5. Mahi

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September, Friday, 30th

"Yes, yes I was looking for you. Mandar, right?"

"Yes technically... But maybe just call me MM?"

"Okay, whatever, yes, MM. But please tell me. How did you do that? How did you make Mr. Patvardhan apologise to me? Do you know magic or something? Are you an ancient sage with some dark art?"

To this, MM just laughed. He stopped gliding his coin and enclosed it shut in his palm.

"Mahi, there's no such thing like magic. Magic is merely the science that one fails to understand. In our language, we call it a trick. And as you might've heard, a magician never reveals their tricks. The only answer that I can give you is regarding the effects and not the procedure."

"That wasn't a trick, for fuck's sake. You manipulated a fully grown man. I've never seen a magician do that."

"The point, Mahi, the point. We are not here to talk how certain things are plausible or not. Do you want to be matched with your crush or not?"

"Oh, yes, yes, I want. Varun. You know Varun?"

"I know everything and everyone. And I can match you with him. Okay, let's elaborate a little on this deal," he took a seat beside.

"First of all, what I'm going to do isn't going to change the target's personality, will or behaviour as of whole. The only difference will be that the target will start paying you more attention and prioritise you over other things."

"What's target?"

"Target. The desired person. Varun," he clarified.

"So he's just going to begin noticing me more? Is that it? But then would he love me or not?"

"Attention is love my friend. Trust me, everything would gradually fall into places."

I was excited and practically squealed, before suddenly remembering an important detail.

"But why are you doing all this? You surely must be wanting something in return."

"That I of course do. Nothing is free in this world."

"How much is it? I'm afraid that I don't have a lot of money..."

"Oh please, keep your money. I'm not interested in such insignificant objects. What I want from you is something worth more."

The words got me, and I abruptly became self conscious, sliding a little away from him.

"Don't worry, it's nothing like what you're thinking of. I'm content in my celibacy."

"Then what is it that you want?"



"I want your time. 60 minutes per 7 days. No less, no more. Doesn't matter if it is in 1 go, or in parts. But by the end of the 7 days, I should be getting my 60 minutes. Every week till the target is to be worked upon."

He was mystical and all, but he also seemed shady.

"60 minutes for what?"

"That I can't explain to you right now. But I assure you it isn't anything perilous."

60 minutes in exchange for the apple of my eye. Did sound a reasonable deal.

"But before you agree, let me mention all the conditions," MM interjected.

"First of all, no backing off. Once the deal is done, there is no way out. The deal goes on till the termination criteria are met. The termination criteria include demise of the target or progression of the target in a paralyzed or vegetative state. The 60 minutes must be given to me before the end of the 7 day period, not a second later. And there is obviously no need for any additional time to be spent, 60 minutes are pretty sufficient. The place and time are irrelevant; you message me the details and I will be there and then. And the final and the most important, any incompliance or an attempt at forced disruption of this deal or violence against me will be considered as a breach. Failure to abide by any of these points will result in their respective consequences, so I've to be certain that you are in your sound mind before accepting this."

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