𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓱 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻

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I aproached Alison. I flickered my cigarette on the ground and stepping on it. Alison put a arrow on the bow she was holding and held it up.

"What are you doing?" I asked her standing infront of her. She looked up at me and lowered the bow.

"I'm trying to learn how to do this. I've never arrowed before." She said in a calm tone.

She has never arrowed before? I remember my dad teaching me how to arrow when I was a child. I scratched the back of my neck while looking down at her thinking about something. "Do you want me to teach you?" I asked her.

She shrugged looking down at the ground. "Sure, I guess." She said in a quiet tone as I couldn't help but smirk seeing that she actually let me teach her.

"Alright grab the bow." I moved behind her. She focused on the target her bow still facing the ground. "Relax. Hold the string with two fingers." And she did as I said. "Good."

"How many times have you done this?" She asked me still looking at the target.

"Enough times to know the whole process." I said. "Now focus," I changed the theme. "Stand upright and place your feet apart." I said and she did so. I couldn't hold back the urge to put my hand on her waist. I felt her shiver under me after my cold fingers met her skin. I brushed it off quickly, continuing to show her. "Hold the bow up towards the target strongly, don't let it slip." She rose the bow up. "Okay, great." I said calmly.

"Now aim at the target. The tip of the arrow should line up with the target." I saw her close her left eye as she did so. "Now, release." She took a deep breath and let go of the arrow making it land right in the centre of the target. bingo.

Her hand flew to her chest as I saw her smile. "Shit I can't believe I just did that." She said in a happy tone. I kept a neutral look on my face while just looking at her seeing how happy she is. As annoying as she is, she sure is adorable as hell. She turned to me with a smile on her face. "Thank you."

I kept just looking at her. Her brown eyes staring into mine, brown hair covering her shoulders, soft cherry lips screaming at me to kiss her. fuck. "I- no problem.. I'm always here to help." I answered looking away from her my cheeks flushing a bit red from thinking of kissing her. So fucking stupid.

It was quiet for a second and I felt her slip away from me. I didn't feel her hot skin in my palms anymore and it made me look up as soon as I felt her move. She set the bow on the floor and brushed her fingers through her hair. "Are you okay?" She asked turning up to look at me.

"Me? I'm fine, yeah." I answered fixing my hat. What the hell are you doing Tom? Stop being so akward!

She stared at me for a moment holding our eye contact and I felt my stomach make a turn again. No No No No... 

"Are you sure?" She asked. I bit the inside of my cheek taking a deep breath.

"Alison I-" A whistle went off in the distance making me look towards others. "Let's go." I said unbothered to say anything else and walking off towards the others. 

I felt her presence behind me as I walked through the crowd trying to find our team. I couldn't stand be around Alison anymore. I don't like her but I am attracted to her which makes it harder for me to focus on anything else when she's around. She's even in my friendgroup, my fucking friendgroup!

I noticed the two couples in the distance and walked towards them with Alison right behind me.

"Where were you?" Nate asked in a bit confused tone while holding Jenny close to him. "You were gone for half an hour."

"So what?" I couldn't care less if I disrespected Nate. I looked behind me seeing Alison on her phone. She looked up at me after seeing my body move. I grabbed her by her shoulder and shoved her infront of me. She let out a painful wince. "I had to find this bitch." I said in a careless tone.

Nate and Jenny both looked at Alison. "No need to treat her this way." Jenny glared at me.

"Shut the fuck up, I can do whatever I want." I glared back at her. I was angry at myself. I need to stop thinking and being around Alison or this shit won't end good. It's not even funny anymore.

"What the hell is your problem?" Alison said in a angry voice while looking at me. I glared at her crossing my arms over my chest before looking back up at Nate and Jenny. 

"Whatever. This trip is fucking horrible." I turned away from all of them taking another cigarette out of my pocket.

I lit it up when I felt someone grab my hand and drag me to a corner. My eyebrows furrowed seeing Alison's long, light brown hair infront of my face. She let go of my hand when we reached a tree away from others.

"What?!" I said in a annoyed tone taking a long drag from my cigarette.

"What the fuck is up with you?" She said in a angry tone looking up at me. I exhailed the smoke while looking down at her.

"What do you mean?" I ask trying to calm myself down. I shouldn't even be here alone with her.

"The way you're acting? You're becoming a moron again." She crossed her arms over her chest.

I stayed quiet for a moment. "Isn't this how enemies are suppost to act? We're not friends. We don't want to be friends, what's the point on like acting like ones?" I just stared at her waiting for her answer.

She kept looking up at me quiet not saying a word. I wouldn't exactly say that she looked hurt in her eyes but it sure wasn't joy that I was seeing. "You were the one acting friendly towards me."

"You are the one that let me!" I spat back turning around letting out a groan of frustration. I took another drag from the cigarette before throwing it on the floor and stepping over it. "I don't want to be your friend, I've never wanted to be your friend!" I yelled as she just stared at me quiet. "I don't fucking like you."

She stayed quiet for a moment. "Why are you acting as if I like you?" She said raising her eyebrow.

"I'm not saying that, I just don't want you to jump into assumptions because of my actions lately." I said in a calm tone while looking at her my eyebrows still furrowed.

She brushed through her hair with one hand. "I've never even thought about you liking me. I'm tired of being enemies so I just let go and started acting a little bit more kind." She said in a sweet voice waking up another butterfly. Goddamit! 

"I don't give a fuck. We're enemies! If not in private at least infront of others." I said in a angry tone as my eyes moved to the floor. 

This is so fucked up.


Hey guys, I hope you all liked this chapter!
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