3. Aruna

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September, Friday, 30th

I had been chatting with that cute guy so long that I had completely lost track of my time. As a result, I had to paddle my bicycle with all my force to not be late to the class. Not to mention the fucking uphill slope that stood just outside my home.

Once I had arrived at my destination, I had bathed for the second time; in sweat. When I entered the corridor, I was relieved to know that there still were some students lingering around, signifying that the classes hadn't yet started. I passed by Vedraj, Satbeer, Irfan, Umesh, and many others, most of whom I had already flinged with. Wardha and her group also gave me a wave as they proceeded in their class.

Ah, there were only a couple, nerdy people that I wasn't in contact with, which wasn't even useful either way. Nobody noticed whether they stayed present or absent. That's why one must have a whole lot of friends to make a certain pressence in the social circle. When I had reached my own batch, I quickly took out my phone and began to record a Snap of it.

Only when I noticed the condition present inside, I gave a loud cry. My place had gone missing!!

"What happened to our seats!! Where am I supposed to sit!" I asked, treading to my friends who had now somehow shifted up front.

SK was sitting with Vrushali and Kshitija, giving me the apologetic look saying no more could be accommodated. So the only people that remained were Mahi and Varun.

"Shift inside, we'll do triple," I stated, hoping that she would skid inside.

Yet Mahi didn't budge, and rather started making faces at me. At first, I was utterly puzzled at her actions and was about to lash out due to my already weary state. But once my gaze revisited Varun, it all suddenly clicked to me and I finally concluded to give the 2 lovebirds some space. I was then on my way searching for some other friendly faces which might've took me in, until Mahi decided to add.

"Why don't you sit with... Lalit here?" she pointed to the empty seat right ahead of her.

A tall, skinny guy with a bunch of freckles sat sticking to the wall. His hideous bag beside him seemed to be overstuffed with God knew what, and I had no clue where the notes he was reading were supposed to fit in later.

"Him?" I exclaimed instinctively, catching his attention.

"I don't mind as long as you don't disturb me," he replied in a monotonous tone, as if not even knowing who was about to sit there.

Boys and girls all around begged me to sit beside them, but this chap here. I looked at Mahi once again, who was showing me the same puppy eyes I did the previous day, which only seemed fair. And as I was already so exhausted, I refrained from making further efforts of finding better partners and just took the seat.

"Hey," I said to Lalit, flipping my hair to the side as a habit.

He just fucking nodded at me and went back to his reading!! How the hell had he dared to do so? No boy had ever resisted the chance to talk to me. So I gave him the taste of his own medicine... I simply turned away and started chatting with Maitreyi and Pranav around, not that it mattered to him much.

Our conversation soon came around a funny trending reel from our center, so I was scrolling my mobile to find and show it. Just when, Lalit abruptly nudged me, making me groan.


"Mr. Patwardhan," he whispered before going back to his thing.

I was alerted in time, and quickly locked my phone to focus onto our ringmaster.

"Good Morning, students. Please sit and take out your 3rd packages. Oh, and before we start the lecture, I have an important announcement to make. Mahi Chandra, can you please stand up?"

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