Chapter 15: The Phenex Arrive

Start from the beginning

"Oh my god it's one of the pervert" "Misako we should leave" her friend said confusing the pink haired "Is there something you want Issei-san" Misako asked politely looking at the brown haired. "I challenge you to a fight" Issei announcement pointing at Misako making her look at him confuse "May I asked why you want to fight me" Issei turned to Nawin who was behind him and whispered "You see she must be a man" Nawin looks at the pervert him blankly 'What does that actually prove?' Nawin thought then give Issei a smile "Yeah your right keep going and we will know that she is really a man" Issei nods and turn back to Misako.

"Are you scared, I know you faked the whole thing back there this morning so you could impressed people" Issei continued, Misako turns to Nawin who shrugged, she sighs and stand up "If you want a fight then I will give it to you" Misako turns serious.

'How long do you think the pervert will last' Tairex asked looking at the scene in the mindscape 'No more than 10 seconds' Nawin replied. Issei throw a fist at Misako who counters it then send a hurricane of kicks to the pervert sending him flying to the Kendo club.

"Kyaa the pervert" "You are peeking again" "You are so going to get it this time Hyoudou!!" Suddenly the whole school hear a girlish scream "Damn that's one hell of a kick Misako" Nawin praised ignoring the scream from his perverted friend "What is with him anyway" She asked the black haired "Oh you don't need to worry about it, enjoy your lunch Misako" Nawin replied then head to the kendo club.

Time Skip

"Yo Issei how you feeling" Nawin said walking to the front of the kendo club, seeing the pervert lying on the ground groaning in pain "Hmm seems like you really got it this time" the black haired looks at the kendo stick wounds that Issei got and some slap marks on his face.

"I will get her next time" Issei said making Nawin looks at him surprise "You actually going to try it again" Issei stand up and looks at the black haired "Yes I will but for now I am hungry lets go eat Teme" Nawin looks at the pervert blankly "Why would I want to eat with you" "Why must you be so cold Teme, I am just trying to be friendly" Issei sulks.

Nawin looks at the sulking pervert and sighs "Fine let's go eat" Issei stand and smile at the black haired "Yes let's go I'm hungry as hell" Issei grabs Nawin shoulder and start dragging him to the cafeteria.

'I wonder how long it will take before the fangirl start beating the shit out of him'.

Time Skip

"You sure got beaten allot today haven't you" Nawin eats his ramen then looks up seeing the pervert battered state "... just shut up and eat teme" Issei replied taking a bite from his sandwich, Nawin chuckles making Issei glared at him "Sorry but it's quite funny seeing you get your ass beaten up by those girl" Nawin said looking at Issei face seeing some claw marks 'damn those girl were really crazy about hurting him... it's a good thing he is a devil or he wouldn't even be standing now'.

"They're your fangirl's" Issei argued "I never asked for a fangirl it just happened" Nawin counters making Issei sigh "I guess your right about that". The two continue eating when a tray full candy and bread was place in their table 'I know only one person who would eat that much candy' Nawin looks up to see Koneko staring at him emotionlessly.

"Hello Koneko-chan do you want to eat with us" Koneko nods taking a seat next to him "It's nice to see you want to eat with us Koneko-san" Issei smiled happily, Koneko ignored him and began nibbling her sweat bread.

"She hates me" Issei sulks, Nawin looks at the pervert "Stop sulking Issei your making a scene" Issei looked around seeing allot of student looking at their table.

"Why are they staring at us?" Issei asked a little scared since he isn't use with all this attention, "Well I am guessing is because you the most perverted guy in school is hanging out with me and Koneko-chan who is one of the more popular student in school... that's probably what they thinking right now is why the hell are you sitting with us" Nawin said.

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