escaped again

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Atleast an hour went by as we used all kinds of weapons on Max, anyone who thought they could treat a kid like that deserved pure pain. Of course we had initially done the same thing, Colt had made 2 small cuts on the kids legs but Max had beat the kid to a polp.

It was completely different. After finishing with him, it looked like he wouldn't get up, blood spread across the floor around the body. I could hear a very faint heart beat yet his chest failed to rise from any breathing. "Should we put him out of his misery?" I ask. "No, leave him to suffer" Colt grumbles out.

"Sir he's gone!" May comes running into the room, as soon as her eyes direct onto the body she let's out a loud gasp. She knew what we did with prisoners and had seen many injuries before but compared to what we have done to Max she clearly did not have the stomach for it. "May!" I yell with anger in my tone taking her by the wrist and pulling her out "you know your not supposed to be down here unless we ask you to" I scold her.

"Y-yes I'm s-sorry" she says trying to recover her shaken up state, "what was so urgent you had to come down here unannounced" Colt growls out as he stands in his usual pose. Arms across his chest with irritated expression. "He's gone!" Her eyes snap wide open as if she had remembered something. "I went to get some water, I was only a couple minutes but when I went back he was gone, so looked everywhere but I can't find him.

I'm so sorry, I had no idea I swear" her panicky rant was soon calmed down as Enzo stepped farward "May, calm down" he says using his gentle tone which doesn't last long before he goes back to being firm "what are you going on about?" We all look at her in confusion. "The kid. He's gone!" She says with a shakey breathe, instantly we all run upstairs to the room in a flash of lightning. I search the bathroom while Colt searches around the house, Enzo checks the wardrobe and under the beds. "Hank" he catches my attention, as I turn around I see him pointing to a window that had been pushed wide open.

"You dont think he actually got out that way?!" I scoff, Colt rushes in "that brats no where in the house, his scent only stays in this room" me and Enzo instantly exchange looks wiping the cockyness of my face. Shit! I look out the window looking down, there's a ledge near by that leads down to another and then a tree close to the house.

He must have climbed down and ran into the woods. It didnt take Colt long to catch onto our thoughts before we all rushed out the house heading into the woods, the town for 30 minutes away in car but an hour by foot. Assuming the kids heading for his apartment which is on the other side of the city its going to take him atleast 2 hours or maybe 3 depending if he's injured himself from that climb.

As we run through the woods each taking a line and swerving between trees, Colt growls "I have his scent" we didn't need to follow him because soon after I could smell it aswell and I knew by the way Enzo had picked up his pace he also had the scent.
There's a small tinge of blood in his scent which could be from his previous cuts or new ones.

The scents getting stronger as we get closer, we've been running quite a while luckily our stamina is really high. We slow our pace down not even out of breathe, coming to a holt we listen out for anything in the distance. A few twigs snapping gives us our directions.

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