9. Kartikeya

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October, Monday, 2nd

There was no doubt now that the Matchmaker was real. He fucking matched Amyra with Vedraj!! Two people from the complete opposite ends of the social spectrum.

I hastily went to the spot where I had texted the Matchmaker to meet. Amyra had provided me with the contact. It was near the same bus stop that we had met at the other day. He was wearing the exact same outfit, and still playing with his coin. Which I couldn't tell of what denomination it was.

"Welcome, Kartikeya. Was hoping to see you soon."

"You... How did you do that..."

"No time for that Kartikeya. Some secrets just stay secrets for the best. The point is the target, that is, your crush."

"My crush? Well, it's a little different," I began.

"Perhaps not the occasional human female every male is running after, huh? Maybe some other gender..."

"Okay, here, it is. I, I... Em... I'm not, like, others. My liking is differently... Oriented. You know what I'm saying. I mean, I'm not straight. I mean, it's like..."

"For fuck's sake let's just complete as shortly as we can. You're gay, and you like boys. I hope I'm correct."

I blushed, and instantly checked around whether anyone had been eavesdropping. If this happened to fall on anyone's ears, I would be in big trouble. I was already not less of a laughing stock, and this thing added would just make me the ultimate fool.

"Shh... Keep your sound fucking low. And yes, I'm gay. Does that change things? Are you like only for heter..."

"I said it the last time and I'll say it again. The nature of the target doesn't matter. I can make anyone start noticing you."

"Then make him. Make Satbeer like me. But, there's a catch... Satbeer might not be gay."

"As I said, it doesn't matter. Sexuality, my friend, is nothing but a mentality. And mentality, can be altered."

"Se... seriously? You better not be fucking kidding, okay, because this is not something I'd like being mocked of. I haven't heard of anyone being capable of changing a person's sexuality."

"And you just as hadn't heard of a person capable to make people attract towards certain people."

He had a point. This guy was really something else.

"But before that, there are some conditions."

"Conditions, yes. Please, elaborate."


I nervously set for the class next day. I was heavily anxious as to how things would turn. And what if anyone got to know about this?

I had to do pranayam in the bus to calm myself down. Thankfully, it wasn't that crowded to make sweat odors fill my lungs. When I reached, everything was just as it was everyday.

The usual teasing and joking occurred between me and the other boys. But when Satbeer came into my view, I was frozen. I was afraid of how our interaction was going to be. We soon walked towards each other, and gave each other the usual hand slap.

My whole body sent a current running along as soon as his hand touched mine. His hand was magical, and his touch a spell. He then grasped my whole arm, leading to a higher voltage shock.

"Bro, Happy Birthday," I wished my dear friend.

"Thanks bro. You know a funny thing, you were the first to wish me today."

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