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After managing to convince Aaron to come out with me we both sneaked out I the woods headed into the direction of town, "it shouldn't be that far if walk this way" Aaron explains. Aaron's alot of fun, he doesn't seem like the submissive type at all which surprised me when I heard he was with Dimitris. We came across a small river with another part of the woods on the other side. "Dimitris says to never cross the river" Aaron days looking at the other side, i look at him in confusion "why?" I ask. He shrugs his shoulders "he would never tell me".

We both trun around to head towards the town accept as soon as we do a low growl spreads through the woods, we both stop dead in our tracks. We both slowly turn around to see 2 large wolves baring there teeth at us,  before we could run 2 more wolves emerged from behind us. Everything happend so quickly, pain strikes through me as I collapsed to the floor. Aaron's dark brown furred wolf fights of 2 of the wolves while I can feel my skin begin to tear apart.

Everything's a blur, once I have a second to breathe and realise what's going on me and Aaron are each fighting of 2 wolves. After a long period period trying our hardest to fight them of we're both panting in exhaustion while the 4 huge wolves don't even look exhausted. They begin to circle us separately, 2 wolves come towards me slowly. I'm so focused on them I don't realise the one behind me, thankfully Aaron tackles him before his claws can touch my skin. As the adrenaline slowly dissolves from my body a sharp pain spreads through out my stomach, the pain keeps me distracted as another wolf lunges at me.

This time I'm not able to dodge or have Aaron take him down for me. I hit the ground hard struggling to get the wolf of me as his claws slowly tip into my skin, suddenly the weight of the wolf is lifted of me and I'm able to breathe. Rolling onto my side panting for air I see another 4 large wolves in the area except they weren't attacking us, they were ripping apart the other wolves.
Each huge wolf was against another leaving me and Aaron to rest and watch the scene, one particular wolf stands out.

A dirty blonde hair wolf, Enzo. That must mean the others are the guys, I look at the colors of the fur to see who is who. The big dark black furred wolf must be Colt, the Brunnete wolf with a dark brown patch along his back and snout must be Hank. Another brown wolf with slightly darker fur must Dimitris, each of the wolves looked to be winning as they ripped and torn into the wolves skin as they yelped out aloud. Before any of the wolves were too injured to live all 4 of them backed of.

I made eye contact with Aaron, 'lets leave now while we have a chance' I tell him through our mind, 'good idea' we both slowly sneak away hoping to get to town. Before we had left the house I had told Aaron we weren't running away and were just going to stay in a hotel for a night to get away for a bit, except I planned on leaving in the morning. A part of me hoped I could convince Aaron to come with me but he seems to generally like Dimitris.

As we walked my stomach began to really take a toll on me 'hey, are you okay' Aaron asks, I give him a nod as I keep my head down becoming slower with my steps. My stomach only grew more painful and the pain seemed to spread through my back right leg making it hard to put preasure on it.

Suddenly Aaron is taken to the ground a couple inches beside me, as I look his way distracted i see a huge dark brunnete wolf standing above him baring down at him, Aaron's ears droop in submission. I quickly look infront of me ready to run except a largejet black wolf stands infront of me, his chest heaving in anger with his head baring down at me.

I look up at him suddenly feeling very small and vonurable, a irritated chuff behind me makes me turn my head to see Hank behind me and Enzo at the left side of me. 'And to think you couldn't cause anymore trouble' Colt growls out though my mind. 'What the hell were you two thinking' Dimitris yells as he let's Aaron up of the floor. 'This won't be Aaron's fault' Hank says glaring at me, my ears go down as I feel all eyes on me. 'Aaron has free will, he's in just as much trouble as Seb' Dimitris replys.

As I look up at the 6 angry looking eyes baring down at me the pain in my stomach only worsens, 'come on, we're going home' Colt says angrily. We all start heading back except my walking softened slowly with each step as the ache in my stomach became heavy, Colt nudged me on roughly not allowing me to slack. My ears suddenly pricked up before I could even know why, I look in the distance that made my fur stick up.

An uneasy feeling spread through me as if we were being watched, again I'm ousted farward as The three large wolves seround me making sure I have no escape. I look to my side seeing a small gap between Colts body so I'm able to see Aaron, his ears are drooped as he's also pushed along by Dimitris. Again the feeling of being watched creeps into my mind, I look in the area but nothing looks out of the ordinary.
Eventualy we got to Dimitris house but Colt and the others suggested I was to be taken home immediately.

After them waiting patiently for a couple minutes I managed to shift back in a private little space behind behind cabin, as soon as I finished ousting on my clothes and just rolled down my top over my torso, Colt appears behind me. He grabs my arm roughly and pulls me behind him towards the car where the others two are standing.

"Get in" he orders as Hank opens the door, I look over at Aaron who's standing on the porch with a still not so happy looking Dimitris. Aaron's expression showed we shared the same emotion, we were both sad to be leaving one another. Even though we almost died we still had alot of fun, I can't remember the last time I actualy enjoyed someone's company except my brothers. After being pushed into the car Colt drove of with tight fists around the steering wheel, I know I shouldn't talk but I can't help myself.

"Will I get to see Aaron again?".

I ask softly, I see Colts eyes jolt to me in the mirror before diverting back to the road "we'll think about it" Hank replys groggily.

"It depends if Dimitris will even want you around Aaron" Colts harsh tone didn't hurt as much as his words did, Dimitris actualy seemed nice and to think he could stop me from seeing the one person I felt connected with other than my brother, hurt alot.

"What were you thinking going out alone?!" Enzo speaks up after being so quiet for so long, I can't bare myself to look up at him knowing his disspiontment would be the most to hurt me. "I just wanted to go outside" I mumble. "Cut the bullshit Seb. You obviously had intentions to runaway, but to get Aaron involved was a selfish, idiotic thing to do" he scolds me, "sorry.." I mumble uncomfortably "sorry isn't going to fix what you did. Your lucky I didn't let Dimitris punish you for putting Aaron in danger" Colt speaks up.

An uncomfortable tension in the air suffocated me and before i knew it I was unable to stop myself form opening my mouth "this would have never happend if you had let me go" I mumble. All eyes darted on me, I felt the car jolt slightly as Colts hands tensed even more on the wheel. I could see his finger nails breaking the leather on the wheel, "want to repeat that" Hank replys leaning down to me.

A part of me wants to cowar but another part knows I have some right here. "You kidnapped me remember...why the fuck should I respect you and your mate when you are holding me hostage. I'd rather you kill me already" I snap in anger, the car instantly holts to a stop making me almost fall farward. Silence spreads through the car making my heartbeat grow louder.

"Get out.." a sharp low voice speaks, I look to the front in shock. "You want freedom, then get out.." his voice was filled with anger but his tone was low and dull, only making him more scary. I look at the other two to my left wondering if this is a trick.

I hesitate with my hand on the handle, "get the fuck out my car!" He snaps, I jolt in shock and quickly pull the handle opening the door and hurrying out before shutting it behind me, I walk backwards slowly as I keep my eyes on the car unsure of what they are planning. To my surprise Colt drives of, is he really finally letting me free. A heavy wait is lifted of my chest however it doesn't last long when I turn around to see a dark, scary looking woods behind me.

I've seen this bit before, I can't be far from there house but no way am I going back now I finally have freedom. A smile spreads across my face feeling the fresh air on my skin, I walk through the woods still managing to see with the bit of sunlight left.

Not sure what direction to head in I head left, eventualy the smile on my face dissapears as the woods become pitch black and the refreshing air starts to burn my skin with the cold. Was this a bad idea? Maybe I should have just stayed with them?

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