8. Aruna

14 5 1

October, Tuesday, 4th

"Yeah, yeah, I believe that. Okay? I'm convinced that Meh did manage to pull Varun into her clutches, and the kissing incident did really take place. But I refuse to listen any of this 'Matchmaker' crap. That a person magically manipulated Varun into developing feelings for Meh. You know what, you both continue. I'll talk to someone more interesting."

I was seriously bored of this drama. They were so insulting my talents of attracting guys by claiming a superior middleman!! So, I turned towards Lalit. He seemed very interesting as of lately.

"Hey, what you're up to?" I whispered to him.

He was busy reading his notes as always, "Chapter 3 of Chemistry. Please talk to me only if you've a query."

"Oh... yes, I do have a query," I lied.

I just wanted to start a topic with him. He swam out of his book and looked at me puzzlingly.

"Okay, then. What problem do you have?"

"Uhh... Chemistry basically?"

I immediately understood by his expression that it wasn't an appropriate response. Yeah, of course, he wasn't going to sit and explain the whole of the chemistry to me bit by bit. So, I fake laughed to cover my blunder.

"Haha... no, it's this problem," I pointed out to a random question that I spotted from his book.

"Delta E naught of this reaction is 2.04 and another reaction is -1.09. Then what is the Delta E naught of the resulting reaction?"

"Yeah, that's the one. I added the E naughts, but the answer isn't matching."

Lalit sighed, "Hmm... the thing is, you cannot add Delta E naughts."

"What? Why?"

"You just... can't. It's a rule."

"What an absurd rule!! Anyway, then what is the solution?"

"You've to convert the Delta E naughts into Delta G naughts and then add them up. Then from the resulting Delta G naught you get, you've to convert it back to Delta E naught."

My mind was literally fuzzy. Chemistry was definitely not as easy as they made it sound.

"Ooohh... okay, okay. I get it now."

"That's it, right?"

"Uh... can you, like, solve it? I just want to be 100% certain."

Lalit gave another sigh, and picked up his pen to scribble something in his notebook. Meanwhile, I tried to examine his features. His jawline was so awesome, that I wanted to just chew on it. Not too fat, not too slim. And then his light stubby beard on his oval face. It was so manly!

His lips were a bit parched, but definitely bigger than mine. I liked rough things, and, rough guys. I was already lost in dreaming us kissing.

"You understand it now?" Lalit woke me to the reality.

"Huh? Oh yeah, yeah. Got it now!"

"You didn't really mean to ask that, did you?"

Uh-oh. He was getting suspicious.

"I definitely did!! That's why I questioned you in the first place."

"Then tell me, how do you convert to Delta E naught from Delta G naught?"

"I... its..." I got caught.

"Aruna, please. If you genuinely don't have any important issue, then refrain from disturbing me. I'm trying to study."

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