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I could tell smelling his home had make him homesick, he didn't know it but as he was thinking he was sending me small bits of his thoughts. Knowing he would be in more trouble if he ran I quickly picked him up by the scruff of the neck and easily walked in the other direction with him. After a few protests and tantrums he alleged to calm down yet right now as he's just sitting there he doesn't look calm he just looks agitated, distressed even. Sitting beside him he didn't even look up at me "whats wrong with him?" Hank asks through my mind. Since all three of us are Alphas we can communicate whether in wolf form or human form.

"Homesick" I respond back. I know Colt could hear our conversation yet he didn't look like he felt bad for the kid. I nudge the kid in his neck hoping to get a reaction even if it is a snap of the teeth. But nothing. I notice his ears are droopy, I lick behind them making them go up slightly but there's still not reaction from the kid himself. Earlier I was licking him to calm him down and and I had done it to clean him from all the dirty but now I know he likes it ill do it just for enjoyment.

"Whats the matter pup?" Hank says walking up to the depressed looking wolf, Seb really was a pup. In human form he had an attitude and he seemed to build a intimidating poster not that it worked on any of us. But in his wolf form it really showed his inner side, he's big and has claws and canines making him relax more knowing he can defend himself easily.

Being in his wolf form is good for him, helps him relax. Earlier his playful side came through which was pretty cute, and then when I had picked him up he through a couple tantrums showing all his frustration and annoyance. It's good for him to get that out. After a couple minutes of silence, Hank gave in.

The kid wasn't going to respond in any kind of way. "Come on, we have to head back" Colt says. I wasn't keen on his rush to get back, I want the kid to embrace the side he shuts of so much. "You guys go ahead" I tell them, they look a little unsure for a second. "I can handle him, besides if I tire him out he'll be alor easier to handle at home" that thought instantly made them agree.

There headed off into the direction of the house, I sit still with the pup beside me. Being in wolf form with him showing his vonurable side has made our bond bigger, he will have more trust with me than the other guys now. Now the other guys are gone he will feel more comfortable to show that side again.

I nudge him but he still doesn't respond, I push my head against the side of his body forcing him to lay down, atleast I get a reaction from this. He growls at me but quickly turns into a whine as I like up the side of his neck, I nudge him around a bit more hearing him giggle slightly. There's the side I want. I nip a couple times at him only causing him to do the same, his nips were little on the sharper side but I was okay with it. Hes still getting use to his cabinet "come on, we'll run there's tell him, he gets up looking in the direction the guys went before backing up a bit. I sigh knowing that's where the problem stems from, he doesn't like showing his vonurable side to the guys.

When we get back he'll have to turn back and then he'll be back to being defensless. "When we go back you don't have to be around them if you'd ont want to, you can stay in my room" his ears prick up at that, I give him a calm chuff of approval to my answer.

He stands up and begins to walk in the direction by himself, I allow him to have a couple steps ahead showing him he's going there willingly. On the way there everynow and then he will show his playful side, he likes to pounce on me and even though it has no affect I'll pretend to fall. Sometimes he'll  run ahead which I'm not worried about because for once he's running in the right direction, I catch up to him pretty easily and give him a few playful nips on the back of his neck.

Small patches of my fur have gone from a dirty blonde to a red from where his claws have accidently court me, with years years experience I've known how to retract my claws but with his inexperience they are out all the time. I didn't call him out ln it not wanting to ruin his fun.

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