Full moon

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I stretch my muscles as I feel myself becoming more awake, I let out a calming sigh relaxing into the position I'm still in. Suddenly I feel a hand on my back again yet this time tracing up and down my back with one finger, I feel him lean closer to me.

I jump a bit at feeling him kiss along the back of my neck before down my back, suddenly I'm turned over with his eyes infront of me. I feel his hand on my hard member rubbing softly making me so sensative to his touch, I let out a uncontrollable moan moving my hips to his touch, fuck that feels so good.

He begins unbuckling his jeans taking his belt of, without asking I give him my wrists and he ties the belt around them keeping it tight. He leans my hands above my head before kissing up my torso, I can feel the sparks inside me making me excited. His lips crash against mine in seconds, he forces his tounge in my mouth taming me in a second.

Suddenly my body jolts awake, I quickly sit up trying to separate reality from my dream. I look down to see no Enzo, looking to my side I see him laying on his back leaning on his arm with his hleyes closes. The covers had come of him showing he still had his jeans on with the belt, I let out a sigh of relife. I quickly look down thanking God I can't see a tent in my sweats.

I feel my head slightly sweating from my erotic dream. I'm not even gay! I keep repeating to myself in my head, "are you okay? Your sweating" I hear Enzos voice. I look up to see him sat beside me looking concernd. He places his hand on my forehead "your really hot" I know he was talking about my temperature but my mind instantly turned it into something seductive and sexy.

I quickly get out of the bed needing space, he seems shocked to see my reaction. He puts his hands in the air as if showing he means no harm, he gets out of bed and slowly walks towards me. I take steps back until my back is to the balcony window.

"Hey, calm down" he says in a firm tone. "Did you have a bad dream?" He asks keeping distance, flash backs of hid body on mine and his lustful eyes staring into mine flash in my mind. What the fjck is going on! "I'm not gay!" I yell out wanting the flash backs to stop. I open my eyes in fear knowing I just said that out loud, he looks at me confused before his eyes relax in realisation.

"I knew this would happen" he mumbles, I look at him in confusion. He slowly moves towards me being calm with every movement "Remember when I told you about the imprinting...you've done it too. That's why your having these dreams" I'm so confused. "How you know.." I couldn't even finish my sentence but somehow he knew what I was asking. "It's common, it happens to everyone who imprints" I shake my head in disbelief. Something suddenly pops into my head, "You've had dreams...about me?"I ask not sure if I want to know the answer, he doesn't respond.

I groan in confusion placing both my hands over my eyes, he's dreamt about me naked!
"I know this is weird, but I can't control it. None of us can" he takes a couple steps closer, "I'm not gay" I say holding my hand out stopping him from going any further. He sighs, he nods.

"Even if you aren't it wont stop you from having these dreams"he says. "Fine but there just dreams, it doesn't mean anything" I say. He smiles as if he knows something I don't, "I know, there just dreams" he says agreeing with me. He stays here he is till I calm myself down, "go have a cold shower it will help cool you down" he tells me. I do as he says and hop into the shower.

It takes some strength to remove the images out of my head, what the fuck is going on. I ignore Enzo the rest of the day and avoid him as much as possible, I've been entertaining myself with May who actually seems to be alot of fun. Im getting more confident around Casper but still refuse to be alone with him.
The guys worked out for a couple hours which gave me time by myself to enjoy.

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