23. Varun

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Wednesday, 22nd November

I knew about Mahi's mother, and how strict she was. So it was strongly likely that Mahi met with the Matchmaker in the center itself, on the pretext of self studying. She often did stay for it, and judging by her academic performance, I didn't think she really did anything of that sort. So, after the class ended, I kept a close watch on her.

She exited the building into the compound, almost fooling me of her intentions. But she had gone only to wait and chatter with her friends till they left. Soon, she turned around and re-entered the center. I casually walked around, trying not to appear suspicious, and spied as much as possible on her. Whenever she took a turn, I immediately crept up to the point to keep further surveillance. Finally, she entered a lone classroom at the corner, which anyone hardly used.

I was hesitant at first to step closer, but finally slithered slowly to the doorway. I didn't dare to peek around, because the Matchmaker was exceptionally smart. I simply focused on the sounds. Mahi's voice was faintly audible, signifying that she was talking with another person. With only another day remaining of the deadline, I was 100% sure that she was having the appointment with MM.

I slowly slipped out my mobile, and made sure that the flash and shutter sound was off as I opened the camera. This was a very difficult task, for any of the slightest mistake and the Matchmaker might have caught me. At first, I switched on the timer, and slid my mobile on the floor towards the doorway, trying to keep as much part of it as possible behind the wall. When I took it back and gazed at the picture, it was totally ambiguous.

Only the bottom of the desks was visible. I tried repeating the same technique from different points, but the pictures were always unclear. So finally, I turned it to the burst mode, and moved the mobile all across the height of the doorway, as far as my hand could go. In those 50 or some shots, I finally came across a few, which showed Mahi and the Matchmaker sitting next to each other.

Mahi's mother, just like every other Indian parent, would be mad if she discovered her child hanging out with people from opposite sex, especially alone. Then it didn't matter even if it was only for study or notes. Because as per their perception, all the things that teenagers could do with opposite gender teens was to make out. Especially since she had learnt of Mahi's previous affair in 10th grade.

I immediately rushed out of the center, and took the first bus that led me to my home. Once I reached, I grabbed Meena's mobile, and sent the photo to Mahi's mother's number. It wasn't much difficult to obtain after giving Nimish bhaiya a burger, but his attitude said that it was probably the last time he would help me.

After sending the photo, I instantly blocked the number in order to avoid any confrontations. The next morning, I was already doubting whether my game had worked out. Mahi had took her seat as usual, giving me the regular gazes she usually did. We hadn't been sitting together since the strict guidelines after Amyra's incident. Nothing seemed different. But in the recess, she came across me abruptly in the hallway, almost causing me to jump.

"What did you do?!" she whispered, half panicked, half furious, "I know it was you who sent the photo!"

I had the strong desire to grab her by the throat there and then, and punch her to death as I thrashed her around. But the scene was too crowded for any of that.

"I warned you, and you didn't listen," I uttered.

"Are you really going to let me die? Is that how low you can get?"

"It was you who got to the lowest point possible when you wished the Matchmaker for me."

"I will do anything to make it up for you, but just please, for God's sake, stop doing this!" she begged with teary eyes.

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