16. SK

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November, Monday, 7th

I had immediately requested the Matchmaker for a meeting. I had to talk about this to him. I brought my cycle to a halt as I came across a barren ground. It used to be my old school's playground, and no one came there at that hour.

Matchmaker was there, sitting on a large concrete pipe. His hair seemed more ruffled, and his palm lay flat horizontal as he swung the coin up and down through his fingers. Peculiarly enough, his clothes were pretty well dusted, as if he had done some physical labour.

"Listen, I think there has been a misunderstanding between us," I asserted.

He gave a snicker, "My understanding is at its finest. It must be you who suffered the misunderstanding."

"Whatever. When I said that I wanted Navneet to start loving me again, I meant for him to notice me more and be interested in me. But you made him a complete suck up. Now he sees nothing except me. This is really annoying!!"

"Whoa, there, wait a second. That was exactly what our agreement was. For me to induce an interest in the target towards you. And that is exactly what I did. All these further events that you claim are made solely by Navneet himself."

I was confused, "What do you mean?"

"Mind isn't a simple mechanism, SK. It is way too complex, and has the ability to modify itself. What I did was to light a mere spark on the wick. Now how the spark proceeds and how does the cracker burst is all in Navneet's powers. It is his mind alone that developed my induced interest into an obsession."

"But, can't you fix it?"

"I apologize, but I cannot. I have certain limits. Navneet's mind has consolidated its conditioning and it would be very difficult to remold it. You have to find your way around."

This had started to drive me mad. I wasn't sure how I could find my way around Navneet's desperate lunacy.

"What nonsense is this? This is not fair!! You have to make it right."

"Our deal either way doesn't mention any further problems for me to fix. The agreement only covers me initiating the interest, which I have already managed to do so."

"Oh, is this how is it going to be? Are you going to be stubborn? Fine!! I'll be stubborn too. I'm cancelling this fucking deal!" I yelled, turning around to leave.

"You can't. The agreement states that..."

"Fuck the agreement. No one controls me. I am not going to be conducting your stupid interviews anymore!! You ditch me, I ditch you!!"

I sat on my cycle and swerved it around.

"That is incompliance, and it results in a direct breach of our contract. Remember, SK, every single thing has consequences..." he didn't take any efforts for increasing his voice as I drove away.


I had given Navneet a clear message about what I felt towards him, and shut him off. Blocked, restricted and muted from every single platform that ever existed to contact me. Now, I was free from both, Navneet and the Matchmaker. No need for wasting an hour for those weirdass disturbing questions.

Thus, I turned to studying as usual. I had found myself to be improving in it as of lately. It was what I should've always focused on, instead of this idiotic drama. Just as I was solving the questions of genetics, my brother called to me. I answered back to him, demanding a few minutes. But he didn't seem to stop.

"SK, come here quick!! SK!! SK!!"

Now, my annoy meter was full. I threw the pen on the book and left. I approached my brother in his room with the fiercest frown ever possible.

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