15. Kartikeya

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November, Friday, 4th

"You're gay!!" I stiffened at those words.

Like an alert dog, I rotated my neck around to find the source of the voice.

"I'm not gay, you gay!! Your mom's gay!!" the guy replied back to Umesh.

"Yeah she is... in relationship with your mom!!" Umesh burst laughing after retorting with what he thought to be funny.

But it wasn't. I didn't understand why people had to mock someone using that term. As if meaning it was something derogatory. Just because something wasn't normal didn't mean that it was derogatory.

I shook my head and focused on my notes. I didn't get differentiation at all. I even wondered what use it had in the medical field. I simply flipped the pages like that of a magazine.

"You and studying? Did the sun rise from the west?" Satbeer remarked as he plopped his bag beside me and took his seat.

"More like just staring. This is such a fucked up topic. I'm only looking at it because my parents scolded me real bad the other day."

Satbeer chuckled, "You speak like you're simply studying because of your parents. Don't you want to be a doctor yourself?"



"Yeah, you heard it right. It has always been my father's dream. He thinks this is a very respectable and prosperous job."

"Damn... then what do you wish to be?"

I sighed, "What does it matter? It's not going to come true anyways. Better not to talk of imaginary things."

He was about to protest, just when, someone interrupted.

"Hey, what are you 2 lovebirds doing?" Vedraj approached out of nowhere.

"Why do you say that?" I asked, anxious.

"Because you look like a cute couple. Go on, kiss!!"

I was about to lose my calm. I didn't know what I would've done had Satbeer not interjected.

"And you're our son. Call me daddy," he mocked Vedraj.

"Okay daddy, bend down. I want to show you something."

"Oh really? Won't Amyra bhabhi mind?"

Both of them burst into a laughter and continued their taunting. I was relieved knowing that Vedraj was only kidding. People had some serious problem here. They didn't realize what was humorous and what wasn't. I was snapped back to reality when I noticed Satbeer calling me.

"You coming to my house today? I mentioned yesterday about that new PlayStation," he offered.

"Oh, yeah, sure. But what about Varun?"

"Mister is busy dating missus."

"Okay, then we'll be busy in us."

"Shh..." Satbeer slapped my arm, blushing for a second.


I was in front of the same gate as the other day. The watchman looked like he was about to block me, but soon seemed to remember and let me in. He eyed me strangely. After speaking on the intercom, a servant opened the door to let me in. He seemed to be acting very comfortable around me.

"In the 3rd room from right," he mentioned casually, as if he actually owned this house.

I removed my shoes and gave him a curt nod before continuing. On my way, in the corridor, I came across Satbeer's mother.

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