Kamen Rider Ichigo appear

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in the snow, Team RWBY, Qrow, Oscar, Alex and Maria proceed on the trail. The snow starts to pick up even more.

Qrow: (sighs) Doesn't look like this is gonna let up.

Blake: Just wanna get this stupid Relic to Atlas.

Weiss: Let's hope we don't have to walk all the way there.

Yang: (to Maria, sarcastically) I thought trails led somewhere.

Maria: Do you have nothing better to do than to harass a defenseless old lady?

Ruby: Everyone, quiet. Do you hear that?

Everyone stops in their tracks. A metallic squeaking can be heard. A large farm can be seen, one of the front gates swings back and forth with the wind. A large sign above the entrance reads "BRUNSWICK FARMS". Everyone arrives at the gate.

Blake: Well, at least one good thing happened today.

Weiss: It looks abandoned.

Alex: Yeah.

Ruby: It's still better than this.

Qrow: Come on, I think we could all use some rest.

Everyone proceeds through the farm's gates, with Qrow being the last to enter. The snow starts to pick up even more as the gate is heard closing with a metallic clang. Suddenly, Kamen Rider Ichigo appear in front of them.

Maria: This guy again? What do you want from us?!

All of the ground draw they weapons.

Ichigo: I'm here is......... I'm here to fight Decade!

Qrow: You want to fight him? Then fight me!

Qrow charge toward him and swing his sword at Kamen Rider Ichigo. But then Decade kick him from the top. The group were shocked.

Weiss: Another Decade?! Alex, is this the guy you said just now?

Alex: Yes.

Qrow: What in the world is happening? Why they have two of you?

Decade: Actually, I'm Decade. At that kid over there is Neo Decade. The reason why I and Ichigo are here is to regain back his Rider cards.

Alex: But I thought you said it take a week or a month to regain back.

Ichigo: True. But you must regain them back because something bad happens coming for you.

Decade: That because we here to regain back your Rider cards.

Alex: Alright.

Decade: Then follow us.

Alex: Wait before that there something I need to do first.

Ichigo: Go on then.

Alex go to the group.

Alex: Everyone, I need to go with them but I don't know how long will it take to regain my Rider cards back.

Ruby: Don't worry about us. We know how to deal with Grimms.

Alex: I know. But i want you to use this for extra protection.

Alex give them the Neo DiEndriver and the Rider cards. Alex then said goodbye to them. They walk to the woods cover with snow.

Alex: Are we there yet?

Decade: Almost. Here we are.

Ichigo: It a nice place and a big space for us to do some training.

Alex: So when we will start?

Decade: Right now.

Alex nodded then he transform into Neo Decade.

Neo Decade: Then let go!

Decade: Alright!

Both of them charge toward each other and punch and kick. Decade pull out his card and put it on Decadriver.

Attack Ride: Blast!

He grab his Rider Book and turn into a gun and shoot it a Neo Decade. Neo Decade try to stand up and punch him on his face but Decade avoid it then he slash him on his body. Neo Decade pull out his card and see what kind attack he can use.

Neo Decade: Ha-ah! Let see if you can see me!

Attack Ride: Invisible!

Neo Decade become invisible. Decade draw his sword and keep his guard. Neo Decade was behind him then Decade turn around and slash him. Neo Decade fall on the ground.

Neo Decade: Damm it! There no way I can regain my Rider cards!

Ichigo: Young man, if the citizens were attack by some monster? What would you do?

Neo Decade: Save them?

Decade: No. You must sacrifice for yourself to save them.

Neo Decade: ........

Decade: Look. I know you don't get it. You need to understand that not all Kamen Riders save people. Some of them were sacrificed for their lives to save others.

Neo Decade didn't said anything.

Ichigo: Decade, how about he rest for awhile. The strom getting stronger.

Decade: Alright. Let go.

Neo Decade nodded and follow him.

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