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We wall back down to the cell walking past all the other cells as people scream in pain from certain different tortures. Opening the last door at the end shows the brat sitting at the end of the room with his knees to his chest staring at the floor as if its the most interesting thing in the world. Hank had sent one of the guards our way after he had used a knife on the brat, clearly provoked but was out of fucking order.

Only we could torture or harm our captives. "Why's he not chained up!" Colt growls angrily catching the kids attention, he looks up not at all surprised to see us again. I could see the fear in his eyes yet experience with pain. "He's fine there, he's not going to do anything" Hanks groans in annoyance, Colts always been short tempered. Hank kicks the chair to the side of the room so we could stand infront of him. "You gonna tell us who you work for?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. He stays silent, luckily I'm patient but my other brothers not so much.

"We're willing to make an offer with you so listen the fuck up" Hank kneels infront of him a couple inches away. Even kneeling he's at the same eye level, this kid must be pretty short. "In exchange for your life you give us the name of who you work for" the brst just looks at him as if thinking about it for a second, he refuses to answer. "Are you dumb. That means we let you live if you give us the name of who you work. If not, we kill you" Hanks slightly getting agitated from the lack of cooperation from the brat. Just as I can feel the tension rising in the air as both guys try to hold in their anger, the brst speaks. "I don't know his last name" he mumbles not making eye contact.

The kid had experience with powerful people, he knew not to make eye contact or certain things could go wrong. "First name?" Hank says with a slysly bit of hope in his voice,  it goes silent. I can see the brats slowly retreating from this deal, whoever hes involved with must be serious. We're the most feared people in the city and probably whole country, yet he still doesn't know which one he should be afraid of most.
Colt takes a couple steps closer "unless you want to play another round of my favorite game I suggest you start talking" he threatens eagerly.

I can hear a small sigh the kid tryed to hide, "Lincoln.." he mumbles, I can see his hands shaking slightly. Lincoln...sounds familiar but nothing rings a bell. Who the fuck is Lincoln! "Your telling me you don't know hid last name" Hank says testing him. The kid shakes his head, Hank looks back at me and Colt as if conformation if he's telling truth. Although I don't believe him, I shake my head and so does Colt.

"That's a lie, you must really like to feel pain" Hank threatens. The kid stays silent, Hank wraps his large hand around around the brats small neck and tightens, ir was almost like a reality check for him. This is real. "Tell me his last name or I snap your neck in half" he tightens his grip as the brat still doesnt speak but eventually trys to get a word out, I see his hand loses as the brat has more room to speak. "Hawk..." he mumbles as if ashamed of himself. Weakling. Hank let's go of hid neck and straightens himself up to out eye level.

"Sound familiar?" He asks me and Colt, I think  for a second nut nothing springs to mind. "Didn't we have trouble with him a while ago. Bastard kept tryna exploit us for out money" Colt says clearly pissed of. My eyes divert back to the kid, "you know where he lives?" I aks, he shakes his head. This i believe. Colt groans in anger, but suddenly something catches our attention. The kid willingly speaks up "he has a meeting point" he mumbles. "Where?" Colt asks eagerly however his tone still gruff. "The abandoned shipment place on South side of Greys land" he mumbles.

That's only 30 minutes from here. Colt takes Hanks place kneeling infront of the kid "arrange a meeting with your bitch of a boss and then take us to the location" the kid seemed to shake a little more at hearing this. "I don't have a phone.." "we'll give you one" Colt says gruffly. The kid shakes his head, "this won't work.." he finally looks up at us  a little hesitantly. "I don't need your fucking opinions. Enzo give me your phone".

I hand him my second hand phone that doesn't have any of my real info on, he hands it to the kid and takes it with shakey hands. "Get the number and send a text, if I see you doing anything else but that I won't hesitate to cut your thumbs off" the kid shakily starts typing in a number but sending a message. Colt takes my phone from his hand and throws it back to me. I look down at it seeing what he wrote. "Its Seb i have the flahsdrive, meet up at usual spot" flashdrive? "That's what he sent you to get!" I say angrily. The guys look at me confused "fucking bastards after the flashdrive" i growl out in annoyance. "Forget about that, let's kill the asshole" Hank replys angrily. My second hand phone pings.

"He agreed, let's go" I anounce, Colt grabs the kid by the top of his arm and pulls him roughly. We head outside and all get into one car. Colt volunteers to drive knowing the kid would be at risk sat at the back with him and his temper. Me and Hank sat at the back keeping an eye on the brat.
"You said I'd get my freedom" the kid says getting a bit more confidence, "after we get to the location" Colt growls out angrily, I can see his hands tightly gripping the wheel. "Try not to get any blood on the seats" Hank scoff looking at him. The kid confidently rolls his eyes landing an amused smile on my face. I could feel the tension from the brat as he tried to press himself up against the door as far away from us as possible. Eventually we arrived, the sun began to set causing a light for us all.

"Come on" I grab the kids arm lightly pulling him out of the car. We're standing infront of a big abandoned warehouse, no other cars around. They must be hiding there's somewhere. "Here" Colt passing me and Hank a gun each, "should we leave him in the car?" Hank asks.

"Nah we can use him against Lincoln" Colt says as he hides his gun unders his shirt in his trouser side. "That won't work" a small mumble comes from beside us. "What you mean?" I aks curiously. "I'm not any use to him anymore, you can't threaten to kill me if he already wants me dead".
The dots were only now starting to click together. He never got the flashdrive which means Lincoln probably was the reason for his bullet wound and beating. I wonder why he didn't just kill the kid though.

"Fine" Colt says grabbing his arm from my hand and pulling him over to the car, "you can stay here" he says shoving the kid roughly into the back car seat and shutting the door. He quickly locked the door with his keys and tinted the windows. The sound of the kid banging against the door sort of stopped me in my tracks, we did say we would give him his freedom. "Come on" Colt says. We follow behind him ready to face many of lincolns men.
However as soon as we got there, there were only a couple.

"Which one of you is Lincoln" Hank yells, no one answered but eyes diverted to a particular man. His eyes widened as he saw us.

Yep that's Lincoln. "Men" is all he says and all his men are instantly shutting at us. They had 3 seconds of shooting before me and my men had taken them down with one bullet to the head each. But as soon as we looked around, Lincoln wasn't anywhere to be seen. "Fuck!" How does this guy keep surviving. We quickly head out of the warehouse and to the car to see if Lincoln had gone for the kid. The back window was smashed, Lincoln wouldn't have been able to fit through but it was big enough for the kid to slide through. 

That fucking brat!" Colt yells, "great! So no Lincoln and no kid" Hank growls out. "Didnt we say we would give the kid his freedom?" I mention. "We don't even have Lincoln! And that Brat knows the inside of our house!" He had a point, we had to find him.

We drove of with Colt still the driver, this was a fucking bust. I grip my hands on my knees in anger. The sun was still setting giving us more light on the road. "Wait" Hank says, "Colt, right side of the road!" Me and Colt look over to the right side to see a small figure walking along the edge of the road near the woods.

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