Wheres Seb?

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I look around the cell seeing all the doms yet non of the pups. "Whats going on?" Dimitris asks, "we've been drugged" I explain, "Where's Aaron?" Dimitris says startled looking around panicked, I can see this catches Hanks and Enzos attention leary looking around for Seb.

"Where's the pups" Hank says, I shrug my shoulders trying to think who would do this. A small scuffled sound from my left catches my attention, the bars are stopping me from walking to the other side fo the cell yet I can just manage to see something moving in the darkness of the corner. "Seb?" I call out in hope, a small familiar groan spreads through my ears. More movement comes from the corner except Seb doesn't appear, Aaron wobbles his way to his feet trying to catch his balance form the dizziness, he slowly walks out of the darkness almost stumbling over. "Aaron are you okay?" Enzo asks.

There's no response from him as he seems to dazed to hear us, "Aaron baby, come over here" Dimittis soft tone echous through the cells, Aaron seems to perk up at his voice and walks as if hes only following his voice and not his eyes. A couple centermeters from the bars Aaron stumbles to his knees, "careful" Dimitrs says panicked. "Whats going on? Where are we?" Aaron asks looking around startled, "it's okay, your going to be okay" Dimittis comforts Aaron, usually I would do the same aswell as the guys except now we had our own pup to look after however I still can't see him.

"Aaron is Seb over there?"I ask looking at the dark corner hoping he'll appear. Aaron looks at me worried before shaking his head softly, my heart beat rises every second I think about the worst thing that could have happend to him. Just as Hank tryna break the door down the sound of footsteps echou thought he hall's, another door opens to reveal a Man. He stands infront of the cells looking down at us only angering me more.

I stand at the front of the bars clearly taller than him yet he shows no fear, "what the fuck do you want?" I growl at him, he laughs aloud. I slam my fists against the bars almost breaking skin except I'm unaffected. "Well he wants the flashdrive but I...I want to see you guys suffer" he says with smirk, I look behind him to see who he was gesturing at. Lincoln! Son of a bitch.

"Where's Seb!" Hank yells grabbing the bars angrily, the man tuts at his anger before snapping his fingers allowing a Man to walk in holding a beaten up Seb by the shoulder, I could see how weak Seb is just by the fact he could barley stand on his feet and the man had to drag him in.

The man throws him harshly to the ground to which Seb barley responds to, rage fills me. I could see the reflection of 3 pairs of golden glowing eyes in the man's eyes, "what the fuck is wrong with you! He's just kid!" Enzo yells slamming his hands against the bars "he did me wrong and he had to pay for it, you guys of all people should know how a business works" Lincoln speaks up smirking.

I look down at Seb his whole body shivering slightly as he can barley move a limb, multiple bruises scar his skin, a gas in his forehead leaves dried blood gowing down to his cheek.

"Your problem is with us not him, you should have left him alone growl out, "actuaky it was with both of you but now my business with him is done, lucky for you I have a deal with Matt here therefore I can't kill him but I can still have my fun" his comment enraged me to the core. "When I get out of here I'm going to fucling skin you alive!" Hank threatens, Lincoln only laughs.

"I wouldn't threaten me, or he'll have to pay" Lincoln gestures to Seb still laying emotionless on the floor, Hank goes silent. "Not so brave now,huh?" Lincolnc speaks up with a cocky expression on his face. Without any warning he kicks Seb brutaly in the stomach making the three of us slam our hands against the bars with loud growls rattling the walls. "His pain is your fault" Lincoln says before gesturing a nod to one fo his men.

The man picks Seb up by the top of his arms dragging him as he can barely stand on his feet, he unlocks the cell before throwing him onto the floor once again and locking the cell. Aaron hurries to Sebs side yet he still seems no respondent. "What the fuck did you do to him!" Enzo yells slamming his fists against the bars startling Lincoln slightly, "a beating he'll never forget" Lincoln says after regaining his cocky poster. "Seb.." the sound of Aaron muttering brings all out attention to him as the three men leave the room, Aarons trying to wake Seb up with some slight shaking to his side.

"Aaron, be gentle" Dimitris reminds him. My heart feels heavy seeing all the pain that's been inflicted on Seb, "he's not waking up" Aaron says with a panicked expression, something something side me wanted to break these bars down and hold Seb in my arms but i knew raging wasn't going to help the situation.

"It's okay Aaron, he just needs to rest" I tell him trying to comfort him aswell as my own thoughts.

"What are we going to do?" Enzo says, "it's not like we haven't been in this situation before" Hank repys, Enzo shoots him a glare "yh but we didn't have pups then, there clearly going to use them as an advantage" I look over at Seb and Aaron, he's right.

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