Chapter 12

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Chen Sanqiu is preparing to use "Yu Mu Jue" to promote watermelon seedlings.

She and Yu Ning asked to take away a seedling planted in the basin for experiments.

Chen Sanqiu first used his own spiritual energy to nourish the young seedlings, and then slowly turned the exercises.

As expected, the young seedlings began to grow slowly under the nourishment of spiritual energy, and flowers bloomed tremblingly at the top of the pinched young seedlings.

There's drama!

Chen Sanqiu felt the little spiritual energy left in his body and poured it all into Xiaohua.

The flower buds bloomed quickly and withered... A round fruit grew in the middle of the flower stem.

Chen Sanqiu's eyes lit up, but he found that his spiritual energy could not keep up.

Without the nourishment of spiritual energy, the watermelon vine began to slowly wither from the roots.

Chen Sanqiu was so anxious that sweat broke out on her forehead, but she was just a little bit close -

but she was working the technique until her whole body ached, and she couldn't squeeze out any spiritual energy.

Even the watermelon vine didn't know what was going on, and was still frantically extracting her power, as if it wanted to drain her dry.

After a while, she felt a lot weaker.

Anxious and annoyed, she heard a sigh.

Then the watermelon seedlings that were about to wither came back to life. The round little watermelons grew and grew, and they grew into big watermelons in about ten seconds.

The watermelon growing in the basin is not much smaller than the basin, so heavy that the watermelon vine that grows it is almost invisible.

Chen Sanqiu: "!!!"

She secretly thanked the mysterious consciousness in her heart.

If it hadn't used its power in time, the watermelon wouldn't have grown, and she didn't know if she would be squeezed dry by the watermelon.

The voice of the mysterious consciousness sounded very sleepy. It said: "I am going to fall into a deep sleep. Your power is weak. You can help the plants grow in time, but you must do your best." Chen Sanqiu nodded carefully and agreed, and she would not do it next time

. Doing such a dangerous thing.

The mysterious consciousness stopped making any sound. Chen Sanqiu regained his strength for a while and went to look at the watermelon in the basin.

She picked the watermelon and cut it open. It was bright red in color and had a sweet aroma!

Chen Sanqiu took a bite. The watermelon was sweet and juicy. The taste was almost the same as that given by Xiao Hua.

Species from the orc world can be grown here.

Can produce normal edible fruits!

Then, it's time to start the planting business of the base!


The survivors of Willow Base have all received a mission, which is to reclaim land.

Reclaim all the abandoned land in your base and plant crops.

Those who participate in the wasteland reclamation mission can get three points every day. Three points can be exchanged for three kilograms of food - and ten mutant beast crystal nuclei can be exchanged for two kilograms of food.

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