Interrupted by another Decade

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A blue smoke appears, revealing Salem staring from her window of the tower, her arms crossed. A woman humming can be heard in the background.

Jinn: (narrating) Locked away by her cruel father, Salem was a girl who desired but one thing: freedom.

Salem walks away with sadness as Ruby Rose watches her do so when Salem passed by her.

Jinn: She lived in a time when kings and their Kingdoms were plentiful, when men and women were capable of greatness, and magic was a gift from the Gods that all could wield.

Salem sits down and leans against the vanity. She holds her left hand, using her magic; four magical spheres with a magic circle in six basic colors

Jinn: And yet, there she sat within her tower.

As Salem looks down, the blue smoke reappears and envelops Salem to the next scene. It reforms the castle Salem resides in.

Jinn: Until one day, a legendary hero came to brave the challenges within the tower's walls.

A young man in armor and a cape wielding a scepter appears standing proudly in front of the tower. Qrow Branwen can be seen walking up to him. Suddenly, Decade punch Alex from the blue smoke. Alex roll on the snowy ground and Decade who is walking toward but then Alex saw Decade belt driver is white and have 18 symbol on the Decadriver. Alex stand up.

Alex: Who are you?! How do you have the Neo Decadriver?!

Decade: Neo Decadriver? Actually, this is Decadriver. What are you doing here?

Alex: What am I doing here? I'm here to protect the people from darkness.

Decade: Pathetic.

Alex: What did you said?

Decade: Show me your power.

Alex open the side handle and pull out his card and insert it then close it.

Kamen Ride: Decade!

Alex turn into Decade and charge toward Decade. Both Decade punch and kick each other. Decade do a side kick and Decade punch on Decade and both of them fall down.

Decade: Just tell me! Who are you?!

Decade: My name is James Clarkson. I'm just a Kamen Rider passing through, remember that.

Decade pull out his card and put it on Decadriver.

Kamen Ride: Agito!

Decade transform into Kamen Rider Agito. Decade pull out his card and he open the side handle and insert it on Neo Decadriver and close.

Kamen Ride: Drive!

Neo Decade turn into Kamen Rider Drive and attack him with full speed. D-Agito avoid it and kick Drive. Neo Decade pull out his card and insert it then close.

Kamen Ride: Kiva!

Neo D-Drive replace with Kiva then he charged toward Agito. Agito punch him on his chest and fall down. Agito pull out his card and put it on Decadriver.

Form Ride: Agito Flame!

Agito ground form turn to flame and a has a sword. Neo D-Kiva pull out his card and put it on Neo Decadriver.

Form Ride: Den-O Rod!

Kiva replace with Den-O Rod and a spear then he charged toward him and attack him. Agito Flame use his sword to slash him but Den-O Rod stab him on his body. He then throw his spear at Agito Flame on his body. Agito Flame pull out his card and put it on Decadriver.

Kamen Ride: Ryuki!

Agito Flame replace with Ryuki and charge toward him and punch him. Den-O Rod block his attack with his spear. He the pull out his card and insert the card on Neo Decadriver and close.

Kamen Ride: Kuuga Titan!

Den-O Rod replace with Kuuga Titan and slash his sword and Ryuki. Ryuki grab his Rider Book and turn into a sword and slash at Kuuga Titan. Then both of them hold they attack.

Decade: Alex, if you overuse your cards, your card will be disabled.

Neo Decade: I don't believe you!

Decade: It true! I wasn't lie! Okay! So, stop this!

Neo Decade: I won't stop until I kill you.

Neo Decade pull out his card and insert it then close it.

Form Ride: Zi-o DecadeArmor!

Kuuga Titan replace with Zi-o DecadeArmor and he pull out his card and insert the card on Neo Decadriver and close it.

Final Attack Ride: Z-Z-Zi-o!

He then jump to the air and preform his Rider Kick. When he make contact with Decade, Neo Decade suddenly explode and he fall down to the ground and all his 19 Rider card become blank. Neo Decade turn back to normal and he get up and saw his 19 Rider card become blank. Alex become confused.

Alex: What the- What happened to my Rider cards? Why it turn blank?

Decade: I told you. Don't overuse but you won't listen.

Alex: I'm sorry. I should listen to you. How do I need to regain my Rider cards?

Decade: You won't regain you Rider cards after what happened. It might take a weeks or a month to regain your Rider cards.

Alex: So I have to wait until it able to use again?

Decade: Yes. But I need to hurry.

Decade open his dimension wall and walk away from Alex. Alex then become disappointed to hear that.

Alex: Great. Now I don't have my any Riders I need to handle.

Then the team go to Alex. He saw them running to him. The group were asking where have he been. Alex tell them that he fought another Decade and 19 Rider card become blank. The group were shocked to listen. Alex ask them about what Ozpin is hiding from them. Then the group told him everything about Ozpin life and Salem life.

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