𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓽𝔂

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I loved watching Alison practice. She really did know how to cheer really well not missing one thing as she does so. Her coach was really mad at her tho because apparently one out of a million perfect times she didn't spread her legs wide enough. 

Me and Bill were watching them practice from the bleachers. My eyes were on Alison while Bill's were on Diane. We truly did look a bit stupid watching the girls we both fell in love with practice stupid cheer. I was smoking a cigarette while hurting seeing how cold Alison looked.

"They look cold." I said to Bill taking a drag from the cigarette I was holding.

"They are. Diane told me that he doesn't let them wear anything else but their cheerleading outfits." I know, Bill. Alison told me everything.

"Kinda feel bad for them." I exhailed the smoke handing the cigarette over to Bill. Bill took it taking a drag from it. "Except Alison." I said not wanting to get any suspicious glances from Bill.

"I feel bad for Alison the most, the girl is litteraly freezing there." Bill said worry in his tone.

I kept my eyes on Alison as always watching every move she managed to do. "Yeah.." I mumbled clearly unfazed by whatever Bill was telling me. I was to focused on Alison that I started imagining stupid stuff in my head that made me blush hard. I wish she were only dancing for me and not for the delight of the stupid coach. I couldn't help but notice her staring at me too time-to-time while she was practicing, it made my cheeks flush.

"Tom!" Bill's loud noises interuppted my daydreaming bringing me back to reality.

"What." I bit out turning to him angrily.

"I'm not gonna smoke your cigarette, I smoked one before we got here." Bill said handing me my cigarette. I'm gonna kill this motherfucker.

I took the cigarette and glared at him before turning back to my lovely girlfriend.

"Who are you looking at like that?" Bill asked curiosity written all over his face.

"None of your business." I took a drag from my cigarette not wanting to tell him any details. He is my brother and I love him but I seriously can't tell him about my love life. As much as I want him to know I don't aswell.


"Ist die glückliche Frau Claire? (Is the lucky woman Claire?)" He asked me.

I glanced at him my eyebrows furrowed. "Du weißt, ich mochte dieses Mädchen nie. (You know I never liked that girl.)" I told him a bit annoyed that he even suggested it.

Bill shrugged turning back to the cheerleaders. "Du hast immer nur mit ihr und Georgia gesprochen. (You only ever talked to her and Georgia.)" Bill spoke calmly as I took another drag from my cigarette exhailing the smoke slowly. "Wenn wir Alison nicht mit einbeziehen. (If we don't include Alison.)" Those words made me stop for a second. Alison's name being mentioned made me want to talk about her forever. Me Myself know that I couldn't. 

"Können wir aufhören darüber zu reden? Ich bin nicht in der Stimmung, über Mädels zu reden. (Can we not talk about that? I'm not in the mood to talk about girls.)" I said in a bit of a angry tone. I thought back to the video call. I hated that she won against me tho I liked seeing how happy she looked after winning. God how did I win her?

"zu dir selbst passen. (Suit yourself.)" Bill mumbled as I pushed the thoughts of Bill's presence away and thought about Alison.

As I said before, I loved seeing her happy. Seeing her happy, made me happy. I know I was acting all stubborn towards her but the truth was that I just loved seeing her annoyed by me. Watching her shiver under the cold breeze hurt me. Knowing that I'm here wearing a jacket and she's there less than 10 meters away from me shivering made me sad. I want to walk up to her and give her my jacket but I know I can't. My wish can only be a dream for now. The only thing I wanted was to see her wear a goddamn jacket on her practices. It hurts me a lot seeing her in this condition. 

I'm so glad their practice ended or I would've lost my mind. Me and Bill are outside chatting with Alison's mom while Ali and Diane are still inside getting ready to go home. Her mom was talking to us about her planning on going to a bar with my mom. I wasn't paying attention as I leaned back on the front hood of my car whie scrolling through my phone. I kept wondering when Alison will come out looking as beautiful as always. 

"Tom, I heard you got a new girlfriend." Alison's mom turned to me with a smile on her face. I looked up from my phone akwardly laughing.

"Girlfriend, who told you that?" I ask curious since the only woman I had eyes on at this moment was her duaghter. 

"Nel told me that when you were on a video call with Alison today she overheard you talk about a girl." My smile faded. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. 

"Oh." I flatly said looking at my brother who's eyes were wide open while staring at me. I couldn't believe that Alison's mother would be the one that bust me and Alison out at the end.

"I didn't know you were on a call with Alison." Bill said smilling at me but goddamn did he want to know everything about this.

"I was just calling her to tell me what was for math and we started having a convo." I said my words directed at Bill.

Bill didn't seem to believe me one bit so he just shrugged and turned back to Ali's mom. 

"I don't have a girlfriend." I said as I felt Bill's stare for longer than I should've.

She smiled slightly and laughed. "And just for a second I thought the day had finaly came that Tom got serious about women." She said sarcastically making me chuckle.

"Yeah, god knows when that day will reach me." I'm in love with your daughter. I want to marry your youngest child. your daughter is the one.

"Oh there she comes." I followed her mothers gaze my eyes stuck on Alison as she walked towards us wearing some sweatpants, a crop top and a jacket over it. I'm glad that she wasn't cold anymore. 

She gave her mom a hug before smilling at Bill and giving me a long look that told me all I wanted to know. Alison's attention moved to her mother but she had mine. 

My eyes were flickering to her every few seconds and I couldn't help but get my cheeks a soft shade of red everytime we held eye contact for more than a second. Bill noticed that but didn't say anything. He already suspected enough after Ali's mom said that we were on a video call. I hate it when he has to find out first.


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