker but I'm talking about the good kind of shivers. Not the ones I get because I'm scared to death..

"Oh, how great! Enjoy your lunch." Margret smiles as we walk past her and out of the door. Suddenly a warm, big hand is placed on my lower back, leading me to the out the exit and my breathing hitches. His hand is of my fucking back. Oh my god why does it feel like I'm about to have a full on stroke. How can a hand feel like this? I clear my throat and keep on walking normally and I don't know if I'm imagining it or not but I feel his hand slide slightly lower.

"It's a nice day, the cafe I usually eat at is right around the corner. Let's walk." His deep voice startles me slightly from my thoughts and I nod.

"Alright." I say and try to keep my voice as steady as possible. His hand then slips from my back and he comes to stand next to me. We quickly fall into step with each other as we walk down a busy street. "So-" I try to talk to cut the silence but he cuts me off and beats me to it.

"We're here." My mutters, his voice deep and soft like silk and I glance up at the cafeteria we just stopped at.

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