"Yes, admiral." Said Arkaile, who ordered the communication to relay that order.

"What is the distance between Gra Valkas's fleet attacking the 0th magic fleet and the 0th magic fleet?" asked Antroide.

"About 45 minutes," Arkaile said.

"There's no way we can help them, the navigator plotted a course for the fleet to the north." Antroide said.

"Yes, sir," the navigator said.

"Hmm, change the order. Order the bombers from our carriers to attack the Gra Valkas ships attacking HME's 0th Magic Fleet." Antroide said.

"Yes sir." The communications officer said.


Holy Mirishial Empire, 0th Magic Fleet

Upon hearing the lookout's report, Fleet Commander Ultema looked up. It was a pleasant, clear sky; it'd be ideal if it weren't for the tiny speckles invading the picture, like a beautiful painting with flecks of black ink dropped onto it. Those flecks gradually grew, both in number and in size.

"There sure are a lot of 'em... what do we have for air cover?" asked Ultema.

"48 Alpha-3, 12 Alpha-3A, and 20 Beta-2. That's left over from the attack on the enemy fleet earlier." Captain Infere said.

Going up against so many enemy aircraft, he couldn't help worrying over how few friendly aircraft they had.

"Commander, we still have 14 ships capable of fighting." Captain Infere said.

"But there are two that are heavily damaged. Order them to be in our midst to be able to protect them." Ultema said.

"Commander, signal from manacomm, aircraft from the Mu Empire are on their way to help us!" said the communications officer.

"Very good. That is very good news. ETA?" asked Ultema.

"First wave ETA 15 minutes," said the communications officer.

"Estimated enemy attack?" asked Ultema.

"10 minutes," said the communications officer.

"Signal air cover, they must intercept the enemy at a distance of 10 km from the fleet. Best possible speed away from the enemy!" ordered Ultema.

Fleet Commander Ultema pushed away his anxiety and continued watching the sky.




Holy Mirishial Empire, airspace 10 km above the 0th Magic Fleet

The high-pitched trill of the magical light discharge-type compressed air engine reverberated inside the aircraft. His breathing was raspy, a reminder that he was nervous.
In the naval skirmish earlier, unbelievably, the empire's ships had taken damage. In recent years, no country had been able to even set foot on the empire's soil, and the world's number two, their ally Mu, would never betray them.

Squad Captain Omega, a Beta-2 pilot, found sweat dripping down his face when he imagined facing a powerful enemy the likes of which they had never seen. His heart was beating like a drum.

They had no idea what strategy this enemy would employ. Hypothetically, if they were facing Mu, military leadership would have determined that the best course of action would be to leverage their superior speed and adopt guerrilla hit-and-run tactics; Omega himself agreed with this assessment. Considering it again, regardless of how powerful their enemy was, the hit-and-run maneuvers they'd practiced countless times would be the best choice here.
Squad Captain Omega began to lead the 20 Beta-2s as they ascent to medium altitude. Far above them in the clouds were 48 Alpha-3s and 12 Alpha-3A air superiority fighters. They were all heading towards the enemy in greater numbers.

Galactic Empire in New Worldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें