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The sun shone brightly through the windows of the abandoned building, I stood in the cold platform waiting for Lincoln. My short sleaved top allowes the hairs on my skin to shoot up as the cold breeze grazed my skin, the rips in my black jeans causes my cut to sting from the cold air. Waiting impatiently with lincolns minions either side of me, considering my height of 5,6 and there height of 5,8 they were quite a bit taller taller me. However I was a good fighter so I'm not worried.

Lincoln finally shows up walking walking the airy Hall towards me, I stand tall looking confident, I've always been good at masking my real feelings. He looks me up and down before placing his hand out,I give him the flash drive. He returns a nod before I turn around and walk off quietly releasing a sigh of relief. Just as im a few inches away I hear his voice boom down the hall. "Wait!" The hair on my skin stands up, but not from the cold. I turn around swallowing my fear, "something wrong?" I ask confidently.

He eyes me angrily before nodding to one of his men, my quick reflexes weren't enough to dodge the hit of a punch right to my right cheek. I manage to steady my balance staying on my feet, Lincoln walks up to me placing a finger under rmy chin forcing me to look up at him. "Thought you could trick me huh" he says menacingly, shit! "You forgot one thing..." he says turning the flashdrive around infront of my eyes "the stripe" instantly it hits me, crap i completely forgot about the white stripe.

He swings at me as I'm in thought, another blow blow the face almost knocks me doen but i manage to dtya standing as I lean my hands on my knees for support. I feel the cold breeze enter my split lip causing a searing pain. "I'm sorry. I can get you the flashdrive,I just need more time" I say before taking yet another strong blow but this time to my stomach, I instantly kneel down to the floor gasping for air and my lungs struggle to function. As soon as I manage to catch my breathe Lincoln grabs a chunk of my hair pulling me towards his face.

"I'm offended you thought you could do this to me. Your my best theif" he says looking deep into my eyes as his grip on my hair tightens causing me to wince. "Shame really. I'm gonna miss you" he says suddenly catching my attention, he releases the girp grip my hair allowing me to fall back to my knees. He turns his back to me before walking away leaving Mr with his men. "Wait no! I can get you the flashdrive" I yell desperately as I see one of his men take his gun out. Lincoln waves the back of hid hand at me carrying on down the corridor "please! Lincoln, don't do this! I'll get you the flashdrive!" I continue to yell in panic, the one thing I was most afraid of was about to happen to me. Death.

A man stands infront of me holding the weapon that's about to take my life, I look around in panic unsure of what to do. As the man lowers the gun to my head, I'm held down by two guys with their hands on my shoulders. There's no way I can get out of this situation, I struggle and struggle desperately to get
out of their grip but it's no use.

With the gun aimed right at my heart I see no other option, I quickly with all my strength sit on my bum and swing my leg around tripping the guy infront of me onto the floor. A loud bang echoed through the empty hall, a searing pain seeps through my chest but there's not ime to see what it was, this is my chance to escape. I quickly twist one fo the guys hands until I hear a snap, the other guy makes a swing for me but i manage to dodge and also trip him up.

The other guy takes a strong blow to the face just as a distraction before I knee him in the only place even the strongest of men can never recover from. I see my chance and run towards the entrance before fidling with my keys hurriedly running towards my bike. Panicking as I see the men running towards me in my rear view mirror, I manage to put the keys in my bike and start the engine before skidding of on the gravel. As I speed off down the lane I let out a sigh of relief, my heavy breathing and my pounding heart are the only things i can hear.

A couple minutes later and everything feels like a blur, as I park my bike outside my apartment building I only now start to feel the strong searing pain in my chest again. I look down to see my grey top staines with blood on my left side between my heart and shoulder. I put my hand against it trying to stop the blood from pouring out, a loud groan of pain escapes my lips. I've never been shot before, what do I do.

A suddenly flshs ack of when Lincoln shot one of his men for being disrespectful, he had shot him in the same place and told him it was only a flesh wound. I look under my shirt at it seeing a hole with blood seeping out, thankfully mines only a flesh wound and hadn't hit my heart. But its still gushing out a concerning amount of blood. I don't even know how to sew a bullet wound, I quickly hurry up the stairs towards my apartment. I open the door before turning on the lights. My eyes widen in shock as I see my furniture smashed , glassh shattered everywhere and papers from my desk spread across the floor.

Maybe Lincoln had got here before me thinking I had kept the real flahsdrive. I slowly walk closer inside looking around cautiously, the adrenaline from the whole situation is putting a strain on my body slowly making me dizzy, I'm not aware of my seroudnings as much as I usually am. Just as I take another couple inches into the apartment I see the reflection of someone behind me through the mirror, I get ready to trun around but suddenly something covers my mouth and nose, I can't help but breathe in as I frsntacly try and hit whose behind me. It only takes a couple seconds before I feel light headed and begin to sway, my body hits the floor pretty hard before everything goes black.

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