I clench my fists in my lap , as i try not to break character "Well you can take a seat where ever you'd like" i hear professor pallo saying. I stiffen as i look next to me . An open seat. Gosh ...right now i wish it was ethan grovers who was sitting next to me . He eats boogers for a life btw. I tap my foot in anticipation as i bite my lip harshly . I hear footsteps approaching me as i shut my eyelids tightly.

Please. For heavens sake.

I feel a presence next to me , as the smell of mens perfume fill my nostrils making me immediately swoon. I can feel him everywhere. Why wont he go away? What does he want?

I feel him get into the seat next to me trapping me against the wall and inbetween his body . Suddenly this space feels to tight to breathe to move or to do anything. I hear hushed whispers from everyone, probably wondering why the fuck he was sitting next to me. I open my eyes as let out a breath.

Held up high.

I take out my airpods as i turn my head to face him. I freeze as i our eyes clash . Hazel brown against whiskey brown. A game , to see who breaks . Im gone. Im completely fucked. And if that wasn't worse . He cocks his head to the side as that sexy smirk flashes on his face.

Im fucked.

-Zaid gonzales

I clench my jaw as i look at my amazingly beautiful fox next to me.
I watch as she bites her lip and stares at me. Who knew? Suprised would be an understatement. I was fucking flabbergasted when i walked into the school hearing little italian curse words come out of a female . That female happened to be my fox. I mean i knew there was a 50% chance we'd end up being at the same school. She snaps her head away from me as she looks out the window . I look up at everyone. Whispers and snickering . I glare at every single one of them . One girl tries to give me fuck me eyes but one glare from me has her cowering in her seat.

"Oh guys...im sorry , but i gotta handle something in the office, ill be back and take this period as a time to catch up on work you missed" the guy who was our professor said as he scrambled out the classroom . The classroom immediately filled with voices as everyone sat and talked . I turn my head to the beauty sitting next to me. I watch as she clenches her fists in her lap.


I rub my jaw as i clear my throat "i know you" i state . She stiffens as she realizes im talking to her. She turns her head to me as a sexy glare covers her face.

She clenches her jaw "I think you have me confused with someone else. I've never seen you before in my whole life" a lock of hair frames her face as my hand itches to put it in place.

I smirk "then why are you so nervous ?" I question her as she bites her lip.

She folds her arms as she takes out both of her airpods "Bored , would be the correct term. I dont even know you" she narrows her eyes at me.

So fucking hot.

"But i know you , i know all about you estella" i say as i spell out every single letter of her name.

Her face turns pale as her pupils dilate. Gotcha. She grabs a pen as she flicks it into her hand "What do you want from me?" She cocks her head to the side.


I reach my hand out as her eyes go from me to the students around us . I put the lock of hair behind her ear as she her chests raises up and down.
"Don't look at them. Look at me" i whisper.

Her mouth parts as she looks directly at me "Who are you?" A faint whisper comes from her mouth.


I smile as i trace the shell of her ear thats filled with piercings . She shudders under my touch as she gulps "You know my name fox. Whats more to know?" I cock my head to side as i retract my hand. She lets out a huge breath "What do you want? Money?Sex? Want me to do your homework?pay your lunch?" She hissed out.

I furrow my eyebrows at her "The fuck do you mean?" she adjusts her self in her seat "What do you want? For you to not tell a single soul of what i told you?" She whispers the last part.

I raise my eyebrows "I wasn't gonna tell anyone" i state "Oh" she murmurs.

I crack my knuckles as her attention turns to my hands . She bites her lip as she clenches her thighs making my hands itch not to put her on this desk and explore every curve of her body ."what i do want is..." i start to say as she snaps her head up "...show me where the hockey arena is fox".

She rolls her eyes "Another hockey player? Jesus . Its like you guys do it on purpose to be known as peanut headed brains".

Feisty little thing.

I fold my arms "Unlike them. Im actually good. You should come watch me ..." i lean in "...i promise you by the end of the night you'll be screaming my name " i taunt.

She blushes as she scoffs "thanks but no thanks. I have a huge pass on hockey players. Besides i can get anyone to make me scream " she smirks.

I grip the desk as i smile "Careful. Watch your words" the smirks wipes off her face as she glares at me . I stand up as she looks up at me "Lets go"i tell her.
"Like fuck i will , i can't skip class" she whisper shouts. I lean down as i get in her face. "Dont make me repeat myself. Stand up" i say as i look at her lips.

She quickly collects her things in her hands . She gets out her seat as she walks infront of me . Making my attention go to her luscious ass.


I watch as she bounces with every step. Everyone goes quiet . As we reach the door i turn to the class. "Speak a word of this , and i will come for you" i say into the quiet classroom "Are we fucking clear?" Everyone nods as i walk out and slam the door behind me .

"Why the fuck did you just do that? Im not going anywhere with you! Im leaving right this mintue" she snaps as she pushes my chest . She goes to walk away as i wrap my arms around her waist lifting her up as my mouth is right at her ear. She breathes loudly as she kicks her feet "let me go! Or I'll scream . I swear to god" she wiggles.

"Like i said . I want a tour to the fucking hockey arena" i whisper into her ear as she cools down "why not ask anyone . Theres literally so much people" she breathes.

I put her down as she turns to face me . I lean down to her height "wheres the fun in that?". I grin

And they're not you.

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