First encounter the Grimm and meet the Hunters again

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Many weeks later, Alex walk to the woods. He noticed he being walking for a weeks.

Alex: Strange. I'm being walking for a week and I feel like I need to get out from the woods. I just need to get some fresh air and see the outside world.

Suddenly, he saw a flying black figure with one red eye. Alex then follow the flying figure. He try to find the flying figure but he was out from the woods.

Alex: That was weird.

Qrow: Hey!

Alex turn around and saw the group. The group running toward him.

Ruby: Where have you been?! We been worried about you!

Qrow: Yeah. I was worry sick about you, kid.

Alex: Relax. I just fine.

Suddenly, a bear like monster came out of nowhere and attack them.

Qrow: An Ursa! Stay back, kid! I can handle this!

Alex: Nope. I'm the one who should handle it.

Jaune: Alex, don't! That Grimm is gonna kill you!

Alex pull out his card and open the side handle and insert it.

Alex: Don't worry. I can take it down easily. Henshin!

He close the side handle.

Kamen Ride: Build!

A red and blue tube appear in front and the back of Alex. Then it merge on Alex body turn him into Kamen Rider Decade Build.

Hakane No MoonSault! RabbitTank! Yeah!

The group were suprised to see Alex as he finishes his transformation.

Ruby: He transform again! I'm so excited to see him fight!

Decade charge toward Ursa and do some side kick. He then use his sword and slash at Ursa body. Ursa begin to scream and attack Decade using it sharp claw. Decade avoid it and slash on it face. Ursa screaming again and charge toward Decade. Decade pull out his card again and put it on Decadriver.

Form Ride: Gorilla Diamond! Best Match!

A brown tube and cyan tube appear from back and front of Decade. Then the tube merge with Decade Build. He turn into Build GorillaMond form. The group were suprised again. Decade charge toward Ursa and punch on it body. The Ursa fall to the ground and try to stand up. Decade pull out his card and open the side handle and insert then close it.

Final Attack Ride: B-B-Build!

He rise his left hand then he create a diamond shield. He then punch the diamon shield using his Gorilla arm and hit Ursa and cause the Grimm to explode. The group was surprised to see him kill a Grimm in the easy way. Decade cancel his transformation and turn back to normal.

Nora: That. Was. Awesome!

Rei: Yeah.

Jaune: That was also cool! How many form do have?

Alex: I explained later. Anyway where you guys going?

Qrow: We're going to Haven Academy.

Alex: Haven Academy?

Qrow: If you want to join us, that alright. But remember you can't fight by yourself. Even you just beat the Ursa. There are many Grimm in different continents. Just follow us, kid. We don't want you to get hurt.

Alex look at Qrow then look at the four hunters with concern face. Then Alex look at Qrow.

Alex: Fine. I follow you guys.

Ruby: Yeah! A new member in our group! Anyway, I'm Ruby Rose! This is Nora, Ren and Jaune!

Jaune: Nice to meet you.

Alex: It nice to meet you guys again.

Qrow: Well, welcome to our team, kiddo. You can call me, Qrow.

Alex: Thanks, Qrow. Anyway let continue our journey to Haven.

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