𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓼𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓽𝔂

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I woke up with strong, muscular arms wrapped around me. It took me a moment to process yesterday and everything thst has happened. It had been such a long day that my head still hurts thinking about it. All I'm happy about is that me and Tom are okay again, and that's what's important.

I yawned before opening my eyes, looking up at the man that's hugging me. Tom looked like an angel in his sleep, maybe even a goddess. His long dreadlocks were placed all over the pillows making it impossible to be any space left other than his chest. 

I quietly got out of the bed so I wouldn't wake him up. I didn't even know what time it was let alone knew how long I've slept for. It felt like hours in my head. As I made my way towards the door of his bedroom I noticed how his hoodie felt like a bag on me. His sleeves covered my whole arm including my hand and the fabric went down almost to my knees. It scared me a little but I still had shorts on so I wouldn't be showing much clevrage. 

I quietly went downstairs closing his bedroom door behind me. "Did you sleep well?" I heard a sleepy voice come from the kitchen making me snap my head towards the tall, dark frame sitting at the counter bar.

"Good morning to you too, Bill." I said before making my way towards the kitchen as I look at what he's eating. Some cereal and a coke. "Coke for breakfast?"

"The best drink you can have in the morning." He smiled at me. "Don't mind using anything."

I looked at him nodding. As dark and misterious as Bill can look he's actually very sweet and fun on the inside. The way he can boost my mood with that smile of his makes me really jealous of Diane sometimes. "Thanks." I smiled before turning towards the coffe machine. I took a mug out of a cupboard and started the machine.

He watched me for a moment before speaking. "How was sleeping with Tom?" He asked as I heard a crounching noise come from his direction.

The coffe machine let out a beep making me know that my coffe is ready. I took it out before turning around to face Bill. "Tom told you, right?"

"Everything." He tilted his head. "I'm not even surprised, you guys always had some spark going on."

I broke a smile and took a sip of coffe. "We're not even official."

"You could be. The only hate you'll be getting is from Ryan and Claire."

"I'm not sure about it tho." I sigh. "I want everyone to know about us but I also don't want to."

"You know what's best for you." Bill said before we fell into silence. He ate his food while I sipped on my cup of coffe, both stuck in deep thought.

Going public with Tom makes everything easier for us but at the same time we'll have to deal with so many hate comments and weird looks that'll give me a headache. It's really fucked up having a relationship with your past enemy, especially when everyone knew how much you hated each other.

"Good morning." I heard a deep, sleepy tone come from the direction of the stairs making me look up seeing Tom scretching while walking towards me.

"Morning." Bill said as I just smiled at Tom.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and softly kissed me on the lips before speaking. "Are you feeling bettter?" He asked in a quiet tone. I simply nodded dazing into his warm brown eyes. I missed him so much.

"What's the time?" I asked putting my mug on the counter beside me as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Bill kept watching us while both me and Tom tried ignoring his looks. It was obviously his first time seeing us like this.

Tom shrugged. "Around 10 am, not sure." He leaned his head on my shoulder. "You smell good." He whispered. I looked over his shoulder noticing Bill looking at us, his eyebrows slightly up. I gave him a small smile before moving my attention back to Tom.

"You seem pretty tired, do you want me to make you some coffe?" He shook his head. "Anything to eat?" I ask a bit annoyed that he's refusing.

"No." He moved his head a bit to the side so his lips are now on my neck. I felt his hot breath on my skin that went through me like electric shocks.

I sigh moving my hands down his shoulders. "Do you want anything?" I ask a bit hopefull.

Tom stayed quiet for a moment before bitting the skin on my neck. "I want you." He said almost in an whisper. His words made a blush spread across my cheeks. I felt so embarrassed knwoing that Bill was sitting just a few meters away, watching all of this fold infront of him.

"Good morning!" A cheerfull voice was heard comming from the living room making Tom insantly take a step away from me look towards his mother that just came it. I looked at her occasionally glancing towards Tom that looked as nervous as I was. What if she saw him holding me like that or bitting my fucking neck? That would've been embarrassing. She looked surprised when she saw me. "Alison, what are you doing here?"

Just when I was about to speak the twins said something before me. "She spend the night." Both of them said looking at each other after they both said the same thing at the same time.

"That's wonderfull!" She smiled at me. "Actually, your mother is comming over in like an hour, you can wait for her to come so you she can take you home later?"

I glanced at Tom as he nodded at me telling me to say yes. I didn't know that my mother was comming over which surprised me a little but I didn't really mind. Simone and my mom were bestfriends after all. "Sure, I'm okay with that if you wont mind."

"Ofcourse not, do whatever you'd like here." She said in a warm tone as she walked closer to the kitchen, sitting down beside Bill. She looked at Tom that stood beside me and glared at him in some way. "What are you doing parading infront of the guests? Put on a shirt!" She said in a more harsh tone making both me and Bill laugh. Tom was shirtless just like always and it's funny seeing how his mom doesn't let him. He usually does whatever he wants.

"I'm not parading!" He said back putting his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants. I watched him do that as I seen him roll his eyes.

"Oh and what else are you doing exactly?"

"Being comfortable." Tom said talking back to his mom.

She rolled her eyes and moved her attention to me. "Where did you sleep, hun?"

I looked at her as I was ready to answer her question. "In Tom's room. He, uhh, slept on the floor while I was on the bed." I felt a suspicious glare come from Tom's direction but I tried ignoring it.

"Didn't know my son was actually a gentleman." Her eyebrows rose. "And do you have a boyfriend, Alison? I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if you'd had one. You look amazing." She smiled.

I glanced at Tom as I scratched my shoulder. Well actually Simone, your son and I have been seeing each other. "I'm single, but I have my eyes on someone." I said after taking a long ass time to think about what to say.

"Well if you change your mind, Tom is single too-"

"Mom!" Tom said in a louder tone as Bill laughed behind his mother. I broke out a chuckle aswell as I glanced towards Tom seeing how red his cheeks were. Simone was always a funny lady, I loved her sassyness. "Can you not?"

"Ich versuche nur, eine Frau für dich zu finden! Du kannst mir nicht sagen, dass du nicht mit ihr ausgehen würdest. (I'm just trying to find a woman for you! You can't tell me you wouldn't go out with her.)" Simoje started speaking in German making me confused. I really had to learn this damn language or else I wouldn't understand shit in this family.

Tom sighed rubbing a hand down his face. "Halt die Klappe. (Shut up.)" He said in a tired tone.


Hey guys, I hope you liked this chapter!
Don't forget to vote and comment, love you all.
(I'm sorry it's poorly written)

★·.·'                                  '·.·★

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