𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓼𝓲𝔁𝓽𝔂 - 𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮

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Ginny was not a bad kisser. She was actually pretty good. I got a bit needy a few minutes ago while I was walking around the school with the girl from that tiktok video I saw some time ago on my foryou page. We have been talking for about two weeks now and I've been getting to know her a lot better. She's not all that bad I just don't like how much makeup she uses to cover all of that skin.

Her lips are soft yet the kisses are a bit too harsh. It kind of reminded me of the way me and Alison kissed, just that then we were both kissing each other harshly since we never knew when whatever we had will end. I'm still not over her, not one bit. I'm trying to move on from my dear Alison, yet everything I seem to do keep reminding me of her. Even now when I'm kissing Ginny I keep imagining I'm kissing Alison. That's why my grip around this woman's waist is so thight.

Ginny is a woman that most likely just keeps going to clubs and hooks up with random men, hell, Alison is that too. Even their bodies are so simillar to one another's yet Alison's still turns me on and Ginny's doesn't.

I wasn't really focusing on what was happening around me while I was imagining stuff about Alison. I pulled away from the kiss and looked to where some voices came from noticing my whole fucking friend group there. Alison aswell. The girls are all coming to the garage today after their cheer practice. I'm thinking about inviting Ginny but I'm not so sure if I want to. It'll probably make Alison think all sort of stuff.

I wrapped my hands around Ginny's waist as I scanned through the people that stood there. Diane, Bill, my baby, Gustav, Christina, Lea and Georg. Lea and Georg kept a bit of a distance from each other which surprised me a little.

"Wanna go to them?" I asked Ginny as I looked back down at her. Those curly blonde hair (most definetly bleached) was put in a ponytail creating a big chunk of hair on top of her head. It wasn't exactly cute but it wasn't horrible aswell. I prefer Alison's light brown waves.

She looked back at me and nodded slightly. "If you want to, I don't really get along with them tho." Ginny said sliding her finger down my chest while drawing cirles with it.

"You'll be fine." I said not taking my eyes off of hers as I speak. It's sad to say that I just made out with a woman that doesn't even spark my ineterest one bit. "They don't bite."

"I know but like.. I'd rather go somewhere with you, alone." She said wrapping both her arms around my neck as she leaned closer to me pressing her lips against mine. I wish those lips were Alison's.

"Oh would you?" I said smirking slightly. I glanced towards Alison just to see if she was watching. I met her eyes for a quick second before she looked away. I wanted to stare at her forever, but I have some other chick infront of me. Ginny would've noticed, she's a cheaper version of April.

"I would. I don't really like big crowds."

"Thought you went to clubs every day." I raised my eyebrow. Such an attention seeking bitch. She went out every night. I mentioned before that she fucks with a lot of men. This is nothing new to her. "You keep sending me snaps."

She giggled. "Well today is an exception, I'm feeling like an introvert."

I laughed slightly before pulling my hands off of her waist and around her shoulder as I started walking towards the others waiting for her to follow me. "I'm more into extroverts tho." I say as she follows my lead.

"My bad, I messed up a bit. I'm an extrovert." Ginny said winking at me. I want Alison here instead of her.

We reached the others and me and Ginny stood beside Georg and Lea since there was a big ass space in between them. I'm a bit glad I stopped there, Alison is standing right across from me looking as beautiful as ever. I scanned her from bottom to top starting with her new balance shoes, gorgeous low rise baggy jeans and that crop top that revealed a lot of clevrage and stuck to her curves like glue. I liked that. But then I got back to that big jacket and those hand warmers. She never wore them when we were together. It always confuses me why she even owns a pair. I let go of the topic and my eyes scrolled up to her angelic face. Brown eyes, long, brown hair and those lips I desprately want to feel again.

"Tom," Ginny called my name from beside me making me look at her. I raised my eyebrow slightly waiting for her to say whatever she wanted to. "Bill is mentioning y'all's practice today at the.. garage? Could I come too?"

I stared at her blankly not really knowing what to say. Ginny will probably distract me a lot and I won't be able to focus on Alison that much. My eyes drifted towards the woman standing the oppostie of me as I thought about it for a moment before looking back at Ginny. "Sure but we won't be there for long." Maybe I could somehow make Alison jealous.


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