chpt 101) Suprises, contract renewal, new artists, trainees

Start from the beginning

me: okay cool. im going to make sure they both go home after this. But for now, everyone grab your things and follow me.

I walked to one of the meeting rooms on the floor above and loads of employees saw me waking with the trail of ducklings behind me

i sat on one end of the 10 seats and they sat on the 10 seats opposite me. but there were only 8 of them so two of the seats were empty.

2 members of the legal team and a member of the incident response team joined us for the sake of legalities and formalities.

the dance teacher came in and sat on one of the seats at the head of the table.

me: one by one, each of you will tell me what happened. get to the main point though because i have a meeting in 45 minutes and I want to buy food beforehand and I have a phone call to make. starting with you

they all acted like they didnt know what had happened.

me: you guys all live togehter, you go to train togehter, you go to school together. hiding it from me will only make my response worse and your punishment worse.

they stayed silent.

me: okay, then. i want you all to stand outside and i will call you in one by one to tell me it in private.

Within 20 minutes I had gotten all of their perspectives.

basically seungmin and Hajoon, 2 of the younger trainees of the group had been arguing for a month or so and it had grown from petty things like picking up socks and organising their beds to genuine insults like "You dance badly". Then today, escalations hit a ceiling because they are all stressed for their monthly review and mid-term exams at school. so one said something and then the other said something and then they both just went for each other.

me: okay so Seungmin and hajoon you will stay with me for 2 days. I will deal with you guys in a second. As for the rest of you, it is unacceptable that you let this escalate up until this point. you will all miss your monthly evaluation tommorow and i will personally review you in 2 days' time. Additionally, we have things in place for school exams and school work. we an get you personal turors and extensions and breaks. you just have to let us know. I can get them extended from this afternoon though, so go home and study. After your exams in the afternoon, you guys will personally clean your dorm until it sparkles. Seungmin and hajoon, on the otherhand will miss their exam and i will inform the school that they can do it in exam conditions in my office tomorrow afternoon with a different paper to yours. 

the dance teacher got up and left, she had another class to get to.

me: as for seunmin and hajoon, you guys will be with me today. the rest of you may leave.

they got up.

one of my assistants walked in with a pink ribbon.

i thanked her for getting it for me.

i made both of them stand up and hold hands. i tied the ribbon to their hands.

me: i am the only person who can undo that knot. you will follow me around today, to all my meetings and schedules. i dont want to hear a noise of you. am i understood?

the nodded

me: okay lets go.

i walked to the food hall and got food for myself and them. i paid for their food. we went up to my office. it was their first time in there and they looked nervous.

me: you guys can sit on that table there and eat. sorry I am not allowed to eat in the food hall because photos of me eating keep being leaked and it's bothering the other employees who are just trying to eat in peace and not have photos of them on the internet.

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