you're still breathing

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brown hair.
dark brown eyes.
soft brown lips.
soft pink center.
smile lines.
textured skin.
quiet laugh.
soft voice.
shy giggle.
high pitched.

puddled eyes.
hurt behind a smile.
nervous laugh.
fingers cuddled.
fingernails bitten.
cuticles ripped.

no laughter.
no smile.
dead behind the eyes.
fingers relaxed.
numb to the feeling.

when you cuddle yourself into your mind
you lose traces of yourself.
You swallowed yourself whole without digesting the fact that you are aching.
You are suffering and you slowly
notice you're changing.
the tides are rising,
the ropes are getting tighter,
the wind is getting colder,
and the thoughts are beginning to clutter again.

when you feel like your world has collapsed.
It's only in your mind.
while you're observing the changes about yourself,
You're forgetting about one part.

you're still breathing.

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