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"They gave me a set of rules for you. Bed times at 10.30, you need to have your medicine before you go to sleep, no scary movies, no sweets before sleeping, no shifting and no over excersizing" Max says reading through the long list they had made before leaving. "You dont actualy have to agnolage that, just say you did" I say flopping myself onto the couch as he let's out a chuckle.

"They'd have my head if they knew I didn't follow there rules" he replys sitting next to me. "There not royalty, you shouldn't be afraid of them" I tell him. "There Alphas, that's like royalty in our world, pup" I'm guessing he's a shifter too then. An hour had past and a strange feeling in my chest kept bugging me, "whats the matter? You seem uncomfortable?" Max asks making me realise I'm figiting about, "I have a weird ache in my chest" I tell him, he stays silent and just smiles at me.

"What?" I whine "it's the bond, your not used to being away from them so your feeling a slight strain" stupid bond bullshit again.

Another hour goes by and the aching is getting worse, I've become really hot in a matter of minutes. Max got me an ice pack to cool me down yet it doesn't seem to be working as well as I'd hoped. "They said this might happen, wait here" Max says before getting up of the couch and into the kitchen.

He comes back with a phone up to his ear, before I can ask what he's doing he silences me with his finger making me roll my eyes at him. "Hello?" He says, "yes everything's fine but what you said would happen is happening" he explains looking at me a little concernd. "Okay" he says before walking up to me and resting his hand out with the phone in nudging me to take it. "Oh I can speak now can i" I say sarcastically, he rolls his eyes before leaving me on the couch with the phone.

"Hello?" I speak hesitantly into it, a slight wave of reliefe goes through me as I hear a familiar voice "Seb. How are you feeling?" I hear Enzo ask, "fine" i tell him. "Don't lie to me" even though he was scolding me the aching softend just by hearing his voice.

It felt calming to hear his voice again as if he's right here next to me. "My chest hurts" I tell him, "Okay, it will just be because we are away right now. Put a movie on and lay down on the couch, make sure to drink alot of water" he tells me. I do as he says and lay my body out except it doesn't make a difference, "how do you feel now?" He asks after a couple minutes of just telling me stuff about him and the guys, I'm assuming as a distraction from the aching feeling.

"It's still there" I tell him, my words come out in a whine which was unintentional. "I'm sorry Seb, we'll be home soon i promise. Put Max on the phone for me" he asks, I do as he says. Max quickly hurries up the stares and comes back in a matter of seconds, he hands me one of Enzos hoodies aswell as the phone.

"Honey keep my hoodie beside you, the scent should help soften the aching feeling" this time he was right, it did. Smelling his colone was like having him beside me, it was so relaxing Max had to take the phone as I was slowly falling asleep snuggled against the hoodie.
I was only woken up once to take my medicine but after that I fell into a deep sleep.

Bright flashes shine in my mind, I can see myself running through the woods. The cool breeze against my skin, suddenly I stop as if I can't move anymore. I look around as everything I the woods turn from green to dark red, shadows appear on the floor just as blood red liquid spreads over them.

I look infront of me to see my brother screaming in pain as the wolves rip of his limbs one by one, constant screams of pain, I try to reach him but I can't move. My heart races, pain strikes through me as my eyes snap open to see I'm still in the living room. I sit up gasping for air, my thoughts are so loud I can't hear my own breathing.

My hands are shaking, my head feels dizzy, another pain strikes through me except this one was real. I look up to see a figure in the dark corner of the room holding a sharp blade in there hand, everything goes quiet. I stand still too afraid to move, suddenly the figure comes running straight for me with the knife ready to plunge it into my skin.

I try to run but I can't move, I'm grabbed by the stranger as he shakes me violently before angling his knife to my heart ready to end me. My eyes snap open as I gasp for air "Seb. Seb wake up" echous of voices closed my mind as I shut my eyes again wanting these nightmares to be over. "Shhh your okay, it was just a nightmare Seb" the voices continued.

As I slowly grounded myself the voices became similar, I open my eyes to see three large familiar figures infront of me. I lunge for the first one infront of me wrapping my arms around them "Shhhh it's okay. Nothing bads going to happen to you I promise" i could hear Colts voice, by the cent of the figures colone i could tell it was him I was clinging onto for dear life.

As he rests his hand on the back of my head with his other rubbing circles circles my back I look over to the corner I had dreamed about. It was dark like my dream yet empty, it felt so real though. I look around realising something.

"Where's Max?" I ask pulling away, "we sent him home when we got back" Hank explains looking at me concernd. "You were having quite the nightmare. Did you watch scary movies before going to sleep?" Enzo says testing me, I shake my head frantically. I cling to Colt again hoping they'll never leave me again.

"Your emotions are really giving you a hard time today huh" he says bringing me closer into his arms. "Scary man" I mumble looking into the corner again. They all look down at me confused "what are you talking about, hun?" Hank asks looking towards the corner. "No one's there" Enzo says rubbing my back.

I nod my head "someone was" I said, they all look at each other worried before looking towards the corner again. "It was just a dream Seb. I promise no one could have gotten into this house" Enzo trys to comfort me. "Look" he says before getting up and walking to the corner to prove nothings there except a small whine leaves my lips remembering how most horror movies start.

As the dark corner consumes him I begin to get more worried, he turns around showing there's nothing there that will get him but my mind only believes what it saw in the dream. I reach my hand out wanting him to come towards me still having the feeling somethings there, a small smile creeps onto his face as he walks up to me. "It's okay Seb, nothing going to get me" he tells me as he places both his hands on my waist lifting me up to his chest, I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck as he places one hand under my bum and the other on my back.

"That dream really gave you a fright" he exclaims swiping a peice of hair out of my face. I look over to the corner again getting flahsback of the man suddenly running towards me, I quickly hide my face into his shoulder as if it was happening again. "Awe pup, it's okay. Your okay, there's nothing there" Colt explains look over at the corner. I see in the corner of my eye Hank picks something up and walks over to the corner, he slowly places it on the floor before plugging something into the socket.

A light turns on brightening the corner,it's no longer scary now I can see it "see, that's better" Hank says walking up behind Enzo as I look at him then the corner. "Let's get you some milk then time for bed" Colt says as we all head into the kitchen. Enzo tryed to place me down on one of the chairs but I unawaringly Clinging to him even tighter, he got the message and seemed happy to carry on holding me while rubbing my back to calm my nerves.

After drinking something and being forced to take more of my medicine which Enzo had had put me down for since I was refusing to cooperate, we walk back into the living room to go up the staires. Once again I find myself staring at the corner "come on you, there's nothing there" Colt says nudging me on to carry on walking.

We head up stairs, they all walk me to Enzos room. Enzo gets into bed after the others leave once knowing I'm safe in the room.

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