"Its going to be alright Ky. We wont let that pyscho hurt you. We got your back no matter what."Marni told me. She rubbed my back to comfort me. "Yeah we got you Ky." Mylene added. I smiled happyily knowing I had friends that had my back.

"Now lets go , my man and Tykey are waiting on us in the lobby." Mylene said excitedly. We walked out of our room headed to the elevators and got on. I pressed the button to the lobby and we waited.

As soon as we got off the elevator I saw Tykey and Kyree sitting on the coach waiting for us.
"Hey what are you guys talking about?" Mylene said as she pecked Kyree on the lips.

"It wasn't shit important what y'all got up for tonight?" Kyree asked her.
She looked over at us and Marni and I both shrugged. "Nothing we probably just order pizza and grab some movies." Mylene replied.

"Sounds good to me." Tykey said eyeing me up and down. I plopped down on the couch next to Armani as I watched her scroll down her Instagram timeline."Have yall heard from Dre?" Marni asked as she looked over at Tykey and Kyree.

They both looked at each other deciding on what to say. Kyree hesitated . "Uhh -- Umm... Yeah I talked to him yesterday."

"What the fuck we've all been worrying about him where is he?" Mylene spoke up."He just handling some business he'll be here tomorrow." Tykey reassured her.  I rolled my eyes at how Andre could hit up his boys but couldn't let me know he was good.

It got quiet for awhile until Marni had one of her usual outburst. "Oh my fucking god! Ky look at this shit!" Armani yelled as she handed me her phone.

I grabbed her phone and looked at the screen. It was a picture of Andre holding a newborn baby sitting on the hospital bed next to a girl and they were both smiling. I scrolled down to read the caption.

"Our family is now complete 👫👨‍👩‍👦‍👦❤️."

Tears formed in my eyes as I stared at the picture. How could he lead me on? How could he lie to me? I fell for him and he already has a family.
I wiped the tears that fell and gave Marni her phone back.I got up and quickly ran to the elavator. I couldn't be out here with Tykey and Kyree when they knew what was going on. I felt so stupid and embarrassed.

"Kyser!" Tykey yelled.

I hurried and got on the elevator and pushed the button before he could stop it. The elevator dinged and let me know I was on the 4th floor. I got off and ran to my room. I ran over to my bed as I entered and got in throwing the cover over my head.

I was so heartbroken even though me and Dre weren't official yet it felt like we were. He even acted like we were a couple because he did everything for me that a boyfriend would do.
He took me out on dates, bought me things, he cuddled with me and we would even stay up all night talking to each other. We did everything besides have sex. I knew something was up with him but I never knew it would be anything like this.

I heard my door open and footsteps approaching my bed as I sunk deeper inside of my bed. I already knew it was Tykey because he was the one that came running after me. " Kyser." He said softly.

"Can you just leave me alone Ty ? I feel so humiliated." I cried. I could hear him walking closer to my bed.

"Man look ma I wanted to tell you ight but I couldn't. Dre aint want you to know about that lil situation. To tell you the honest truth I was even thinking about going against his words. Your a nice geniune beautiful person and I didn't want you to get hurt." He said sounding sincere.

"Thats not an excuse!" I yelled back. He sat on my bed and pulled the covers from over my head."Look at me." I turned my head so that I was facing him. He stared into my eyes for a minute before he said anything.

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