chapter eighteen.

Start from the beginning

She smiles as she whimpers "Gosh that felt good" she smiles. I grimace as i take the gun away from her ear.

"April , don't tell me you get pleasure from pain " i mutter as i put my piercing equipment away .

"Duh , was it that obvious?" She chirps as she stands up . Rory looks up from her cellphone as she looks at april. "I feel sorry for the guys you fuck " she says as she too stands up . April sticks out her toungue as she walks to the mirror. "Ahhh , i love it " she twirls as she looks all happy and shit . I shake my head in amusement as i walk towards the both of them. "Is she on something?"i whisper to rory. She shrugs "i wouldn't be suprised" april turns around and glares at us.

" i can hear you " she pouts. I roll my eyes play fully as i go to sit on my bed . They both join me as april lays on her stomach infront of me "Is your brother home?" I snap my head up at her as i raise an eyebrow "no? Why?" She plays with the fur of my blanket as she shrugs "oh you know , just wondering. He's always home" i nod slowly as i look at her "Look likes someones got a crush " rory says from beside me not looking up from her phone . "WHAT! no i dont ! I was just curious" i laugh "April relax , rory was just kidding" i sideeye rory as i nudge her "Right?" She groans "yes april , i was just kidding."

April smiles as she nods "hey did you guys hear , the new guys on the hockey team , and i even heard he stood up to seth micheals" i stiffen as i look at april "the new guy? What new guy?" I lie as i clear my throat.

"Oh you know the hottie from yesterday morning that made his big ol were with us...wait, actually you disappeared that time . Where did you go?" april cocks her head to the side as she looks at me.

I haven't seen zaid today or for the half of the day yesterday. To say i was curious would be an understatement. I was engrossed in the guy. I wanted to know where he was . Was he getting along with everyone. I highly doubt that. Did he meet lucinda already. He left me standing there , questioning at what his last words meant to me. I was hoping I'd pass him in the halls . But nothing . I didn't get that feeling i got whenever he was around or nearby. I didn't smell him coming and i definitely didn't feel those piercing eyes watching me. I mean there was a moment at lunch when i felt like someone had been staring at me . But i just brushed it off thinking it was anyone . I mean people did love to stare at me . April an rory didn't question me at lunch yesterday to ask where i ran to yesterday morning . I think they didn't even realise i was gone. Thats how captivated they were by zaid. Today i was atleast hoping I'd see him . Even though i didn't wanna , he too got me captivated by him And i hate it . So thats why i asked rory and april to come over after school . To take my mind off him atleast . But somehow he keeps on being brought up in my presence.

I bite my lip as i look at april "Oh you know , when i knew i wouldn't be seeing anything and after i asked you bitches a million times who it was...i just walked away to my class "i mumble playing with aprils hair a bit.

"Ohhhh that makes sense , sorry about that . I was just too captivated by the guys beauty , you shouldve seen it stel . He was extraordinary " she smiles.

I know april ...i know.

"Even rory looked at him and you know she doesn't look at guys , they look at her" april gestures to the blonde sitting next to me. She looks up from her phone "I wasn't looking at him because i wanted to get into his pants , i was looking at him because something was off about him" she says as she arches her back creating a quick crack.

"What do you mean, off?" I question . She puts her phone down as she looks at both me and april "Dont you think its weird , our school just dont accept students in the middle of the year . My guesses is he's doing something illegal to get the cash or he's a serial killer" she says as she pops her gum.

"Dont you think thats a bit...extravagant?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Yeah ! What stel said , besides i heard he's spanish. The spanish ones are the least expected to be illegal or be serial killers . The italians are what you should he worried about " april snaps her fingers . I hit her in the head "Hey ! Im italian" i hiss.

"Ouch ! I didn't mean you , my favorite romano . You are too pure for this world " she pouts .

"Hey , all im saying is , dont be blinded by beauty ...that'll get you killed" rorys voice filled the air as she stood up "Now...its getting late . And my mom needs me to baby sit my twin brothers" she groans . April stands up too "I gotta head out too my love. " she says as she stands up . They both come around to my side as they smootch my cheeks. I smile as they walk to the door.

"I love youuuu" april sing songs as she walks out the door. Rory rolls her eyes as she follows april "I do too , unfortunately !" I call out . I hear her gasp as i chuckle darkly. I close my bedroom door as i hear april and rory walking out the door . I pick up my pillows and put them neatly on my bed . The sound of rorys engine growling fills my ears . I hear them pulling away. I tidy my room . Picking up the barbie tapes. April insisted on watching . I put them in order . I walk to my balcony next . Its darker now and very quiet . I walk to the edge of the balcony as i look at all the houses and the sound of birds chirping . Headlights of a motorcycle and the sound of its engine fills my ears. I snap my head in the direction of the noise. The motorcycle comes speading down the street.

My eyes follow the black vehicle and the silhouette with all black one. When i think the person will drive past . It stops directly in the street infront of my house. "What the..." i mutter as i look at the person.

I should run. This is even creepier than aprils confession to her sleeping with her eyes open.

But i dont move . I watch as the persons head snaps up and looks directly at me. The only barrier covering our eye contact is the helmet the person wears.
The same shocking feeling i felt when zaid looked at me hits me . I clench my hands on the balcony railing as i let out labored breaths "what..the hell?" I whisper . The person keeps staring at me.

I snap out of my trance as i let go of the railing ...i move back slowly as i close my balcony doors. I dont need to lock the front door because rory already did.
I run to lock my bedroom door just as the sound of the motorcycle speeds down the street. I sigh in relief as i close the curtains at my balcony doors.

That couldn't of been him right?
It was just a coincidence right?

That couldn't of been him right?It was just a coincidence right?

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