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My body aches as I slowly become more conscious, struggling to open my eyes, I can feel my hands tied behind my back as I'm sat on something. After a couple seconds i manage to open my eyes, to see my legs before me still wearing the same jeans as before. I manage to lift my head up looking around to see I'm in an empty room. Ugh fuck! Lincoln must have sent his men to get me again. Fuck fuck fuck! What's he going to do? Why didn't he just kill me in my apartment? I begin to panic trying to pull out of the restaisn on my wrists, the wooden chair I'm sat on wobbles slightly.

The cold concrete walls look ancient, the vial smell of copper and blood mixed together stings my nose. a small table in the corner with catches my attention. Many different individual knives lay out nearly across it, my heart begins to pound eraticly against my ribcage, fuck this is bad! I look down at my chest seeing the blood stain on my shirt had increased, the pain in my chests slightly gone numb from loss of blood.

I'm not sure if that's a good thing or bad. Suddenly the sound of a high pitched squeaking echoed around the room as the heavy metal door opens into the cold concrete cell. I look up expecting to see Lincoln and some of his men but it's not. A tall man I had never seen before enters the room with another guy behind him, both their biceps buldged as he crossed their arms over their chest glaring St me angrily. Who the fuck are these guys?! Just as im about to ask what's going on some more footsteps lead towards the open door.

Three tall muscly muscly walk into the room putting instant tension in the air. The dominance and power in their aura came of like waves, judt them standing before me made me want to bow my head to them afraid to make eye contact. I couldn't help but let my eyes wonder over the three in curiosity, they were the most attractive men i had ever seen and yet I instinctively feard them. As I study their faces more I realise they are the men form the three pictures.

Shit! I had broke into their house. How did they find me! Fuck what are they going going do to me! I can feel my heart racing beginning to panic from all the thoughts rushing around day head thinking of all the ways they could torture me. As I look at them all, I notice the blonde ones eyes wondering over my body making me feel insecure and disgusted. Each of their faces reminded me of their names from the pictures. The tension in the air was too much for me to handle, were they going to kill me or not! "What do you want?" I say in a nervous tone, as much as I'm trying to put on a tough act it isn't rooming rooming very well.

"Don't play dumb. That irritates me!" Colt speaks, his voice his deep and gruff as if it holds so much anger. My confidence instantly crumbles to the ground. I'm fucked! This is not going to end well. "What were you doing in our house?" Enzo speaks up. His voice wasn't much different to Colts except he didn't seem as bad tempered as Colt, the silent but deadly type.

I stay silent unsure of the right or wrong answer. If I get Lincolns name leaked to these guys he will have me hunted till I die a horrible death, he's skinned people alive before. But not being sure of what these guys are capable scares me even more. "Answer him!" Hank shouts making me jump slightly, his deep voice sent shivers down my spine. Panicking to find my words I'm surprise I can manage to speak at all "I just saw an expensive looking house and thought something inside would be worth alot" I've never spoken so fast in my life.

I shuffle my feet on the ground as I feel a slight pain in my chest when I move. "Do you think we are fucking idiots!" Enzo's slightly calmer tone had now disspeard, his body tensed in anger making hid muclses budge. My hearts beating so fast I might even have a heart attack. He walks towards me kneeling infront of me, even with his kneeling position he's almost eye level to me "answer me again and cut the bullshit". His demeaning tone sent another shiver down my spine.

"I'm telling the truth. I wasn't looking for anything specific" I snap out in panic, my face is smacked harshly to one side. As soon as my vision slowly comes back I notice he's no longer infront of me. Fuck my face hurts. "By the looks of you, you've already taken a pretty bad beating. Which tells me your not as innocent as you put on an act to be" Colts demeaning tone wasn't angry but held a sinister calm to it, I prefer is angry tone. As he says this he walks towards the table with the knives and picks a small one up, he begins walking towards me almost making my heart best right out of my chest. He forcefully places his index finger under my chin forcing my head up to his "let's play a little game" he says, his words sending a thick shiver down my spine almost bringing tears tears my eyes, maybe these guys are worse than Lincoln. "I'll start with some easy question and if I hear an answer I don't like, you get a nice lil scar" he trials the knife along my thigh to my knee.

I can hear the pure evil in his words, I've never felt this much fear in my life. "Are you in a mafia?" His calming words showed so much sadistic evil in them. I shake my head keeping my eyes trained on the knife, he holds it along my leg inches away from the material of my jeans. Turning around he looks at the other two "what do we think?" His deep sinister voice echous through through room causing gore tension for me. They both look to each other before shaking their heads "too scrawny to be in a mafia" Enzo says. Colt turns back to me kneeling down infront of me yet again at the same eye level as me. "Good, so now we know you can be honest let's hope you stay that way" his threatening words in a calm tone sent so much fear inside me it was hard to stop my legs from trembling. "Did someone send you to find something in our house?" His eye brow raises as I shake my head slowly, I bite my tounge holding my breathe trying to look as honest as possible. The tension in the air from the silence is thick enough to cut a knife through it.

"Wrong.." is all he says before I feel the excruciating feeling my skin before ripped apart, he only makes a small cut along my outer thigh but the pain is excruciating. I bite down on my lip and shut my eyes tightly trying to hold in my groans of pain. Once I open my eyes I still see him kneeling infront of me. His eyes studying my expressions. "Whoever your covering for isn't worth it. You'll die if you don't tell us the truth" I hear Hank speak up, although his words filled my body with fear they spoke truthfully. I'd die either way though, I'm just not sure who will kill me in the most painful way. "Next question" Colt says looking as though he is enjoying this. Fucking hot bastard. "Who sent you?" He says looking deep into my eyes, I hold my breathe knowing I couldn't say. I waited impatiently for the knife to sear through my skin again, "your a stubborn one" he groans before taking the knife to my leg again. This time time cut was longer and much deeper. I bit my lip as the knife cut deeply through my skin.

I could taste the metallic blood seeping from my lip as I bit down hard. Once the knife left my skin I let out a breathe, I wasn't sure how much of this I could take. My chest still hurt and I was ready to break into tears from all the pain. Once again Colt was just kneeling infront of me looking at me as if studying my face, I feel insecure under his watchful eyes. The silence in the room is cut as Hank steps forward "this isnt going to work" he grumbles in annoyance, Colt stands up looking at me intensely before speaking "yes it will". "Fine but atleast take a break, hes loosing alot of blood" Hank says gesturing to my injuries, Colt doesn't seem persuaded. "He's right. He's no use to us dead, I'll get May to fix him up and then we can continue" Enzo adds with a firm tone. "Your right" Colt finally agrees encouraging me to let out a sigh of relief. The two exit the room before Colt nods to the two men, in a couple seconds it's just me and the man alone while the other guy stands outside the door.

The man just stares at me, compared to having to deal with Lincoln and those three, this guy didn't scare me at all. Slightly irritated and scared by the whole situation I try to slyly undo the ties in on my wrists "Hey! If I see you doing that again, il take one of those knives to your throat" he threatens. Weirdly enough I felt like it and this guy were on the same level, I could easily take him if I was out of these restraints. Not to mention even the guys said they needed me to heal first to get answers out of me, this guy wouldn't hurt me. "Bullshit" I say irked, taking my frustration out on him. He looks at me shocked. "How dare you speak to me like that you!" His voice booms through the cell, I roll my eyes at him, "your just one of their minions, there's nothing intimidating about you" I'm taking a risk by saying this, this guy has more muscles than me and is slightly taller but I knew he still wouldn't hurt me. I could see him getting more and more angry by the second. "You better shut your mouth!".

I roll my eyes at him stain, this guy really is pathetic. However, I may have underestimated him. He instantly takes hit to my face causing my vision to go blury, "watch your fucking mouth or else!" He growls at me. "Or else what?" I breathe out not even sure what I'm doing at this point. He walks to the table at takes a long knife before walking up to me and placing it under my throat. I looked deep into his eyes seeing the bluff from a mile away, a small smirk spread across my lips. "Do it" I say surprising him. However he seems slightly challenged by my comment. He surprises me but slicing a long deep gaps across my knee, it was diagonal compared to Colts cuts. The blood gassed out as I let a yell come from my mouth, I was afraid to show my pain infront fo this man. I bit my lip trying to endure the pain. I could feel the blood gushing down my leg, as I look up at him I see his eyes wide In realisation. I would smirk at him but I'm in too much pain to do anything but tightly close my eyes while I feel all the stings and deep gashes on my body right now. I feel the tears building up in my eyes.

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