Chapter 15

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Although people with superpowers often become weak and sick, their abilities are particularly powerful when used.

People with superpowers are rare protected animals in every base, so he can always tolerate people like Zheng Xuan who oppose him, because when something goes wrong, he has to rely on their abilities.

But now this little base is actually torturing superpowers to death?

Using their precious abilities to dig and weed?

This base manager is nothing but a fool!

Wang Long smiled faintly. This time he rescued Tian Zhen and Zheng Xuan from the hands of fools, and if he forgives their betrayal... they will follow him wholeheartedly and work as his thugs.

Speaking of which, it's good that they were deceived by fools.

After suffering this, they will know who is best to them.

Wang Long said confidently: "Xiao Qi brought three superpowers and thirty young men to knock down the Xiaopo base. I will cook broth for you to celebrate in the evening." He was the master of the three superpowers

. Look at the Xiaopo base. They tortured the superpowers until they were reduced to human form. Only ordinary people were left to guard the base. There was no way they could fight with him.

Xiao Qi is a thin man. A cold smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Okay, boss, just wait for me to have a celebration banquet tonight!" After that,

he took three superpowers to pick some physiques from the base to look at. Ordinary people who could get through went straight to Willow Base.


In Willow Base, Yu Ning is taking the children to study.

After Lin Yu became an immortal cultivator, he had to do more work and couldn't take care of teaching these children.

Yu Ning had nothing to do, so she took the children to read and learn to write. She could still teach elementary school students.

In the farmland, potato seedlings and watermelon seedlings grow strong and flutter in the wind.

The children sat on the ground looking at these precious crops and listened absently to Yu Ning's soft voice reading the text.

The scenes in the text were too far away from them, and only the farmland in front of them was real.

The young seedlings in the fields tempted them, and the children were no longer interested in listening to the complicated texts.

Not far away, the built moat is a ten-meter-wide deep ditch paved with stones and bricks.

The river channel from the mountain to the village has not yet been dug. Once it is dug, the moat will be filled with water and become another barrier for the willow base.

In the trees outside the moat, the survivors of the Rising Sun Base are hiding here.

He stared at Zhao Nian's children greedily. The children had been eating well and drinking well in the base recently, and they were fat and plump, with rosy and shiny faces.

Xiao Qi said: "Damn, these little cubs are so fat."

He was drooling as he said this... These fat little cubs look much fatter and tender than the 'lambs' in the basement.

It definitely tastes very fresh and tender.

Xiao Qi tilted her head and thought for a while, then pointed at a man next to her and said, "Go and build a bridge, catch the little ones first, and beat the old one to death. Wait until we are full before we demolish this little base." The man

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