1. Mahi

81 10 9

September, Thursday, 29th

"Mahi Chandra," Mr. Patwardhan called my name, prompting me to stand in my seat.

Everybody else in the class stared at me, as if I was the movie going to be played.

"Mahi, your marks don't seem to have improved over time. What is all this? Only 20 in Physics? And you've even messed up a lot in biology. Maybe your family has a secret basement full of gold that would fulfil the college fees. Heck, you won't even get into a private college with these marks. Sit down, now," I followed his command.

It didn't matter whatever my skin complexion was, because the only shade it showed of was red. Like, why the fuck did he have to announce it to the whole class? I agreed of my bad performance in the test, but there could've been a one-on-one session. I could already notice some of my classmates grinning at the remarks.

"I want your parents to be here this weekend," he continued before moving onto the next target.

"Srikanya Sivakumar. You've the highest score in the class. That's good, but don't get on cloud nine. This is only amongst these 40 something kids... there's still a whole country waiting to compete you. I want higher than this next time."

"Yes sir," she replied, and took a seat.

I slightly bent forward, enough to whisper into her ear, "Even if you get the 1st rank in whole of the world, he'll say that there are still aliens for you to beat."

She gave a slight chuckle, trying to stifle it with her hand.

She replied, "I don't even pay attention to him anymore. It's a routine now. Study, give test and get defamed. I can even state what he'll say to a particular person. Look, it's Vru's turn now. He'll say, 'you were far better last year, but now, boys and all'..."

"You were far better last year, Vrushali. But now, this hanging out with boys and all... you too better bring your parents this weekend," Mr. Patwardhan recited.

At last, when he left the room, SK made a 180 degree turn to face me.

"Bro, just because she's got a couple male friends automatically labels her as a slut in Patwardhan's eyes. Tomorrow, if he sees me just pat a guy on the shoulder, he'll dial my home and tell them I was having sex."

I burst into laughter and hi-fived the equally cackling SK and Aruna. When I turned to do the same to Varun, my bench partner, he suddenly acted reluctant.

"No, dude!! Didn't you hear her? No touching boys, or you're getting pregnant," he mocked, drawing himself further away.

This caused us 3 to laugh even more, and he finally high-fived each of us. When it was my turn, he intentionally retracted his hand again to trick me. But when he gave that smile, and lifted my hand to force the gesture, I had butterflies in my guts. His standing up signaled me that he wanted to get out.

"No, no, be seated. You don't need to get up to give me side," he immediately insisted, and instead jumped across the backrest.

As he walked away with his bag, I didn't even realize I was staring at him until Aruna slapped me in the back of my head.

"Stop it, or your eyes will roll out," she uttered as she set herself on top of my desk from the front seat.

"Shut up..." I was about to properly get back at her, until I overheard my name.

"Mahi and Aruna are like the dumb sidekicks to SK," a boy was saying to his friends as they exited the class.

The other 2 noticed my distress.

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