"Yep." I answered.

"How about you come over to my place, and I'll prepare us dinner." He offered. Of course I wasn't going to decline, I loved a pleasant home cooked meal and enjoyed his cooking as well.

"I don't know." I teased.

"Come on, don't make me beg."

"Fine, I'll come over!" I smiled.

Pretty soon the conversation drifted into mindless chat, but then the doorbell rang, pulling my focus from the phone.

"Hey, I would love to keep chatting with you, but that's my assistant at the door and if she's here, I'm late." I told him.

"Can I call you back later?"

"Mhm." He calmly replied.

"Okay bye."


After ending the call, I pushed my stool back and made my way to the door.

"Good morning." Kasey greeted, a Kool-Aid smile stretched across her beautiful tanned face.

"Morning." I greet back, allowing her inside.

"So what are we doing? Are you wearing that because if you are, I have some serious questions about your choice of fashion." she replied jokingly, pointing out my robe, and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not. I just finished my makeup, and I'm about to get dressed now."

"Okay, that reminds me, just before I got here, I received a directive from Gayle Anderson about the dress code."

"What was told?" I ask, she pulled her phone out of her high-waisted slacks and read the report, word for word.

"There is no specific dress code for the conference, but we encourage attendees to dress in smart casual or formal attire."

"Okay, contact Ms. Anderson and let her know I will adhere to their rules." I instructed her.

"Of course." she said as her thumbs begin tapping against her screen.

"Okay, message sent. You should go get dressed. I found that the lines at these conventions are long, even for guest speakers and VIP."

"I'm going." I told her, before heading off to my bedroom.

"Boss?" I overheard her say, prompting me to turn back around.


"Don't forget to take the rollers out your hair." she reminded me.

"Oh snap, thanks, it nearly slipped my mind..." I told her, bringing my hand up to my head.

"Of course, that's what I'm here for."


"Hello Ladies." Ms. Anderson was first to greet us as we entered the building. She was stationed at the little booth, where all the VIP speakers were supposed to go to get their guest passes.

"Nice to see you, Ms. Anderson!" I cooed.

"Likewise, Mrs. Biltmore, thank you for joining us today." she smiled.

"Our pleasure."

"Let me find your lanyard so you can get on your way." she told us, as she searched the stand where twenty, red and black lanyards were neatly set out.

She could locate mine on the top-left side of the table, and handed it to me. I pull it over my head, careful not to ruin my voluminous curls.

"I want to get straight into things with you..." Ms. Anderson begun. " We know we have already prepped you for the stage, your panel isn't scheduled until four pm, the only thing I ask of you is to be on time so we can have you mic'd up and ready to speak. Other than that, feel free to mingle, do some networking and maybe sit in on other guest speakers."

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