14. Varun

10 4 2

October, Wednesday, 5th

Her lips were so sweet. I could taste all of her gloss and tongue. This was the first time I had ever kissed. And hers too. That's why, I didn't care whether we were doing it wrong. I had pulled her close enough to leave no space between us. She was caressing my hair from behind the back. There was no one around at the backside of the center.

Suddenly, I started to imagine how Sanika's mouth would taste. I didn't know why, but it just came into my mind and distracted my whole pleasure. Moreover, my mobile beeped with a notification. I checked it, and it was Sanika. I instantly broke away from Mahi.

"Hey, listen, I need to go," I excused.

"Now?" she asked, disappointed.

"Yeah. My father has called me urgently. Sorry. But you taste really well."

I didn't stop to witness her blushing and immediately bolted away. I went at a distance from ghe center, to make sure I wasn't visible to Mahi. At once, I took out my mobile and opened the DMs.

"Hey. I'm sorry, I said a lot."

"No, it's fine. I was the one who acted too immaturely."

"But I should really thank you for standing up like that. It really takes guts. Just, try to be a bit more peaceful now onwards."

"Yes, of course."

"Hey, can I ask you something?"


"As I'm leaving tomorrow... can you come with me today to the Tulsibaug?"

It was a famous street market in Pune. And even though it didn't sound like a date, I felt somewhere in my heart that it was something more than a simple hangout."

"Done," I replied, smiling at my fortune.


That was a date, and it went well. Now, I was in 2 relationships. A long distance one with Sanika. And the other, the casual one, with Mahi. I planned to keep the latter only till the end of the 12th grade, but I wasn't entirely sure. It must've been a month since I had started both of them.

One day, when I was hitting the gym, I received the notification of a message. After completing by bench press set, I picked my mobile to check it out. Mahi.

It read, "You talked about a date sometime. Mom has gone to attend a ceremony, so I can come today."

But before I could reply back, another text slithered above that one. Sanika.

"Videocall today at 7?"

This was puzzling. I was more serious with Sanika, but a date was more interesting than just a usual videocall. Well, if one gave it a bit more thought... Mahi was the one who asked first. And first come, first serve, right?

"Umm... actually, babe, sorry I can't. My father's making me help him set the new furniture up," I lied to Sanika.

"Ohh... um, okay then. Maybe some other time. What you doing rn?"

"Finishing my bench press."

"Ooo... then you better finish that. I want those sexy pecs and triceps when you come to AIIMS. Byeee."

Next, I confirmed my appointment with Mahi. As soon as I finished my workout, I went to pick her up. This time, it was her who suggested the place. The Sapphire Café. True to its name, it was glowing blue with its incredible lighting. On my way in, I accidentally bumped into another guy because of the narrow doorway. Acting mature, I let him go inside first.

The Matchmakerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें