Arrived at Haven Academy

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The group are walking inside a dark tunnel.

Qrow: The City of Mistral.

Nora: Ugh! It's about time!

Qrow, Alex and Team RNJR are walking through a stone brick tunnel illuminated by translucent lanterns.

Nora: Whose idea was it to walk again?

Ren: Well, we did face many obstacles. Broken airships, destroyed settlements...

Jaune: Oh, and, you know, all those people and monsters that tried to murder us.

Alex: Wow! I'm glad of you guys survive from that chaos.

Ruby: Hey! It was you the one save us if it wasn't you. Also you have a belt that help you to transform into any armor you want!

Jaune: So, how much farther to Haven Academy?

Qrow: Almost there. But I figured I'd take you kids on the scenic route.

The group approaches a pair of large, wooden double doors, which Qrow opens, flooding the tunnel with sunlight. Ruby runs out onto a massive platform that doubles as an elevator, stopping at the railing to gaze out over the city in wide-eyed awe.

Ruby: Wow!

Alex: The view is beautiful.

The others join her to take in the view of buildings and stone stairways perched on mountains.

Ruby: This... is... awesome!

Below them, large crowds of people are going about their day - walking around, talking and buying merchandise legally and illegally.

Qrow: It's certainly something.

Ruby: (noticing a kiosk selling weapons) Oh my gosh, look at all the weapons!

Qrow: Vendors here'll sell you just about anything... whether they should or not.

Jaune: They really made the most out of these mountains.

Qrow: Every inch. Stay away from the lower levels. The higher up you go, the nicer it gets.

Nora: And we are going up! (pointing upward)

After a few hours

RNJR, Alex and Qrow enter the campus grounds of Haven Academy, which is devoid of any other people. They stop in a courtyard, where Ruby smiles and wipes a tear from her eye. Jaune places a hand on her shoulder, and she sighs.

Ruby: We made it.

Alex: But where is everyone? I don't see any single person in this place.

Qrow stops behind them, and while they continue on their way, he takes a moment to glance around and lets out a sigh.

Ruby: Hello?

Inside a hallway, RNJR is following Qrow, and Ruby calls out once again, louder this time.

Ruby: Hello?!

Nora: Maybe try louder?

Ren: There doesn't seem to be anyone here.

Jaune: Well, I guess school isn't really in session right now. Maybe that's it.

Qrow: No, this isn't right. Come on.

Qrow hurries ahead.

Ruby: Wait for us!

RNJR and Alex picks up the pace to catch up, and soon, all six are running to a pair of wooden double doors. Qrow comes to a stop in front of them, draws his sword, and extends the blade. Alex go forward. He then open the side handle and pull out his card. He then look at Qrow.

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