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The further I walked the more I started to regret, my fear of the dark is stronger than ever right now, small sounds in the distance keep me on edge constantly. As the cold suffocated me and and darkness closes in the only thing I wish for right now is to be in Enzos warm bed with him beside me, I hate myself for thinking this but the fear inside me makes me crave a safe place.

I lean my back against a large oak tree sliding down to the floor as I place my knees to my chest hoping for warmth. I rest my head on my arms that are leaning on my knees, allowing my eyes to have a couple minutes rest. A soft growl startles me as I look up to see a large wolf walking towards me, I couldn't see the color due to the dark but it didn't look like a friendly wolf. My whole body stiffens as I have to tilt my head back just to look at the large wolf above me, I expect to be ripped to peices any second now except the waiting only continues.

The sound of a few twigs snapping and some bones cracking before utter silence, I can fell my body shaking from a mixture of fear and cold.
I jump at the touch of warm hands on my back and underneath my knees, I feel my body lifted into the air before being pressed against the something hard and warm. The warmth felt so good I couldn't help but lean closer to where the warmth radiated of off. I look up to see a sharp jawline, slight dark stubble around the sharp edges and lower face.

Colt? I inhaled the figures colone instantly getting my answer, the strong masculine smell of dominance yet a hint of rainforest fills my nose. Is this a dream? Didn't he tell me to go, why would he come back? After tiring myself out from the cold and never ending questions in my head I don't realise I'm already in there house again, the cold on my skin stops me from moving as much.

I continue to lean against his body with my eyes closed enjoying the warmth yet waiting to feel physical pain from him, eventualy soft voices interrupted my resting eyes. "Is he hurt?" A deep voice echous through my mind, "just a few scratches from earliers fight" a rough voice replys.

"The waters ready" another voice speaks up, all voices seemed unique yet deep. I feel myself being place gently on something soft flexible, I lean into the feeling enjoying the soft fabric underneath me. My skin twitches at the sudden feeling of someone grazing lightly against my skin, "Shhhh" a soft hush came from the person who was doing it. It wasn't long before I felt another pair of hands on me, before realising what was happening my shirt had already been taken off. After feeling my shoes being taken of I realised what would be next, still freezing I was unable to move but I managed to become a little more awake with my seroundings.

My eyes slowly opened slightly seeing blury figures around me, after some time of staring at them I saw Colt at the foot of the bed preparing to take my jeans of and Enzo next to me as if for assistance. Struggling to form words I begin to panic as Colt undone the buckle on my jeans, I quickly manage to put my hand there getting his attention.
"W-what y-you doing" I mumble out struggling to speak, "relax, we're just getting you ready for the bath" Enzo says rubbing his thumb softly on the side of my cheek, I'm so distracted by Enzos touch I don't realise Colt beginning to pull down my jeans leaving me in just my boxers infront of them.

The cold and humiliation made my body shake uncontrollably, Enzo quickly picks up the towel beside him and lays it gently over me before tucking it around me. The towels so nice and soft it relaxes me a bit, I feel Enzo gently pick me up before taking me into the bathroom. Hank was inside adding some liquie stuff into the bath, are they going to poisen me? Is that acid?! I begin to panick realising there plan, Enzo has to tighten his grip on me as I begin to squirm around in his arms "calm down, its okay" he trys to sooth me but I'm not even listning.

He slowly lowers me towards the bath as Colt removes the towel from around me, I don't give a shit if I'm half naked right now I'm more focused on not being burned alive by acid.
The closer I get to the bath the more I cling onto Enzo as if my life depends on it, which right now it does. "Seb, calm down. Its just a bath" Colt says in an unuasaly calm tone, they are definitly trying to kill me some how. Colt and Hank try to pry me of Enzo has he continues to lower me towards the bath,my grip is tight but against against two strong men I don't stand a chance.

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