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That's why they aren't scared. I look around me slyly trying to find any quick escape routes, in my wolf form I'm much faster. "Don't think about it, pup" a voice enters through my head, Enzos voice! "How are you..." I'm so confused right now, and all the pain as made me slightly light headed. He walks towards me "we are both in wolf form so I can communicate with you" he walks beside me clearly justifying how much larger he is than me. I look over to the other guys who are just staring at me as if studying me new form.

"Dont worry, they can't hear us" Enzo's voice enters my head again. "My h-head hurts" I think to myself, however Enzo replys "it will do, its your third time shifting. Your body needs to adjust" im startled to feel something behind my hear "relax, your so jumpy" he groans. I turn around to see him closer beside me, he licks me behind my ear which is a little unsettling yet feels good. "What are you doing" I say as if almost in a moany voice slightly enjoying it.

He let's out a deep chuckle that tickles my brain "you got alot to learn" he says before licking me behind the ear again, something suddenly enters my brain. "Wait. How'd you shift so fast" I ask looking up at him, "I've been doing it for years, I can do it as fast and as painless as I want" I let out a sigh of reliefe knowing it won't always be like this. I look over to the other guys who still seem wary of me, for once i feel like I have power over them.

"Enzo hurry up, we need to get back" I hear Enzo chuff at Colts brash comment, go back! No fucking way! This is my chance. Whilest Enzo has his attention on Colt which seem to be having a slinet conversation I quickly turn the other way heading in the direction I tryed to escape in before. Except Hank managed to get infront of me before I could go anywhere, normaly I would instantly give up but I'm a wolf I have teeth and claws. I try to move psst him but he blocks me.

A sudden rage fills me, I try to shake it off and move again only for him to do the same.

He stood tall wit his arms folded, even as a wolf he has no respect for me. I let out a low growl at him not wanting the others to hear, he doesn't budge. "Not gonna happen" he growls out which somehow makes me want to submit. What the fuck?! Rage fills me at this unfair behaviour, I snap my teeth at him in anger. The frustration causing through my veins boiling up into rage, I let out another low growl with alot more power but he still doesn't move.

Does he want to die? I try one more time to move past him but he blocks me again, I see his eyes go golden like Colts did when he forced me to continue shifting. My instincts instantly kick in, I'm not being forced to do anything anymore! I bare my teeth at him seconds away from lunging at his throat when Enzo suddenly storms between us baring his teeth at me.

I keep my pose refusing to submit to the heavy weight he has on me, but as he stands tall baring his head down at me with more power in his growl I can't help but submit.

My tail droops, my ears go down and I stop baring my teeth.

I even instinctively arch my back a little trying to make myself smaller. When he sees me submitting he backs off, "told you he would be like that" Colt scoffs as he walks up to us, Enzo chuffs at him rolling his eyes. "He's no better in either form, he's just a brat" Colt continues to insult me only building my rage more. What the fuck is his problem. I let out a low growl and his eye divert to me "what was that? Something you want to say" he teases in a cocky tone.

Enzo nudges Colt lightly in the shoulder "he needs to learn to learn some respect" Colt growls out, "don't piss him off on purpose" Hank speaks, "he's still getting used to being a wolf, he can't control his rage" Hank continues, out of them all  I hate Colt the most. He's an insensitive prick. "He might be disobedient but he's not an idiot, he knows not to go after me" Colt gives me a stare as if testing me.

Before I could let my rage take over Enzo steps between us nudging me towards a different direction "ignore him" he speaks through my mind.
Enzo pushes me on away from the camp sight, "where are we going" I growl out "far away from them until you calm down" he returns a calm tone.

Eventually we had walked far enough, still serounded by trees. I'm startled again as I feel Enzo lick behind my ear again, I let out a calm chuff sound. He continues before slowly moving down my neck, wait? Is this a sexual thing, I shouldn't feel good from this.

I'm not gay! I quickly pull away taking a couple steps ahead "what's your problem" he asks, "nothing" I mumble back. Enzo comes up beside me again and starts licking me on the back of my neck near my ears "s-stop" I say with a light moan added, he chuckles before moving down my neck further with his tounge. I let out a low growl in protest but he continues, randomly he stops licking my neck and walk ahead making me let out a small whimper, he had clearly heard it as I could hear him chuckle in my mind.

Fustrated with my own action I quickly run up to him as his strides are much bigger than mine, I nip at his fur coat on his neck hoping to cause him some pain but he just laughs again. He nudges me of him making me fall to the ground on my side, before I could get up uses his muzzle to nudge me in the stomach making me wriggle around. He starts licking my neck again in long strokes, I have no idea why I like it so much. I let out a small uncontrolled whimper as I can't feel his tounge on my fur anymore, suddenly I feel it on my ears causing immense pleasure.

My ears feel sensative yet as he licks them it feels so good. "Your not as bad as you make yourself out to be" he says chuckling. I growl at him in disagreement but he instantly nips at my ear making me whine. Eventually he stops licking my ear and goes to lay down beside me. I feel this playfulness inside me, I sit up and pounce on him making him roll over onto his side. He playfully nudges me and pushes me back with his paws.

I sit up looking around me, it'd so peaceful in wolf form. The birds singing, the trees whistling from the wind, the smells of fresh rain on the leaves. "You seem alot calmer" he see rubbing his head into my neck, "you should be like this more often, makes you easier to deal with" I roll my eyes at his comment. I look ahead of me before smelling the air, the city.

I sniff a little more stronger managing to smell my apartment and my bike. Thinking for a second on my next move I suddenly feel something grab me by the scruff of my neck carrying me into the other direction, I look down to see my feet completely of the ground I try to turn my head to see whats going on but I can't. I keep wriggling around "relax" I hear Enzo say, I look down to see dirty blonde paws moving beneath me "Put me down i protest with a growl.

"No, your too unpredictable" I try to wriggle out of his grip but eventually I gave up. Just before we got to the camp he puts me down allowing me to walk on my own legs.

I could tell he knew if he came back carrying me in his.mouth the guys would never gain any respect for me more trust,and i appreciate him for doing that. I walk slowly with my head droopy with him beside me nudging me on everynow and then. "We were starting to think you'd run off" Hank says as he and Colt stand with there arms crossed.

"I sit down in the corner not having the energy to retaliate. "Finally taught him some discipline then" Colt teases seeing my behaviour, Enzo chuffs irritatedly before sitting beside me. Smelling my home really makes me miss it, and my bike. My bikes the only thing I have that's close enough to freedom.


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