20. Amyra

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November, Thursday, 10th

It was Thursday, the day of our college fest. Our associated college wasn't much to brag of, but thankfully it was that generous to arrange us a fest. This was the only day I could be free to roam outside without too much of control and surveillance from my parents.

I wore the best dress that I had. An emerald green kurti above plain white leggings. My hair were fragrant and naturally curled, and I even sprayed on a little Yardley. All the while my father drove me on his Pulsar, he was continuously giving instructions on how to behave myself and be cautious, as if I was 7.

The destination was Swarna Theatre, exactly on the gate of which was someone waiting I was very anxious to see at the moment. Vedraj was clad in a dark purple jacket with a white t-shirt inside, above a pair of dark black cargo pants. His hair for some reason was the sexiest of his character. I nervously walked towards him, afraid of my father.

Thankfully, Vedraj had enough sense to not act as if he knew me. Once my father bid me farewell from the distance and zoomed his bike away, Vedraj threw his hand around my waist that triggered the blush over my face.

"You're absolutely stunning today, my darling," he admired.

"Thanks. You too... are looking handsome."

"Ah, I always do. And I always will, only for you," and the way he winked after that almost gave me a myocardial infarction.

At once, we all headed inside to watch the performances set for the fest. The surrounding inside was dark, and the only light sprang from the stage. The anchoring seemed to have already begun, and now some dance was about to start. It was difficult to watch our steps in there.

Just then, someone began flashing their mobile torch from a corner and calling out to Vedraj. He returned the call, and escorted me in that direction. Upon reaching, the guy gestured us towards a few empty seats to sit down. The theatre wasn't that of lavish, but the atmosphere gave me chills across my spine.

I was so glad that I had come to see this. I rarely ever got out of my house and did things other than study or those skilled hobbies that my parents often pressurized me to keep my interest in. From dances, singing and musicals, to stand up comedy, fashion shows and even roasting battles, this experience of fest was completely different from those in the school. I regretted for not coming to this the last year.

The fest was going on perfectly, but suddenly, Vedraj got up in the middle and left. I figured he must have had to pee, but he took longer. Maybe he had to poop? I didn't know whether boys were comfortable doing that in the public toilets. But when he returned, he instead urged me to go with him.

Confused, I left an entertaining skit in the middle and exited into the corridors. Vedraj guided me through several turns, and we came in front of what I deciphered to be the boys washroom. Two guys were standing outside, one of whom gave a thumbs up to Vedraj. He merely nodded as a response, and led me inside. I was utterly shocked and embarrassed at this act, fearing to catch some guy relieving himself inside.

But the washroom was totally empty. There was only the faint sound of the performances, and a tap dripping as an ambience.

"Why are we here?" I questioned.

"To have fun," he murmurred.

He dragged my arm and made me sit on the counter, before putting both of his arms around me to lock me around. I realised where this was going. Vedraj wished to get intimate. This was the first time I was about to kiss someone. But... I wasn't ready. I mean, I admit that I was the one who caused this relationship, but it just wasn't the right time. Not especially with Vedraj simply pressing it onto me like that.

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