𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓲𝓯𝓽𝔂 - 𝓽𝔀𝓸

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I don't know what I had expected. Of course Alison saw what Claire did, she missunderstood. Now she's kissing Ryan and I fucking hate it. Her hand is grabbing the collar of his shirt while his are resting on her waist. This is so bad. I don't want her to think that I kissed Claire, she kissed me! I hate this. 

I watched them for a minute before rage took over me and I stormed over to them. Without a word I grabbed Alison's hand and dragged her away from the scene. I was surprised that she didn't protest at all and followed, that was new. 

I muttered some words under my breath as I dragged her through the crowd all the way to the gym's locker room. I shoved her inside and shut the door behind me glaring at her. 

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I said annoyed taking a step towards her. She crossed her arms over her chest not taking her eyes off of mine. Despite how angry she looked she still looked hot as hell.

"What are you doing! You've told me not to kiss any guys and there you are kissing a woman that you apparently hate." She said with anger in her voice. How the fuck do I explain this do the mad woman infront of me.

I sighed. "I didn't fucking kiss her." I said being as honest as I could. I don't want to lose her over the smallest and stupidest shit.

She scoffed not believing a thing I said. "Don't act fucking stupid. Tom, I fucking saw you. I'm not dumb."

I was taken aback. "Alison I didn't-" I took a step closer wanting to put my hand on her waist but she shoved it off taking a step away from me. "I'd never do that Alison, I care about you."

"You know what? I actually thought you and your hoe-phase was over, didn't think you're such a munipulative fuck." The angwer in her tone became more and more clearer, she didn't like this one bit. I hate seeing her think the opposite of the truth. "You're such a liar."

I looked at her with worry in my eyes. "You're not gonna end this just because of a thing that didn't even happen."

"There's more reasons." She took a deep breath. "One of them may be your over controlling. You're too overprotective, I hate that."

"That's not a reason." I scoffed looking down at her. She can't be fucking serious.

"I hate your dreadlocks and your sense of style. I hate your personality, I hate everything about you!" She kept saying. I felt more and more stabs in my chest each second as she continued. 

"C'mon Al this is stupid." I said still trying to go back as we were before. I don't want to lose her.

I saw some tears well up in her eyes. "We're over, Tom. Just go to your dear Claire that you seem to love so much to break promises for." 

"You're joking." I chuckled not really sure what to do.

"Fuck you, Tom. Rott in hell." I watched as she walked past me and out of the room. I couldn't believe what had just happened. It was the most bizzare and weird thing ever. I didn't think she's get that hurt from Claire kissing me, did she ever even think how hurt I was when she kissed Ryan?

I licked my lips as my eyes stared up at the cieling. I hope this is a fucking nightmare, please let this be a dream. My emotions flew in all at once and I couldn't help to keep in tears. I was crying because of Alison Narf. Never in my 18 years of knowing her (Before all of the love shit) did I think I'd cry because of that woman but here I was crying because she left me. Was I really that horrible to her? I was great, I don't get it.

The bad feeling in my chest wouldn't leave as I kicked a locker out of anger. It got a bit broken but I couldn't care less at the moment. How am I suppost to spend the rest of my life without her if I can't even spend a minute not knowing where she is or what she's doing. 


I can't believe this shit. I know how stupid it is to break up over something so small but I don't give a fuck. Tom was telling me to not kiss a guy when he was teh one kissing a girl. That's just stupid and fucked up. How can he even do that to me? He was the one that said that we need to make this relationship more serious and not fuck with other people around. I wanted the relationship to be serious aswell untill I see him kiss Claire a few meters away from me and Ryan. If he thought I wouldn't have noticed he's even dumber than I thought. We were looking at each other all night, why wouldn't I be looking at him at that time too?

I stormed out of the locker room feeling a bit or tears well up in my eyes. Why am I doing this? Why did I lie to him about hating everything about him, I love everything about him. 

I went back to the dance noticing that the homecoming queen and king will be announced. I sighed trying to find Ryan when I heard my name being said. Fuck. I glanced at the teacher that was standing waiting for me at the stage. Everyone was looking at me, I couldn't just run away.

I started walking towards the stage wipping away some of the smudged mascara off of my cheeks. I can't deal with the gossip about me crying on the homecoming night. I smiled at the head teacher that put the little plastic crown on my head telling me to wait for the king to be announced aswell.

I looked at the crowd trying to spot Tom anywhere near but I couldn't see him. I keep questioning myself why I did it. At some point it's the best for us to break this thing off, people would find out soon and so many rumors would start spreading around about random stuff that never happened. 

I sighed noticing Diane, Lea and Christina waving at me. I smiled slightly and waved back. Just as I waved I noticed Bill and Tom behind all three of them. Their backs were turned to me and they seemed angry a bit.

"The homecoming king award goes to.. Tom Kaulitz!" The head teacher said and I saw Tom turn around. He whispered something in Bill's ear before going up the stage. His eyes were on me but I didn't want to look at him. His brown eyeskept wandering all over me but I can't let him near again. 

I need a break from everything. I want to go away for some time. I'm just so mad at Tom for that one kiss that I seriously crossed the line. There's no going back. The days of us hanging out in my bedroom at night are over. The days of us making out are over. The days of us are over. 

A minute later I took of my crown and walked off of the stage, Tom following behind me. I felt his presence near me and before I knew it his whisperes echoed in my ear. 

"Alison, love please. Don't leave." He whispered in my ear as I felt his hand brush over some parts of my skin.

"Just go away." 

"I love you, Al." He whimpered in my ear. "I swear I had nothing to do with the kiss."

"Leave me alone." I walked through the crowd trying to find the doors that lead to the exit. 

His footsteps were soon gone replaced with the quiet and calming sound of fresh air as I foundthe exit door.


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