New friend

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I look outside the window into the pitch black dark, the reflection on myself is like seeing my brother standing before me. We looked alot alike or atleast we did, he would be 23 tomorow. If he was alive he would easily be able to protect me from these guys,I guess I'll just have to do it myself.

My eyes slowly open and shut over again before I can properly adjust to the light, I look around seeing no one's up yet. Looking out the window I notice the sun slowly rising towards the sky's, the woods look beautiful right now "Hey what you doing up so early?" I hear Hanks voice come from behind me, I turn to see Hank and Enzo standing a couple inches from where I am. They obviously both slept in the same bed last night, I still can't get the image of yhem kissing out of my mind.

"Where's Colt?" Enzo asks looking around, I shrug my shoulders. They both look at me suspiciously, "how long you been down here alone?" Hank asks folding his arms over his chest "all night" i say clearly. "Colt made u sleep down here alone?!" Enzo repeats to himself angrily.

Hank takes a deep breathe before turning to Enzo "we'll talk to him about it later" he says before turning to look at me again "come on, we need to get some food in you" he says walking into the kitchen. I don't follow and just watch as he dissapear into another room.

A sigh from Enzo catches my attention, he closes the space between us before kneeling down to my eye level "we need to talk about yesterday" I know exactly what he wants to tall about, I quickly try to dismiss the conversation with a shake of my head "didn't see anything, nothing to talk about" I blurt out.

He sighs again running a hand through his hair fustratedly "Seb I know you saw what happend, I just want to explain" he says in a calm athorative tone "I dont want to know, I didn't see anything" I repeat. "You can't be indenyl for ever, you share the same attraction as we all do for each other" a look of disgust rolls across my face, "that's bullshit" I blurt out acting disgusted.

"Seb" he snaps, I see the frustration in his face only adding to my entertainment. "Fuck off, I'm not gay!" I snap back enjoying the new sense of voice I have now they've gone soft on me. I stand up from the couch and begin to walk to the kitchen, suddenly a hand wraps around my wrist.

"What makes you think you have the right to talk to me like that" he speaks lowly at me as his huge poster over powers mine,I manage to roll my eyes at him however feeling my heart beat 10x as fast as before. I try to get out of his grip but he won't let go, "let go" I say struggling to get out of his grip, without thinking I make a swing for his jawline with a strong fist. Just cm from his face he manages to catch my hand in his, he looks at me a little startled from my attack. "Are we back to square one then" he says gruffly as he holds both my hands in his grip, "if you start acting out like before then we'll have to go back to old punishments, starting with the cell" he threatens me.

I think for a second regaining my thoughts, I relax my fists showing my response. He waits a couple seconds before letting go of them, I storm past him and into the kitchen. I take a seat at the far end ignoring Hank who's staring at me confused of my entrance, "everything okay?"He asks Enzo as he walks in.

"Yh, just reminding Seb of his place" he says grabbing a cup before filling it with coffee, i roll my eyes at his statement. "Did you talk to him about yesterday?" I hear Hank whisper to Enzo, "yh, he's not interested in it though" Enzo says with a dull tone. Suddenly footsteps enter the kitchen with a tall figure wearing a black jacket and some black jeans. "What happend to your face?" Enzo asks as son as you walks in, I look in his direction to see a purple bruise just fine on his sharp cheekbone.

"That" Colt says gesturing to me. I see Enzo studying me from the corner of my eye, "is that why you made him sleep down here?" Hak says looking angry. "I wasn't going to let him sleep in my bed after acting out, I'm not rewarding his behaviour" Colt says grabbing himself some coffee.

"I wouldn't have done that if you hadn't bit me, asshole" I growl out. Suddenly all eyes on are me but Colts stand out the most as pure blood red anger shines in them. "Care to repeat that" he says putting his mug down and taking a couple steps towards me.

"Which part? You biting me or you being an asshole" I say confidently. I can see a fire building inside him, Hank comes up beside Colt extending an arm stopping him from coming any further. "You bit him" Hank says looking a little mixed with emotions, Colt sighs. "You put him in my room, what did you expect" I can see Hanks and Enzos eyes both glow golden for a second before they calm themselves with deep breathes.

"It doesn't matter now, what's done is done" Enzo speaks up walking to the cupboard. I could see Hank and Colt were still silently arguing with each other through eye contact. Enzo walks up tonme with the bottle of medicine, not again! He uncaps the bottle before pouring some onto a spoon,  reluctantly I take the medicine not having the energy to fight. "Good boy" he praises as he puts the cap back on the bottle. The medicine is vile as ever but I manage to swallow it all without gagging this time. "What do you want for breakfast?" He asks, I'm too tired to eat.

I stay silent and lean on my hand as my elbow rests on the counter, I feel a hand on my back rubbing thoroughly in circles. "You need to go back to sleep" I hear Hanks voice say, "ill take him up to my room for a nap" Enzos voice speaks clearly through the room. "Actualy we are seeing Dimitris today, we need to leave in a bit" Colt speaks up as he takes two peices of toast out of the toaster and butter them, "I love seeing Dimitris but are you sure nows a good time" Enzo says leaning on the counter beside Colt.

Colt walks up to me with the plate of toast and places it infront of me taking me by surprise, "nows a better time than any, Seb can get to know Aaron" I hear him say as I begin to slowly munch on the toast. I hadn't realised I was hungry till I started eating, a couple minutes later and the toast was gone leaving me satisfied. "Good, now go and go changed we're gonna leave in a bit" Colt says taking the empty plate away.

Weirdly enough I do as he says without hesitating, Enzo had got out some clothes that looked a lil more closer to my size and style. Some black ripped jeans with a mauve top, I headed down stairs to see the three ready and standing by the door. At some point guring the journey I fell asleep against Enzo, he nudged me gently when we had arrived.

The house looked beautiful and peaceful, we were a little closer to town but still near the woods. As I step out of the car behind Enzo a large figure exits out of the house, my eyes roamed over the features of this person. Large, tall, muscly male with a light beard, dark brown hair and brown eyes. Once he was infront of Colt I could see he was the same height as these three with a very similar body build, maybe he's a wolf too.

"It's good to see you guys" he deep voice echous. After greeting everyone and now standing infront of Enzo his eyes divert down to me, I'm slyly standing behind Enzo unsure of trusting this stranger.

"And you must be Seb, it's nice too meet you" he says giving me a friendly smile, too friendly. We walk into the house behind him, it's even more beautiful on the inside with wood for the walls, and a nice calm fire in the living room. It's a little bit like where the guys live except this is more comfortable, I look down to see fluffy rugs on the floor. The dim lighting of the lamp shades is perfect for my eyes, the sweet smell of pine relaxs my whole body.

"Take a seat" he says gesturing to the soft looking couch, unlike the guys this couch is super comfortable. I hate there leather ones, too cold for me. One by one the guys sit down leaving a gap for me between Enzo and Colt, I'm a little hesitant to sit. Being in a living room with four Alphas is alot to handle in such a short amount of time, I shock myself as I think this. I sniff the air noticing all these men share one small similar scent, so I was right this man is an Alpha aswell. "Seb sit down" Enzo speaks up gently, I hesitate for a bit looking around taking notes of my exits.

I eventualy sit down thankfully with small gaps between me and the guys, "I was so happy when you called, we havent talked in ages. I've been so busy with work, new house and Aaron" Dimitris explains as he sits opposite us on the other smaller couch.

"How is Aaron?" Enzo speaks up, Dimitris smiles brightly at the name "he's doing really well, there's been a few bumps every now and then but he's made alot of progress" completely unaware of what they are talking about I begin looking around the room observing every object I'm here.

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