Start from the beginning

Some moments later the bright yellow flag with rising sun symbol of Raghuvansh because visible from a distance. The tapping sounds of horses and chariots became audible to everyone. So everybody became alert because Maharaj Dashrath had arrived.

Nearly hundred horse men, ten chariots and one bigger and most elegant chariot were moving towards the main entrance of the royal palace of Mithila gracefully. The men with drums, trumpets and other instruments started playing them beautiful along with maids sprinkling flowers on the path. With a wide smile on face Maharaj Janak came forward by joining his palm infront of his chest. By following him, other Mithilaians also did the same.

Finally from the biggest and most elegant chariot, a middle to old aged man came out. His golden crown was designed in such a way that it was looking as if sun is spreading it's ray. He also had similar Vaishnav tilak on forehead like the four princes and an extra large rising sun pendent on chest than other people of Ayodhya. His purple attire and white angavastram with some extreme work of golds was making him visible among the crowd and identifying him as Maharaj Dashrath.

Janak slowly bowed down- "Pranam Maharaj... wellcome to Mithila..". But before Janak could bow down completely Dashrath held his arms and said with a proud smile- "Maharaj Janak... please don't bow down to me. You are gracing my Ayodhya by giving Mithila's pride to me.... Whole Ayodhya should bow down to you Maharaj..."
Dashrath also joined his palms infront of chest along with all the people who had arrived from Ayodhya and all together bowed down infront of Janak and Sunaina.

This loving and respectful behaviour of the people of Ayodhya made the Mithilaians tear up. All of them were super nervous, because it was about Ayodhya, the most abundant kingdom. But their ground to earth behaviour proved again that why that is the most abundant kingdom. No doubt why the four princes of Ayodhya are known as the best.

"No no Maharaj... I'll always be at your feet only. I still remember very clearly, how much you have helped Mithila in those worst days. I can never return what you have done for Mithila..."- Before Janak completing his sentences, Dashrath smiled gently and answered- " I just provided some food and gold coins Maharaj Janak... but you are giving me the Lakshmi herself.... how my donation will be comparable with yours? so Maharaj, i request.... from now on you will never think that your place is at my feet. I am the one who will always remain small infront you..."

Dashrath's words made Janak smile with teary eyes and both the kings tightly hugged eachother... which was a loving view for everyone.

Then sunaina did the welcome aarti of the King and welcomed every people who had came with him. Then Dashrath greeted Maharshi Yagyanvalkya and Vishwamita along with other sages present there. Maharshi Vashisht, who had also came with Dashrath also got greeted super respectfully by King Janak and other people present there.
Now it was time for Ram and Sita to touch the feet of Dashrath.

It happened for the first time that in Ram's presence, Dashrath's attention went to somebody else... and it was Sita. The Raghuvanshi king teared up after seeing the soon to be Kulvadhu and future queen of Raghuvansh. He gently placed his hand on Sita's head while her eyes were still on the kings feet.
"Akhand Soubhagyavati bhav daughter... may you bring glory to Raghuvansh with your presence just like Mithila..." - Dashrath's blessings to Sita made everyone's smile wider. Then he pulled Ram into his arms. - " I am so proud of you my son... As I had expected, among millions of golds you found that one diamond. Whole Ayodhya is extremely happy for you. "

Ram answered by joining his palms- " It's all because of Gurudev's, your's and my all three mother's blessings Pitashree. Also it was destiny, i had to participate without your permission..."

" You are right Ram, it was definitely destinated. I'm really grateful to Brahmarshi Vishwamita." - Dashrath joined his palms infront of Vishwamita once again- " You blessed me by giving permission to Ram for participation as his father. Or else I would have drowned in guilt if Ram would have returned from Rajkumari Sita's Swayamvar without participating."

Vishwamita smiled back and responded respectfully- " I had to do it Maharaj Dashrath... you gave permission to your sons to fight the evil and protect my ashram. How could i had stepped back from fulfilling the wish that was flickering inside your heart since years..."

In between all these conversations, Urmila's gaze again returned to Lakshman. And surprisingly he was still standing like that.... eyes fixed on his father.... hands crossed at his back..... fierce gaze, with stoned iris. Now it was not normal for her to see him like this. He would have smiled at least once at her because this is how he acts usually. But he was unbelievably statued as if he is just peacefully waiting to meet his father only and acting as if he doesn't even aware of Urmila's presence.

She kept looking at him with questionable gaze and Lakshman didn't even blinked at her.... not even once....
Bharat and Shatrughna noticed Urmila staring at their brother and started pocking him to look at her direction. But again to Urmila's utmost surprise, Lakshman didn't even bother to look in the direction where she was standing.... he didn't even smile a little. He just requested Bharat and ordered Shatrughna to stop teasing him with a dangerous gape.

Urmila was observing all these. She couldn't understand what had happened to him. But the hollow she felt in her chest was quite painful. But still she tried to convince herself.... may be he is angry for some reason today.... may be he is mad at his brothers because they always tease him a lot..... may be he is stressed..... may be..... whatever reason.

This unusual act of Lakshman didn't let Urmila focus on any other thing. She just became too curious to know the reason behind Lakshman's this cold behaviour.

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